渋谷パルコの最後にジャックするのが”ハプニング” THE HAPPENING at Shibuya PARCO for the last Happen forever.
この春に銀座線の車両をジャックしたファッションゲリラ集団、THE HAPPENING。数名のファッションメディア限定の”電車ランウェイショー”に呼びだされ、私がある駅のホームへ駆けつけた。突然に現れたモデルたちが電車に乗り込み、パパラチやストーカーみたいに彼女たちを追った私。電車を降りて、地下鉄の駅でポーズをとるモデルさん(表現者たち)の圧倒的な姿でメディアたちも、一般人も、どんな人でも不思議な騒ぎに巻き起され、エモーシナルなハプニングとなったのはいうまでもない。
そんな強い意志を持ちながら、東京の各地で”ハプニングショージャック”をしてきたTHE HAPPENINGが今回仕掛けるのは…
This spring, the fashion group known only as The Happening commandeered a few subway cars on the Ginza Line for a guerrilla runway show. I was called out to a show limited to only a few members of the media, and I found myself on the platform of an station underground. When a model appeared and stepped into the train, I followed her inside like a paparazzi or stalker.I trained my camera and shutter finger on her, snapping away as she posed and preened in the car, the usual propriety of Tokyo’s train passengers be damned. The models in their avantgarde garb then all gathered in a nondescript hallway somewhere deep inside Ginza Station, with a gaggle of photographers and muggles all gawking at the scene.
“I said to them, `Even if you won’t give us the OK, we’re gonna do it anyway`!” said Kyoko Fushimi after the show, a stylist and the brains behind The Happening. “In the end, they gave us their permission, and helped us out with logistics.”
And with this sort of determination to bend the rules, The Happening has been happening at random places all over Tokyo, showing off fashion-forward designs from the city’s best up and coming talent. So what do they have cooking this time? Well, it’s certainly a more inclusive way to enjoy their events…
取り壊しが決定している、渋谷パルコ。立て直しの前の”ラストダンス”というパルコのイベント期間の一貫で、映像によるパフォーマンスは”THE HAPPENING”にとって初のチャレンジとなる。
ファイバーアートを学び、染色職人となったTakeshi Satoと世界で活躍するヘアアーティストのKunio Kohzakiのふたりが手がける共同コレクションや、アバンギャルドなモードが得意なKoshiro Ebata、モードでエッジィなクリエーションをするMeg Miura、衣装制作に力を注ぐTakuma、ニットのプロフェッショナルMotohiro Tanji…彼らが作り上げる全5コレクションを楽しめるとは、とても見応えがありそう。突如渋谷のど真ん中に出現するパラレルワールドに、あのときの忘れ物を取りに行こう。
As many of you know, Shibuya PARCO shopping mall is on life support and will be put down come Aug. 8 to close for three years of renovation. But before those walls come crashing down, the video and behind the scenes reel of the above Ginza Subway AW 2016-17 show will be projected onto the PARCO walls as one part of the mall’s Last Dance week. If you are at all curious to see this larger than life event, then make sure to head over to PARCO in Shibuya on Thursday.
The 2016-17 show saw dye artisan Takeshi Sato team up with headpiece artist Kunio Kohzaki for their surreal costumes. Then there’s Koshiro Ebata, known for his sharp and sexy avantgarde designs, and Meg Miura, the master of beautifully strange embossing and weaving techniques. Then Takuma (of MYOB) creates highly imaginative and illusionary costumes, and it’s all rounded out by Motohiro Tanji, known for his HR Giger-esque knitwear pieces. See all of this burst onto the biggest screen Shibuya has ever seen. You might be pulled so deep into that world, you`ll leave some of your belongings behind.
“THE HAPPENING one night theater on the wall”
2016.08.04 Thu 19:00-21:00 @渋谷パルコ part1
directed by Mitsuo Shindo
produced by Kyoko Fushimi
※ゲリラショーと展示会、全ての写真は初公開(c)ミーシャジャネット All photos are of the show and exhibit, shown for the first time and (c)Misha Janette
Above: Fushimi Kyoko
Takeshi Sato & Kunio Kohzaki (このブログでお馴染みのhead piece artist)
Koshiro Ebata (Garter @Kitakore)
Meg Miura
Takuma (MYOB)
Motohiro Tanji
Natsumi Yasuoka
Misha Janette
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