最先端のアート、ファッション、車のテクノロジーを誇るストックホルムをドライブ!Volvo, working hard to “drive” the boom of Swedish design and tech with the new V40
Sweden already has high favorability points among design apostles; they have given us Acne Studios, Ann Sofie-Back and Cheap Monday in fashion, and no one can deny that the charming furniture from Ikea hasn’t found it’s way to every house on the planet. To discover this world of minimalist eye-candy for myself, I went to the capital of Stockholm.
One of the biggest and most renown Swedish companies is Volvo, and they’re gearing up (pun intended) for the global rollout of their city-and-highway friendly car, the V40. For it, they enlisted a handful of young artistic innovators in Stockholm which appear in commercials and billboards all over the city. I got to meet one of them who is one of the most promising young fashion designers today, and was taken on a journey of epically stylish (and frankly idyllic) proportions on the way.
ミッション: 街をドライブせよ
The Mission: Getting Around The City
My mission was to get myself around the bustling metropolis and do some shopping armed with just an iphone and a V40. ….and I mean, that’s *it*. No keys, no money, nothing else. This was my first time in Stockholm, and of course I wasn’t versed in the road rules, much less had any idea how to get around. In Tokyo, the streets are very narrow, chaotic, and with pedestrians jutting to and fro one has to have great confidence in their skill or trust their vehicle wholeheartedly to make it through the journey. It had been quite a few years since I had sat behind the wheel so I was worried I wouldn’t even remember how to start the engine. How would I fare? Would the v40 be easy to drive? Would I end up with an insurance claim? The Swedish seem pretty laid-back by nature, so I decided to adopt that quirk and just let it ride.
When I arrived at the airport, I only had an iPhone and nothing else. To even find my car, which I didn’t know what it was going to look like or the color, I used an app which “called” out to my car with a few honks and headlight winks so I could traverse the parking lot and get to my new Baby Blue as quickly as possible. I didn’t have any keys either, but as I stepped up to the door handle, the secure app linked up with the car and with my fingers on the handle, it unlocked the car. Later, I was sent a digital “key” for a friend’s car to my phone, which allowed us to swap cars, too. How nice to not have to fumble around with keys! If only my apartment door had that feature….
And with that, I was on my way from Stockholm’s Arlanda Airport into the heart of the city, which brought me on a cruise through fields of green flora, blankets of yellow flowers, and over bodies of crystal water that dot this beautiful sea-side archipelago city.
勢いのあるスウェーデン人ファッションデザイナー、Patrik Guggenbergerと会うために、ミレスガーデンまで、40分ほど運転した。ミレスガーデンは、ストックホルムをベースに活動するアーティスト、Carl Milles氏が手がけた巨大なガーデン。
I drove about 40 minutes to a place called Millesgarden, to meet up and coming Swedish fashion designer Patrik Guggenberger. Millesgarden is a huge open-air sculpture garden by Stockholm-based artist Carl Milles. This was where he lived and worked until his death, upon which he and his wife donated the land to the city and it was converted into a park and museum. There were very few people there even on this beautiful, perfect day, which makes me think this is really a hidden gem.
Here, Patrik was waiting for me, with his bulging portfolio book in his arms. He told me this park was the place he comes to for inspiration on his collections, or to just come and lay down for peace and quiet. His collections were very avantgarde and fashion forward, with deconstructed patterns, manipulated tweeds, and head to toe sustainable leather. “I only do personal orders, not ready-to-wear,” the new graduate said. I asked him what it was like being picked up by Volvo for their V40, and going from the underground to becoming an overnight star. “I can’t believe they asked me! My friends see me everywhere. But I am so honored.”
After a very inspirational talk with him, we made plans for an impromptu photo shoot the next day. He gave me some parting tips on where else to visit while on my trip and I was on my way!
Top and pants: Koyuki Hayashi
ミーシャは、カフェに入ってカプチーノとサンドウィッチ(ノルディックサンドウィッチのパンは穀物パン。ずっしりしていてすごくおいしい!) 歩いていると、そこはスウェーデンらしいデザインの雑貨の宝庫だった。明るい色味や、ひょろひょろとした線のイラストは、ダークな子供の本のように見えた。ずっと行きたいと思っていたファッションブディック”Flan A to O”。ローカルのアップカミングデザイナーたちの服を多く扱っていて、興味深い!数フロアにわたり”リメイク”品を置いていて、おまけに大きなゴールドのDJブースまであった。(残念な事に、火曜の午前中だったから、ミーシャが行った時にはDJは回してなかった)
Stockholm design
I went on a stroll through the So-Fo neighborhood, where Patrik suggested I visit. For about an hour I wandered into a stream of popular local stores, such as Grandpa and Smileys full of contemporary and vintage clothes. On the way were a plethora of zakka stores, selling eclectic and kitschy room wares.
I stopped into the cafes, which make a mean cappuccino and sandwich (the Nordic bread is full, heavy grain and so deliciously filling!) One gets a footing for Swedish design aesthetic here, with it’s bright colors and spindly lined illustrations that look like something from a dark children’s book. One of my destinations was multibrand fashion boutique Fran A to O which sold young and up and coming local fashion designers on the top level, and ran several floors underground to a space with all vintage “remake” clothing and a big gold DJ booth (sadly empty, on this Tuesday morning).
“Magritte and I” Jacket: Moro
Shopping with in-car delivery
We already are used to getting things delivered to our houses quickly, but what if that delivery could come to where you are within mere hours? One of the most amazing features hailed in Stockholm is being able to get deliveries to your car. Like I said, all I had was a car and an iPhone so I wanted to actually shop a little bit. First, I planned on getting some foodstuffs that I could take back to Tokyo with me. I went to a site called met.se and I ordered some Swedish chocolates and apple marmalade. Within hours, the food was delivered to the trunk of my car, all packed in as if I had gone grocery shopping myself. Next, I wanted to try something like clothing or a gift.
For that, there is Swedish site called urb-it. All around the city, you can see “Urb”ers, or young, cool delivery people rushing apparel and gifts all around the city to deliver. I bought a silver ring from a local designer on Urb-it and it was delivered to my Volvo in 2 hours. My iPhone told me when the delivery girl had opened my trunk and closed it, so I didn’t even have to worry about physically being in the car when she delivered.
動画をご覧ください! Please check out the video above for more!
旅の終わりが近づき、今”やりたいことリスト”に残っているのは、おいしいスウェーデンミートボールを食べること!そこで、滞在していた有名なNobis hotelに入っているビストロの前の駐車場に、最後の駐車をした。席に着き、メニューには目もくれずにミートボールプレートと白ワインを注文。テラス席、シーズンでいちばんの青空と暖かさ、太陽は22時頃まで沈まない。”あなたが夏を連れてきたのね!”といろんな人に言われた。完璧な1日だ、と心底思えることはそうそうない。とっても素敵な経験が出来ました!
Making a mark on Stockholm
The next morning there was one more place I wanted to go before I left. It was a beautiful vantage point that looked over the entire city and its waterways. I had to drive from my hotel in the city center through morning rush-hour traffic. Normally, this would make my palms so sweaty I wouldn’t be able to hold onto the steering wheel. But the Swedes seemed to be as polite on the road as they are off it, so I just concentrated and relaxed.
By this time, I had gotten so used to having the car and it’s features which made getting around such smooth sailing that I really didn’t want to give it up. But by now the only thing I had left on my “must-do” checklist was getting some delicious swedish meatballs. I parked the car for the last time in front of the Bistro at the famous Nobis hotel I was staying at, and ordered a plate of meatballs and a glass of white wine without even looking at the menu. Outside, the weather was the sunniest and warmest it had been all season, and it stayed bright out until nearly 10pm. “You brought the summer with you!”, everyone told me. It was certainly a perfectly bright experience for me, all around.
Thanks to Volvo for the experience, and brining me to Stockholm to meet Patrik and see the city. For more info on the V40, please see details here. *note that it will be available in Japan in a few months and some of the things I experienced such as the key apps and car delivery are not yet determinded for Japan.
Jacquard zip-up: Shogo Sone
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