東京ファッションウィーク?それとも東京リアルクローズウィーク? Is it Tokyo Fashion Week, or Tokyo Clothing Week?
毎シーズン、どんなデザインが発表されるのかとわくわくしたり、素敵なファッションでドレスアップすることや、それが自分のワードローブに加わるのを夢見たり、本当にファッションが大好きな私。でも正直最近…特に2015 SSは…面白みに欠けたシーズンだったと感じた。”ファッション”を感じられるもの、なにより、欲しい! と思うようなものに出逢えなくて寂しかった。たくさんのコレクションを見たけれど、目にするのはおとなしく落ち着いてしまったリアルクローズばかり。どうしちゃったんだろうー。と前回のファッションウィークが終わってから今までずっと気がかりでいる。
What is “fashion” to you? Is all fashion clothing? Sure. But is all clothing “fashion”?
Personally, I think not. I also think there is a difference between a clothing brand, and a ”fashion” brand. Not all clothing is created equal. And when it comes to fashion week I am there to see capital-EFF-ashion.
This article is not being written by Misha the critic or journalist. It’s being written by Misha who is interested in fashion, loves to buy fashion, and loves to work hard to earn money to spend on fashion.
Every season I should be excited to see the designs and dream of wearing the clothes or putting them into my closet. But recently… and especially last season….I didn’t see much fashion. I didn’t feel compelled to go buy it. But I did see a lot of clothing. A glut of….body-covering panels of cloth.
Is this Tokyo Fashion Week? Or is this turning into Tokyo Clothing Week?
Below: Onitsuka Tiger by Andrea Pompilio 2015 SS. Top photo: Ne-net 2015 SS. Photo by Mitsugu Uehara.
Fashion tango: Performers (designers)
Getting the fashion back into fashion week is a tango that takes two: the performers (designers) and the audience (fashion consumers). Let’s start with the designers.
Before I even go any further, I want to give shout outs to those brands that are always leaving me with a full stomach of design, concept, and energy: Dresscamp, Facetasm, Onitsuka Tiger, Alice Auaa, Ne-Net, 99%IS, Sretsis…. they make it exciting season after season!
Last season, there were two particular new brands who debuted on the official calendar. I had done my research and these two I had huge hopes for. I watched their shows intently, hoping to see their worldview and their skill as designers and innovators manifest on the runway. The first brand already had a reputation for having edge in its DNA. But model after model showed similar items to what was in other stores already, and I anxiously waited to see something that would define this brand. Then suddenly, finally! A model appeared on the runway in something eye-catching and unique! I leaned forward, expecting to see more designs that expolored the idea. But nothing else came out after that one. It was the end.
The second brand already has a reputation for being a part of the mode scene for being chic. The presentation was unique, and the collection had a clear theme. The clothes were wearable, but not the usual “boring” commercial, either.
However, each outfit individually was very, very “safe”; my eyes darted, looking for an outfit that stood out amongst the others–something that would represent the collection and inspire, something I could put in the newspaper to cover ¼ of a page. …something with PUNCH to Instagram. I wanted to see that this designer could do both clothing AND fashion. Honestly, it could have been the best collection of the season! I would have put it in the newspaper under that heading. …But in the end there were no attention-grabbing pieces to paparazzi.
These are two real examples in which I felt there was a lost opportunity to make an impression on all of the media, buyers, and consumers who wouldn’t have known them before. I swear that in the recent past, most young brands would have done their best to start off roaring. But they are already hitting the brakes. Its…disappointing.
And for some veteran brands too, some are merely content with showing us their entire commercial catalogue on the runway.
A collection, and a live runway show, is a great way to be transported into another creator’s world for 15 minutes. Don’t transport me onto the corner bus stop with the same stuff passing in front of me every day, please!
Above: Alice Auaa 2015 SS. Below: 99%IS 2015 SS. Photos: Mitsugu Uehara
Above: Dresscamp 2015 SS. Photo: Mitsugu Uehara
2015春夏の東京ファッションウィークで、日本は海外からゲストを迎えた。特に目立ったのが、オーストラリアで活躍する双子のブロガー、ジェスとステフ(howtolive.com)。彼女たちはカラフルでハッピーなストリートミックスファッションのアイコン的存在。それは、東京のストリートスタイルからインスパイアされたスタイルで、生で東京ファッションに触れられることを期待してやって来たのだと、ミーシャに話してくれた。二人は、ファッション先進国である東京のスタイルを取り入れることで有名になったのだ。また別の日、おしゃべりしていたら彼女たちは少し困惑していた。”東京には私たちみたいにドレスアップしてショーを見に来る人たちが沢山いると思ってたけど、、、いなくない?” …我がファッショニスタの負けだったのかもしれない。二人が描いていたイメージに対して東京は、ちょっと期待はずれだった模様…あー痛たたたた。。
海外でのジャパニーズファッションのイメージは今も変わらず ”クール、エネルギッシュ、特徴的、アバンギャルド、バランス抜群”などなど。フィアーレス=fearless(新しい組み合わせを恐れない)がその代表で、どのファッションシティも羨むアイデンティティを持っている!
Spotlight on: The audience (consumers)
Last season at Tokyo Fashion Week we had a couple guests up from Australia, two blogging sisters Jess and Steff of howtolive.com . They were fantastic and they wore some incredibly fun, colorful, fashion-street-mix style clothes. They told me they were inspired by Tokyo street style and didn’t want to come to Tokyo looking boring, so they rose to the challenge of being as fashionable as a true fashion-forward Tokyoite. I spoke to them another day but they seemed confused. “We thought there were tons of people in Tokyo who would be dressing up like us to see the shows! But… where are they?!?” It was true…they were the most fashionable of all. Their image of Tokyo actually surpassed the reality… Ouch, that hurts.
Where *were* all the stylish young and old fashion people? In recent seasons I feel we are actually seeing less and less style icons at the shows. Hardly any celebrities will come out to support local designers, either (another thing that foreigners are surprised at when they come to Tokyo fashion Week).
The image of Japanese fashion abroad is still “cool, kitsch, whimsical, avantgarde and cerebral”. What an incredibly colorful and mosaiced mix! Any other fashion capital should dream to have such a cool identity!
But we as fashion lovers also need to hold up our end of the bargain–if you love unique fashion, show it off! If you prefer chic, don’t hold back! The designers also make what they see people wearing and buying— take an interest, support, and WEAR your fashion. It would be great to see both more people in street style and mode style at the shows as well.
Above: Sretsis 2015SS. Photo by Mitsugu Uehara. Below: Facetasm 2015SS
この記事でCLOTHINGと表現している”被服”を、私は嫌いなわけではありません。でも、”リアルクローズ”という表現は好きになれない。なぜなら、”目立つ”ことをやめてしまった途端、”モード”スタイルと対立してしまうから。ノームコアがファッション業界では最近なにかと話題になっているけど…(受け入れがたい!) デザイナーが”リアルクローズ”という言葉を口にする度、ちょっと負けた顔をしたりしてるし。。
どうしてこんなにも、この現状を危惧しているかって?だって私は日本のファッション業界で仕事をしていて、なによりこの市場が大好きだから。そんな私が欲しいものを見つけられないシーズンだなんて、何かおかしいことが起こっているにちがいない。と思うのです。それに、日本のファッション経済ももっと成長して欲しいと願っています。ただ、欲しいものがないなーとぼやくファッションファンではない!日本には才能豊かなデザイナーがたくさんいて、(ブログでも数多く取り上げさせてもらっています) 彼らの成果はグローバル的に認められるべき。
ファッションとは”振る舞い”、”パーソナリティ”、”際立ったもの”、”刺激”、“イマジネーション、そして”夢”。今こそ、”リアリティ”ばかりへ進む足を一度止めて、考えるべきとき。… 再び”ファッション”の面に向かって歩み始めるのはいかがですか?
What all this means is, everything matters. Talking about good collections matters. Wearing good clothes with panache matters (whether that is in appearance or in confidence).
I don’t dislike clothing. I dislike the term “real clothes” (Japanese term for commercial clothing) because when it rose to prominence, suddenly “style” became an enemy. Normcore is accepted in the fashion community (yuck). When designers show me the “real clothes” section of their collections they do it with a grimace.
Why do I care so much about this? Not just because I work in Japanese fashion, but because I LOVE fashion. When a season comes and goes and I have no desire to shop…there’s something wrong. And I know I`m not the only fashion fan who is not shopping as much these days. I want the fashion economy in Japan to be strong.
There are lots of designers who ARE really talented and exciting (and you can find many of them on this blog) and they should get recognized for their individual efforts… but Japanese fashion tends to get lumped into one group and humans always remember negatives more than positives. Everyone needs to pull some weight.
Fashion is attitude, it’s personal, it stands out, it’s fuel, it’s imagination and it’s dreams. I think it’s about time to stop being “real”…and how about start being “fashion?”
Soapbox, dismounted.
-Misha Janette
-Natsumi Yasuoka
2015 春夏のベストを集めている!下記の画像をクリックしてご覧下さい
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Awesome. Totally insightful & accurate and I love the spirit.
You totally get to the defining feature of the runway – to put it in a normal person’s terms, it should be weird!
And I think one of the coolest things you say is yeah partly it’s designers – but as much or more so it’s the audience & consumers.
I remember when I first started getting interested in Japanese fashion it was way more the street fashion scene that I thought was exciting.
I suppose like anything worthwhile it’s one person at a time but it sure is nice to have a voice that reminds us of what avant garde can mean throughout the whole fashion scene.
Dear misha
Thank you! 楽しく、ファッショナブルにいきましょう〜〜〜
Great post..
I think you sum up what a lot of people are feeling.
I think it involves the designers and the customers, but also the change in the street fashion scene as well.
Sadly, there are a lot less people dressing up and gathering in one centralized place on the streets as there were just a couple two or three years ago, even. The rise of instagram stars is bigger than ever here, which is quite a shift from the “street snap icon kids” that people abroad are still very much into.
I think what we are finding now, is a lot of very unique global talent coming from abroad, yet inspired by the idea of “Tokyo street fashion.”
It can be a good thing I guess, but a bit disappointing when people as you mentioned come in and feel overdressed as well.
I do specifically remember seeing those girls on fashionsnap, and feeling like they were absolutely amazing, but also probably from over sea’s, and dressed up while being inspired by “Japanese fashion” for Tokyo fashion week.
I agree with you 100% that there is a lot of amazing talent still thriving in Japan, as well as a very interesting underground fashion scene as well.
But I feel that safer, more wearable clothing is what’s getting more press now in Tokyo lately.
I have no problem if people are into that, but I think people like you and me, and several of your other readers were incredibly inspired over the years by fashion here in Tokyo. The idea of an expressive yet fashionable and creative “Tokyo” that eventually brought some creatives to take residence here, including myself.
It is sometimes a bit disheartening to see amazing fashion on the streets dwindling a bit.
But overall, I am still very optimistic about what is happening here, and also with the New Wave, People inspired by Tokyo from all over the world, and creating a new global identity.