Soen Awards 2015 winners 装苑賞2015年レポート後半:優勝者にクロースアップ
毎年、装苑賞のジャッジの基準はなんなのか?そして今年はなんだったのか?ミーシャもはっきり答える事はできないけど、今年の結果には驚いた!今まで装苑賞の受賞者は構築的で、鮮やかでない色のものが選出される傾向にある…そういう点では今年も予想が簡単だったと言えるかもしれないけど、2位、3位にもカラフルなルック がなかったことに驚いたかも。審査員の方々のコメントによると、”コンセプト”と”クオリティ”に着目して審査が行われたよう。でも、受賞を逃した参加者のなかにもすごく魅力的なコンセプトの作品もあったので、下記でご紹介。確かに、観客は作品に触ったり近くで見たり出来ないから、審査員の方々のお話も納得。だけど、だからって自分の お気に入りを選んで応援しちゃいけないって意味にはならないでしょ?下記、2015年のノミネーション作品と優勝者の公開を載っています!
I can’t tell you what the judges are looking for on any given year, or what they were looking for this time, but I must say I was surprised at the outcome! These winners tend to be architectural and very plain in color..in that way, the Soen Awards 2015 winners were easier to predict. But still, I was surprised there weren’t more colorful winners on the stage even in the runners-up. The major reason given by the judges for their choices was “good concept” and “high quality”. But some of the most compelling concepts weren’t chosen. Since the audience doesn’t get to touch or see the pieces up close, I will definitely take their word for it. But that doesn’t mean we can’t choose our own favorites, right? See the rest of the nominees and then the winners revealed below. Were the 2015 Soen Awards winners your favorites or not?
“Forme of Circulation” Takeshi Sato「循環するフォルム」佐藤健 (サトウ タケシ)
This is to be appreciated more as a form of art and innovation in material than fashion (you’ll see it’s made of thread and silicone below), and it’s made to represent the circulatory and nervous system.
“Spaghetti Monster” Akane Maekawa「スパゲッティ・モンスター」前川 朱音 (マエカワ アカネ)
This concept was totally bonkers and I love it. Based on a fantasy religion with a god called the “Spaghetti Monster”, heaven is full of prancing strippers. The difference between those in heaven and hell? The hell dwellers deal with STDs. “Otherwise, they are the same,” says Maekawa. Bonkers! And here are these stripping heaven denizens:
“Dystopia World” Marin Hirata 平戸麻鈴 (ヒラト マリン)
Hirata asks: “With the advent of the internet, what need do we have for our bodies?”. To be walking Transformers and Gundams, obviously.
“Automatism Art” Ryota Soeda「オートマティズムアート」添田遼太 (ソエダ リョウタ)
Inspired by Jackson Pollock’s “accidental” art, Soeda created his own textiles with a glue gun for a plastic web effect. He then meshed it with 80s/90s aerobics suits- this was popular with the buyers sitting next to me. Again, these shoes are rad.
Gaotsieh Guanan* 「寿衣」高謝 暁楠 (コウシャ ギョウナン)
A bit difficult for me to interpret, but here goes: In China, they dress up the dead in bright clothes for their birthday in the afterlife. This collection is inspired by that clothing but spiraled into something more energetic for the living. Check out the cutesy drawings on the back. I thought this collection was pretty fantastic and fascinating.
“Mobius” Tsubomi Kei ケイ ツボミ
Inspired by the eternal twisting “mobius”, this collection was three incredibly well-made pieces of twisting canvas. Edgy but elegant.

Soen Awards 2015 Winners 装苑賞2015年結果発表:
装苑賞 ケイツボミ「mobius」Grand Prize: Kei Tsubomi
佳作1位 フ アヤ 「MATHEMATICS for LAYERS」1st Runner up: Aya Fu
佳作2位 平戸 麻鈴 「Dystopia World」2nd runner up: Marin Hirata
イトキン賞 土居 賢鉄 「流行通貨服」Itokin Award Kentetsu Doi
Rooms賞 木下翔平 「ZOOT」Rooms Award: Shohei Kinoshita
The following didn’t make it into the final show, but I think they deserve mentions for being very cool (and wearable!)
You all know I love this jacket! ミーシャはこの作品好きなのはみんな知っているはずw by Viktoriya Veselova
See part 1 for the other contestants in the Soen Awards 2015 here. 装苑賞2015年レポートの前半はこちらご覧ください
Misha Janette
Natsumi Yasuoka
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