2018年において、”ブロガー”という存在は何を意味するのか。What does being a “Blogger” mean in 2018?
There are several great thought questions about perception. i.e. “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” “If there is no one to observe it, does the moon exist?”And my favorite, “Is a blogger who doesn’t blog still a blogger?”
I have been trying to get to writing this article for what seems like a lifetime in the digital era. A few days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Of course, I will make many excuses for the absence, because truthfully, there were many; an evolution of career, a reevaluation of lifestyle and health, changes in the fashion industry as well as changes in what it means to be a blogger.
Photo: Celia Humphries
成功するブロガーには2つのタイプがいて。カリスマ性があり、どんなに小さな日々の出来事でも楽しく取り上げられる #勝ち組タイプ 。そして、もう一つは、ブログをポートフォリオとして使うタイプ(カメラマン、ライター、チェフなどのクリエイター)。何ができるのかをブログにし、そしてそれに見合った仕事をする。どっちにせよ、ブログを持つ人の方は、常に彼らをフォローしてる人も多いわけだから拡散能力もあるわけ。
私自身で運営するこの「東京ファッションダイアリー」もファッションが大好き!という一心で始めた。特にハイエンドからアンダーグラウンドまでもカバーする東京ならではのユニークなスタイルに惹かれ、「面白いの見つかった!」ことをみんなに紹介したい思いがあった。けれど、「ファッションラバー」だけではこの業界を渡り歩くことは難しいのは事実。(そんな肩書きを名刺に書いたらアウトなはず 笑)
Evolution of Career
Successful bloggers come in two types; the charismatic #lifegoals type who chronicle their every exciting move, making a fabulous life into a career. And the other is the type that treats their blog or social media like a living, breathing, portfolio.
My own blog came from a love of fashion, in particular the unique stylings of Tokyo fashion which straddled a whole continuum from high end to underground. But “Fashion Lover” as a title doesn’t instill confidence when handing out business cards. So my blog was always just a place for me to park the things I loved along with the creative things I did, creating a particular worldview. When things were busy, I blogged less. When I had more downtime I blogged more (at the beginning circa 2011-13 I was blogging 6 days a week, rain or shine…how did I sleep?!?).
Last year I joined the digital team at Shu Uemura and L’Oreal and began putting all of my experience to good use, and while I expected to be busy, I did not expect to have a complete and total rehaul of lifestyle. And since the job was both challenging and creatively fulfilling, I haven’t necessarily needed to use the blog as a creative outlet as much.
With that said, Shu Uemura is certainly not getting into the business of selling clothes anytime soon, and fashion will always be my first and ultimate love. So I am really excited to be working on more fashion projects again, and Tokyo Fashion Week is right around the corner along with what should be a beautiful spring season.
Reevaluating Lifestyle and Health
I won’t get into it too much here, but sometimes we as humans (and millenials) push our bodies to the edge and stay “plugged-in” 24/7. I never considered myself to be the paragon of health, and yet I never really considered the idea that the way I was eating or sleeping (or not sleeping), was bad. I used to love living a 11am-4am lifestyle, in which 8pm was when I would start my day on my computer. Actually, it was perfect; I could do my meetings and rounds outside before coming home and writing, uninterrupted by the barrage of emails coming in through the day.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t bode well when there is an actual team of people you are responsible for who would rather work a normal 10-7 hour day. Dare I say I might even be becoming a morning person (I`m still in denial)?!?
On top of this, and even more seriously, I had a physical ailment that kept me wanting to stay indoors and unable to have the energy to go out to parties, see people, or go anywhere other than what was absolutely needed. When being in the fashion industry and blogging especially means hobnobbing and networking, and you are absent for a period of time, it can seriously affect the working relationships you have. After some tough decisions and huge changes in diet and lifestyle, my body is actually healing itself. Hopefully soon I will be 100% and then even better than ever.
What is a blogger anymore, anyway?
How many personal blogs do you guys read anymore? And I don’t mean Instagram or Youtube, but actual articles by individuals. Not many, right? Yeah, me either. Especially when it comes to fashion, a visual medium, it’s just easier to consume via Instagram or through videos. Things have changed, and article blogs just aren’t really the hottest thing these days. They take time to create and time to consume. So far I have spent almost 1 hour writing this in English, and then my assistant will translate to Japanese which I will edit or re-write, find a pic or take a pic, and then the time to promote it on social media.
So is there really a market for this kind of blog? Well, perhaps. But I will say that in Japan, it’s definitely not going to be a breadwinning option for most people. Mass market brands might sponsor some bloggers but local brands are just doing what they can to put out a product, much less get involved with fashion bloggers for it (even Instagram is iffy).
With that said, I really REALLY love this blog. And all of the effort that comes with it. It is part of my life, and who I am, and it DOES give me a huge excuse to get involved with the industry and my favorite designers. I won’t kill it, not yet. And that’s because…
We create what we can’t find
I still haven’t found a place to give me the info or viewpoint similar to my own online. I would hope to find lots of different opinions and information on the global web about fashion here in Japan. But, it still seems so elusive. Even while researching for my upcoming Tokyo Fashion Week preview for The Japan Times newspaper, I couldn’t find the information on the brands that I was looking for. I wanted to hear about what people thought of a brand’s last collection, what the designer thought, ideas behind it, people wearing it, etc. And I am not just talking about in English, but in Japanese either. I still think there are many underrated designers in Japan and I wish I could write oodles and oodles about them all the time. In the past 6 months I saw some incredible shows (Writtenafterwords being one of my favorites) and done some great photo shoots that haven’t yet been posted. If it’s not online, does it even exist??
And even beyond Japanese fashion, I love writing about what fashion means for people living in Tokyo. I don’t care about what is happening to people in Paris. I don’t live there. How is Parisian fashion being translated for lifestyles in Tokyo, THAT is what is interesting. Life here in Tokyo is different, be it because of lifestyle but also cultural viewpoints, and the fashion and beauty here is very different. It comes out in the colors, designs, trends… this is FASCINATING. And I love to observe, study, and live it.
Thanks to everyone who has been on this journey with me, as we “come of age” in the post-blogger blogging world. Eventually, maybe this will implode. Until then, see you soon (I promise!)
Photo: Celia Humphries
Jacket: Boo Pala
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Misha- I have been following your blog for years! I always look forward to your posts since I love love love Japanese fashion. As a matter of fact, my husband and I honeymooned in Tokyo and Atami in 2003 and consider it our most favorite destination of all time. Anywho, I am also in that dilemma of whether to continue my own blog, which I have written since 2005. Sometimes I feel I’m writing for myself, fulfilling my own deadlines… all for nothing. However, I am here to tell you that I read your blog and appreciate your point of view. I hope you find time to write, in any case… I think I’m going to keep on plugging on….
Roxy from Teacups & Couture
Roxy, Thank you so much for the comment. Yes, I have to dig really deep to find the true meaning of it all, but I DO have a lot to say and I think we all find solace in the chance of being heard and having our opnions/thoughts validated, even if just to ourselves as we put it out into the universe. :) Thank you so much for reading!xoxo