なんてこった?!そのファッション集団「ハプニング」は一体何者?Hey guys, what’s Happening?
そう語るスタイリスト、伏見京子さんを中心に活動する”THE HAPPENING” 。2016ssコレクションでは、ラフォーレ前から表参道にかけてをゲリラショーでジャックするという刺激的なパフォーマンスを360°カメラで撮影した。最新の東京ファッションと最先端のテクノロジーがつくりだすその世界は、街を行く人の足を止め、目を奪い、そして高々と「声明文」をかかげた。
Hey guys, what’s Happening?
The Happening is a ferocious group of Tokyo-based designers who will not go on without a round of awe and applause. Headed by stylist Kyoko Fushimi, they meld technology with wild artisanship, some good ol’ fashion and showmanship in a battle cry against the status quo. While I am still getting press releases from new brands (and old ones) lowering the bar of fashion by to trying to be “your everyday casual brand”, these guys throw “casualness” out of the window and walk all over it.
And while designers of yore may have quietly gone about their “art” in the workshop, The Happening stages guerrilla shows on the streets of Tokyo, making sure their voice is heard loud and clear. Have you heard it yet?
The Happening 2016ssコレクションのテーマは「STATEMENT」。パリやミラノなどの老舗大ブランドの力がどうしても大きくはびこるファッション業界で、ハプニングに参加しているような小さなブランドは理不尽な扱いを受ける事も多々ある。実際は引けを取らない技術や美しさを持っているのにだ。自由に表現して出来上がったはずのものを、自由に扱えないというおかしなことがそこら中で起きている。そういったジレンマはこのブログでも再三扱ってきたものだけれども、このどうしようもない”怒り”をエネルギーに代えて新しい事をはじめたのが伏見さん率いる
2016春夏では、Koshiro ebata, Asuka Kumada, Kosuke Tsumura, Meg Miura, Takeshi Sato, Takuma(myob)、六人のクリエイターが各々のフィルターをとおし、”ステートメント=声明”を発表した。今後は日本をベースにアジアまで視野を広げ、彼らのようなインディペンデントなデザイナーたちのプラットフォームとしてのHAPPENINGを作りたいという。↓以下、各デザイナーの紹介とこのコレクションのバックグラウンドを紹介↓
The theme for The Happening 2016 SS Tokyo is “STATEMENT”. The members for this iteration were Koshiro Ebata (ex GARTER), Asuka Kumada, Kosuke Tsumura (of FINAL HOME), Meg Miura, Takeshi Sato, and Takuma (MYOB)
Each designer is also forging their own path, spreading their wings to Asia, the US and Europe- if they come near you, be sure to lend an ear.
2016ss「Deviation of puzzle 逸脱のパズル」
FINAL HOME(1994年)から続く一連の物語で、連鎖をテーマに開発してきたPuzzle Wearは、都市におけるサバイバルウエアー。パズルピースを組み合わせてできるそれは、鳥が枝を一本一本集めて巣を作る様に、物や情報価値、記憶と未来の集合体。新たな美の巣を表現した作品。
1994年 「究極の家は、服である」 という考えを具体化した、FANALHOME を考案する。
第52回 装苑賞受賞。「ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ」、「SAFE DESIGNE TAKES ON RISK」 @MOMA、「ドクメンタ13」、「LOVE」展 @森美術館、「アーネム・モード・ビエンナーレ」 などの多くの美術館に出品。
Kosuke Tsumura
Kosuke Tsumura teaches at one of the most prestigious art schools in Japan, while creating for his hugely popular brand “Final Home” which takes the apocalypse seriously with severely stylish and scarily-functional clothes (look at this collection made of bubble wrap).
The theme for the 2016 SS collection he prepared for Happening is called “Deviation of a Puzzle”. He considers this module-wear to put together for “survival in the city”. Within it is the web of information, humanity, industrialization, memory, and the future… all packed in a pretty fashion-forward package.
Kosuke Tsumura
2016 ss 「Dots 」
エスモード・ジャポン デザイン専攻科卒業。
デザイナー 永澤陽一氏 に師事。
YOICHI NAGASAWA パリコレクションのアシスタントデザイナーとして勤務。
2009年 フリーランスデザイナーとして独立の後、2013年自身のブランド MEGMIURA を始動。
Meg Miura Online
I`m a big fan of Meg Miura, one of the few [womenswear] designers who bothers to play with textiles and shape in a moody, experimental way in Tokyo anymore. She is known for her detailed embossing on fabrics, like the “spines” and other bones embossed into wool, and other couture-level hand details in all of her clothing.
2016 SS Tokyo is called “Dots”. Using her signature embossing technique, she has created patterns that look like ribbets on sheet metal, or perhaps they are raindrops? She creates shapes that are reminiscent of armor, but still keeps them calm and dare I say work-ready. She’s not afraid to create some more outlandish art-worthy shapes, but her collection itself is very wearable if you’re into looking like you have the confidence to conquer the world.
Meg Miura Online
2016ss 「防具-VOGUE- 」
“近未来20XX年代、若い世代を中心に流行したミリタリーテイストファッション。‘汚れたくない、汚したくない’そんな思想をもった学生運動団体’VOGUE’が流行のきっかけ。彼らが社会に対して起こすアクションは「白を着用すること」。この運動はメディアで広く取り上げられ世界に広まり、3年後には白を着ることが平和のシンボルとして定着した。その’VOGUE STYLE’は後にファッションとして認識され、最終的には若者の間で流行する。”そんなストーリーのコレクション。
2009年 オリジナル & セレクトショップ GARTER をオープン。
Colette paris、Churchboutique、LA、ワタリウム美術館等で作品発表。2015年より GARTER から、KOSHIRO EBATA にブランド名を改称。
Koshiro was the owner of the legendary shop GARTER at Kitakore in Koenji, before shuttering it to focus on his namesake line KOSHIRO EBATA. Koshiro is known for creating costumes for legends like Lady Gaga and Japanese superpop-stars Perfume but his own collection really puts an emphasis on high impact without taking up a lot of space (like, literally. Some costumes can get hefty!)
He calls the newest 2016 SS collection “VOGUE” but spelled it “防具 bo-gu” which is the same pronunciation in Japanese but means “protective gear”. Koshiro created a story for this, how in the future young kids all start wearing military fashion. Under a banner of “we don’t want to get dirty, or make things dirty” they start wearing all white, calling it “VOGUE (防具) fashion”. After its popularity spreads, the act of wearing all-white military clothing becomes a symbol of peace. I say, as soon as we can make white fabric that doesn’t get dirty, I`m all for VOGUE-ing fashion!
2016ss 「melt and rule 」
1993年 東京生まれ。
2015年 京都市立芸術大学染織専攻を卒業。
Takeshi Sato
Takeshi Sato is known for being an artist, and the material he uses in his collection show that’s is about the expression of self, rather than the expression of fabric. He specialized in “fiber art” and dying techniques as a student and creates costumes as well as holds art exhibitions for his work. The 2016 SS collection is titled “Melt and Rule”. He talks about things that pass through our bodies that we cannot see: nutrients, UV rays, radiation, etc. and how these things can end up being what control us from the inside. “When they enter our bodies, they are not “outsiders” anymore, they are part of us.”
2016 ss「 Beauty&Health 」。
VINTAGE STORE Dog にてバイヤー、衣装製作を担当。
現在は MYOB-NYC ディレクター。
2015年から、デザイナー TAKUMA 始動。
Takuma Instagram
Takuma worked at the elgendary Harajuku hotspot DOG making costumes and other amazing pieces that went to artists and collectors around the world. Now he’s director of MYOB (Mind Your Own Business) , one of my own personal recs for a cool Tokyo brand.
His personal collection for 2016 SS is titled “Beauty and Health”
He was inspired by the tools used in plastic surgery, like the lipo hoses and suction cup devices, running from the back to the bust, but made entirely of strips of tape and zipper teeth. It creates a bulbous shape, perhaps both a “before and after” at the same time.
asuka kumada
2016ss 「= 」
2012年 art in fashion をコンセプトに掲げ asukakumada を立ち上げる。
head piece を中心に手掛ける。
最後に、スタイリスト兼HappeningのプロデューサーであるFUSHIMI KYOKOさまへ拍手を!彼女は東京の中で天才的なスタイリストの一人のみならず、新才能の持つデザイナーを発掘する彼女はとても大切な存在。Follow her! 下記、たくさんのディテール写真を掲載しました。是非ご覧くださいーーー
Asuka Kumada is makes jewelry, accessories and headpieces into sculptured works of art. She created all of the headpieces for the street show of The Happening, showing feathers suspended in plastic, and cocoons and their beautifully creepy webs. The theme for her collection is “=”. She says, “Can you imagine the beginnings of all of the things you have in your life everyday? That packaged meat you pick up in your hand was perhaps alive and running around a few days earlier. And as for that silk dress, it was created from the infinitesimally small thread of a creature.”. Beauty from the beasts.
And great work to Kyoko Fushimi, the stylist who put all of this together, and is one of the most brilliant and hard working stylist/designers in all of Tokyo as well as a great talent in discovering new designers like these.
Misha Janette
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wonderful photos :)