NY コレクションのショーのスタイリストをしてきました!大規模ショーができるまでのプロセスを紹介!What it takes to style a New York Fashion Week fashion show
2015年9月、スペイン発のブランド、Desigualは2016ssコレクションを発表した。とっても光栄な事に、そのショーのスタイリストをやらな いかと声をかけて頂いた。しかも、NYFWのオンスケジュール、一番大きなオフィシャル会場のランウェイコレクションのスタイリスト!ミーシャの役目は、 スタイリングだけではなくて、アクセやシューズのデザイン、ヘアメイクさんへのオファー、音楽、モデル、そしてランウェイピースのデザインにまで多岐に渡 り、本当にたくさんの事を経験させてもらった。もちろん、プレッシャーに押しつぶされそうになったこともあった。でも、最終的に大成功!今までのデシグア ルのショーのなかで、ベストなものが出来たと思う(自分で言うのもあれだけど!)。本当に夢のような時間だった。クリスチャンラクロワとアイリスアプフェ ルにも会えた。 2016春夏の洋服がもうすぐお店に並ぶので、その前にミーシャがそのアイテムをショーのなかでどうやってスタイリングしたのか、ぜひみなさんにみていた だきたい!
What does it take to put together a fashion show for one of the most important events of the year, New York Fashion Week?
This is my experience.
In Sept of this year, Spanish brand Desigual showed their 2016 spring/summer collection. I was so honored to be asked to style this collection which showed on the official calendar, in the new NYFW official venue, in the largest hall they have there. I was to style the show, design accessories and shoes, offer suggestions for hair/makeup, music, models and even design some special runway pieces. Talk about pressure! But in the end it went so wonderfully, and I may be biased, but I think it was their best show ever! And I had an amazing time (and got to meet both Christian Lacroix and Iris Apfel!). Now that the new pieces will be hitting the stores soon I want to share with you all about what it took to put this runway show together.
My largest fashion show job before this was for Adidas Originals in Hong Kong, which admittedly was a pretty big job (7,000 people in a stadium to see the show!), but this was something else. It was not just a job… it was a total dream come true. Sitting in a NYFW show is already pretty incredible, and being front row is magical, but actually working on putting a show together is beyond words. The responsibilities were MASSIVE but I had a lot of help as well.
Three tailors
Two stylists (me and their in-house stylist, Chiara)
Accessory maker
Show producer, casting director, photographer, two assistants,music director, PR chief and production staff from Barcelona.
All of the “main” staff (not including PR or managers or other staff from every country that represents the brand) alone were spread over three hotels.
And of course this doesn’t include the huge numbers of staff needed for the day of the show, like dressers, videographers, hair and makeup personnel, etc.
And this is just in the week we were in New York!! The staff at the headquarters in Barcelona is probably over a thousand…
…and the story actually begins there, a few months earlier in Barcelona.
9月にランウェイを控えた夏の間はミーシャも、デシグアルの本社があるバルセロナで現地のカルチャーを感じながらスタイリングやデザインに励んでた。バルセロナといえば、ガウディやピカソやダリ、ジョアンミロなど名だたるアーティストの偉大さを肌で感じられる美しい都市。ずっと前から彼らのファンの自分は、隙あらばミュージアムやオールドタウンへ出向いた。海と緑の丘に囲まれたうっとりするようなバルセロナは言うまでもなくいつも晴天で、デシグアルのハッピーモードなコレクションも、納得。そして、何といってもすごいのがデシグアルの本社オフィス。天国並みの仕事環境。バルセロナの誇る美しい海に面するガラス張りのビル(隣には有名なW Hotelが並ぶ)にはシャワーやロッカーがあって、仕事が終わるとサーフィンをしに行ける。屋上には大きなテラスが設けられてて、そこで社内パーティも開かれる。見渡す限り海!の景色に、あれ?リゾート中だっけ?なんて勘違いしてもおかしくない。堅苦しい”ビジネス”とは無縁の仕事場。あー日本にもこんなオフィスビルがあったら最高なのに!
In fact, Desigual is based in Barcelona, and I spent several weeks there in the summer to work on my styling and design while surrounded with the culture there. It’s an absolutely beautiful city with work from innovators such as Gaudi, Picasso, Dali and Joan Miro featured in abundance. These artists have always been my favorite so I was at the museums and walking through the old town every chance I got. It’s on the beach, but is also full of luscious green hills. Not to mention the weather is always perfect! No wonder Desigual’s designs always exude a happy and bright temperament. And it helps that the brand’s headquarters are on some of the most beautiful piece of land on the planet. In a shiny new glass building, looking over barcelona’s main beach, on a more private end (next to the famous W Hotel). There are showers and lockers in the building so employees can go surfing after work. And there’s a huge terrace rooftop, where we went to a company party, looking out over the whole seaside. It almost seems like a resort, and not a place of business at all. If we could only be so lucky to have places like that here…
Desigual HQ in Barcelona
スタイリストの仕事は、決してブランドを作り変えることではない。自分なりに解釈してアウトプットしていくこと。私は、まずデシグアルというブランドについて理解を深めるためにアーカイブを見せてもらった。80年代に創業者のThomas Maierが手がけたのは、手作業によるパッチワークデニムのコレクション。また、ビンテージの生地がカスタマイズされたアイテムもたくさんあった。あれ?東京のストリートスタイルに似てる!親近感を感じたミーシャは、ストリートでトレンディなスタイリングでいこう!と決めた。いくつかのインスピレーションをまとめ自分なりのイメージを固めると、いよいよコーディネートを組んでいく作業に入る。クリスチャンラクロワの手がけるコレクションピースをメインに、他のウィメンズラインのアイテムも少し混ぜながらスタイリングしていく。ミーシャのまわりはラックラック、ラックだらけ!3日間、ラックに囲まれながら50ルックを組んだ。
東京でも別件の仕事を抱えていたミーシャは、ちょこちょここっちに戻ってこないといけなかったから、限られた時間の中で進めていったわけだけど、正直アメリカと東京のスタイルが混在するミーシャらしいスタイルを表現できているのか、ナーバスになったこともあった。でも、創業者Thomas Maierやラクロワにスタイリング案を見せると、気に入ってくれたみたいで、Goサインが出た。ふぅーひと安心。
Learning to understand a brand
A stylist’s job is not to re-design a brand, it’s just to interpret it in her own way. To learn about Desigual, I needed to see its archives. I was shown pieces made in the 80s by founder Thomas Maier which he put together by hand. They were patchworked denim, and other “customized” pieces repurposed from vintage fabric. You know where else I had seen this? Tokyo! I was very familiar with this cool street-style, and I wanted to incorporate a “street” aesthetic and well as a trendy aesthetic into the styling. After I got some inspiration, I took a look at the collection. My main job was to use pieces from the capsule collection by Mr. Christian Lacroix, which wasn’t hard to do since the patterns and fabrics were beautiful. Then, I wanted to incorporate some of the other women’s pieces to create total looks. There were racks and racks and racks! I had to go with my first instincts, and it took about three days to put over 50 looks together. I had to go back to Tokyo a few times so I was under a time limit, and the three days was like condensed time. I was quite nervous, wondering if my American-slash-Tokyo sensibility would translate at all. I presented it to the team as well as to Thomas Maier and Mr. Lacroix himself, and got the go-ahead! What a relief it was.
Above, some cool archives from early Desigual. 上、デジグアルのアーカイブの一部。かっこいい!
何かを表現するとき、”言語”というツールはときに難しい。でもミーシャにはシティースタイルな”ツール”がある。それはカラフルでアバンギャルド。大量のスタイリングを組む中で、いろんなキャラクターを持つルックがうまれた。例えばファンキーな90年代のグランジガール、気取らないアーティストガール、都会ガール。でも決していやらしくなくて、鼻につくような上から目線も、自惚れた感じもない。シティで大胆なカラフル服を着てるとやたら目立って視線が刺さるよね。でも、私が生み出した愛しのシティーガールたちは、the 大胆!周りにどう思われるかなんて全く気にしない!今回のショースタイリングに欠かせないレイヤードテクニックや都会を歩き回れる動きやすいシューズは、東京に影響を受けたスタイル。でも随所に見られるバルセロナ感やニューヨーク感と東京のエッセンスが共存してこそ、この新しいデシグアルが完成したのだと思う。与えられた全てのデシグアルアイテムを組み合わせるという大仕事に、ミーシャは”fearless=大胆”をパーソナルテーマに挑んだ。
The Idea
It’s hard to interpret something into a language that you don’t speak, and my “language” is city-style, but colorful and off-beat. When I started to put the looks together, I saw a few different girls, like a 90s grunge girl with a funky spin, a folksy and artistic girl and then a sophisticated girl. But none of it was too fussy; this wasn’t supposed to be snobby or pretentious at all. So it was a modern take on being fearless in the city, where wearing bright colors is often looked at as being too ostentatious. Instead, these girls…MY girls… are pretty fearless and don’t really give AF what other people think of them anyway! Part of it came from living in Tokyo, especially with all of the layering I did, and the city-ready shoes. But still, it was totally a mix of Tokyo, Barcelona and New York for something totally different for the brand. So with “fearless” as my own personal styling theme, I got to work on putting the whole thing together.
Above, looks from the Desigual Spring 2016 New York runway show. 上、2016 SS NY コレクションより
But it’s not THAT easy. You don’t go from styling off the rack straight to the fashion show! I`m jumping the gun, but also need to step away from the PC. So in part 2 I`ll cover the run-up to the show, from accessories, model casting, hair/makeup, PANIC, music and all the backstage fun.
Misha Janette
Natsumi Yasuoka
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