Garden among the gravestones. Thom Browne womens 2015 SS. トムブラウンはザ・ファッション!プリティな墓地を背景にした例外のカラフルな春夏2015年。
It was flowers before death, with Thom Browne’s SS 2015 collection (I’m letting my mind project to Spring now since it’s actually marrow-chillingly cold now). But this lovely scene painted a photo of 6 sisters, each with a distinctly odd personality. The girls paraded in a square around what appeared to be a lovely spot to just have a picnic. But that was no park- it was the prettiest graveyard you’ve never seen.
New York tends to work the fashion industry with “extra credit”, in that the clothes tend to take a back seat to the celebrity, the after parties, and the gossip. The fashion- more or less, is a lot of sportswear and lifestyle brands that are projecting an image of adventure and comfort (while Paris is more about fantasy and luxury).
But when it comes to Thom Browne, it is another world. It is the feast, it is the cake, and it is every cherry on top….
花よりトムブラウン!トムブラウンの2015ssコレクションは、まるで散る事を知らずに鮮やかに咲き乱れる散り際の花。(最近寒すぎるからせめて脳内だけでも…と春モードに。) これは、6人の姉妹のストーリー。ひとりひとりが風変わりなパーソナリティを持つ。姉妹はピクニックをしに、四角く囲まれた公園へぞろぞろと入ってきた。…いや、そこは公園なんかじゃなかった。今まで見た事のないような史上最強にプリティーな墓地だった。
Fantasy and fashion and storytelling take the front row at Thom Browne, and if you dare to talk celebrity when the show is done, you might be met with 1: an eyeroll or 2: an obvious look that you obviously just didn’t “get it”.
To be fair, Browne doesn’t always make it easy. The past few seasons were a bit more straightforward: crazy mental hospital nurse, then good Nun gone bad. They were very dark collections, as Browne is wont to do. So it was a surprise to see that he took a trip over the rainbow to Oz, where everything was in brilliant technicolor (he also did the same colors for Pre-fall, but it was anyone’s guess that he would continue with it- it’s always a surprise!). This world was just as wondrous as Oz, with flowers projected on the fabrics in patchwork, or literally sprouting from the design. There was a sense of DIY here, and one dress was knitted from fishline. That isn’t to say that every piece isn’t *impeccably* made (side note: I have been in the room with his showpiece archives and I nearly couldn’t believe at how beautiful Each. And. Every. piece was. Just incredible.)
The extra sugar came from the hats, created by Stephen Jones for each outfit. The cloches looked like a man’s suit and others were skeleton shapes of handbags. Stephen Jones was in Tokyo later on when Browne came in to host a cozy party and I caught him, posing with his meanswear for Browne hats.
The greatest thing about Browne is that it doesn’t necessarily take a special person to *wear* the clothes, it just takes a special person to choose Browne. I could recognize the red/white/blue logo a mile away, and I am a lucky girl as Japan has a very high number of men who can pull it off. Now it’s time for the women to get to it!
でも今回はけして「理解しやすい」わけじゃなかったから、少しは許せるかも。過去のシーズンの方がもう少し分かりやすい: 狂った精神病院、悪役修道シスター。そう、いつもかなりダークなコレションだ。だから、今季のカラフルなおとぎの国コレクションを目にした時は驚いた。鮮やかな色で溢れた明るい世界が広がっていた。(プレフォールも同じカラーパレットだった。でも、彼のクリエーションでは、同じものが続くことは常に驚きなの!) 今季は、レインボーの向こうのOZみたいな世界で、”花”がパッチワークで表現されたり、フェザー咲いているようなルックも。釣り糸が編まれたようなドレスもあって、実験的やDIYな要素もあった。(過去の作品のショールームに案内していただいたことがあるけれど、見れば見るほど美しくて素晴らしく、非の打ち所のない服に、すごすぎておもわずため息。)
Words: Misha Janette
Edits: Natsumi Yasuoka
READ MORE! 関連記事も読みましょう!
Sick in the Sartorial Head? Thom Browne is Here to Give You the Cure. Spring 2014 New Yorkトレンド病でダウン?トムブラウンの薬を飲んでおしゃれを回復せよ!春夏2014年NYコレを30枚ものド細かい画像でレポート。
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