意外すぎる?「ペルーコレクション」を見てきました!Peru Moda 2015. Fashion in far-flung locations.
だから“ペルーモードっていうコレクションを見に行ってたんだよね”と言うと、みんなは驚いた顔で聞いてくる:”ペルーのファッション!? どんなものなの?”
Macchu Picchu. Grazing Alpacas. …Macchu Picchu.
When I told people I just got back from Peru to see their international fashion presentation called “Peru Moda” in Lima, they responded with faces of slight unbelief and curiosity. “Fashion in Peru??”
Since style is in the eye of the beholder and usually found among a myriad of choices given, such reactions can only come from the viewpoint of a privileged country with a long established fashion market. Personally, I went into Peru Moda 2015 with an open mind and came back satisfied with learning about their burgeoning scene…and yes, finding style there as well.
ペルーのリマ市で行われた「PeruModa 2015」と町で発見した”おしゃれ”を紹介。みなさんにも新しい発見となることの願っています!
There are two sides to every coin. In Japan, there are so many creative brands here we can’t even properly support them all. But the production and factories are dwindling, which eats at an already shrinking economy. Meanwhile, Peru has the opposite problem, in that they are struggling to be seen as more than just a place to manufacture clothing. Kenzo, Max Mara and Mara Hoffman are just a few brands that produce their clothing in Peru. But their own designers are here to say, “We can be creative too!” One of the most far-flung collections I have attended, here is the fashion I found flourishing:
ジョージ サリナス
Jorge Salinas
Both creativity and saleability are extremely important in the business of fashion, but to me, creativity wins out. So this is why I am introducing Jorge Salinas first. This designer is really fascinating so I will write more about him later, but for now this is what he showed on the runway for us. This collection is comprised of kimono-inspired couture dresses made of varying hand-knit techniques by 100 women brought in from all over Peru. Each region and woman had her own specialty and those are shown in each area on each layer of each outfit. I find it EXTREMELY difficult to make knitwear look avantgarde and new… seeing Peruvian knit on giant kimono dresses was definitely a “fashion moment” and a top spectacle at Peru Moda.
Escudoは立ち上げてからまだ2年という若手ブランドだけど、すでにその地位を確立しつつあり世界に通用している。デザイナーはChiara Macchiavello、姉妹でブランド運営をしている。彼女たちが打ち出すのはクリーンなライン、かっこいいスタイリングのハイクオリティアルパカアイテム。ペルーといえばアルパカってくらい一般的な素材で、ペルー産アルパカのクオリティといったらそれはそれは!超きもちいい。今回アトリエを見せて頂いたり、伝統+モダンな刺繍やビーズの装飾を担当している職人の方にも会わせていただいた。”エスキュード”とは鎧という意味らしく、それにまつわったシルエットがシグナチャー。ランウェイで見せてくれたコレクションはユニセックスで着れるオーバーサイズなレイヤーもの。ペルー国外でも売れそうなコレクションでした。
Escudo is a young brand of two years but is already on the “hot” list and sold internationally. Designed by Chiara Macchiavello and run with her sister, it’s claim is clean lines, cool styling, and uber high-quality alpaca goods. Alpaca is Peru’s number-1 textile export, and if you get a good-quality batch it’s like butter on cashmere. Escudo showed me the giant loom in their studio where they make their samples, and also introduced me to their workroom staff who were embroidering and beading beautifully modern motifs. The name “Escudo” means “armor” so they aren’t afraid to be entertaining, making unique pieces with big shapes for their shows. I liked their show at Peru Moda, which was unisex and made great use of layers. And I actually thought this would be the easiest to sell outside of Peru.
メシュ コレア
Meche Correa
With Meche, I didn’t do my homework….Which is why I was surprised to see that the designer was a long-time veteran and not a fresh young thing, since her collections were so vibrantly colorful and POP. Even the styling, with the platform shoes, was on point. Peru is also known for its silver jewelry, so I loved the silver hardware used on the oversized alpaca shirt-dresses. Perhaps it’s on accident, but the black and white flower crochet poncho is also very NOW, as well as the geometric alpaca fur clutches.
We saw a lot of poncho styles by the end of the week, but this one by Antarrah was one of my favorites.There were also some interesting ideas, either in knitwear, cut or unique Peruvian styling.
スミクヨンもペルーダファッションのベテラン。Sumy Kujon is also a veteran of the Peruvian fashion scene.
This was merely a teaspoon of the vast collection by Ayni, a brand favored by local “it” girls I met.
Ani Alvarezのショーは、リマ都心にある豪華なシアターで開かれた。最後に登場したウェディングのルックの、ジオメトリックな四角が気になって聞いてみると、”インカのデザインからインスパイアされたの!”と話してくれた。レーザーカッターを使って作ったらしいけど、なんとペルーでこの機械を使うのは初めての事だったみたい。次はアルパカにレーザーカッターで実験したい、と。
Ani Alvarez showed a gorgeous couture collection in the Municipal Theatre in the heart of Lima. For the final bridal look, I asked her about the geometric squares. “They are inspired by Inca design! And it was created by a laser cutter, which I got to use in Peru for the first time. Next I am experimenting with laser-cutting on Alpaca”
その環境の中でもデザイナーを目指す若者がいる。ペルーモードでは、その子達を応援するコンテストが開かれた。見事勝利をおさめ、中国の指導を受ける権利を得たのは、Silvia Paredes。伝統的なペルーの洋服をうまく昇華させたコレクションだった。個人的にはもっと”ストリートスタイル”を見たかったなと思ったけど、よく考えたらペルーのストリートはTシャツ、ジーンズ、ビーサンが溢れているのだから、そりゃミーシャが想像したような”ストリートスタイル”は需要も供給もないのは当たり前かも。国ごとに重要とするハイファッションはそれぞれ異なるね、と改めて思いました。
Youth and Fashion
In Japan, many young people want to work in fashion and struggle to find a perfect fit. They however, have it lucky. There are fashion institutions in Lima, however assistant designers and staff in the established brands come from regions or families where skills are taught from a young age, rather than in school. Jorge Salinas said he hires his patterners and teaches them how to do it himself from zero. Also, you can imagine that there are not many shops to work at to come in contact with many different kinds of clothing since most brands sell from their private studios, nor is there a Vogue Peru to aspire to work at.
However, there are still young people looking to make their mark as designers. At Peru Moda, we witnessed mini collections as a contest, with one getting a mentorship in China. The winner was Silvia Paredes with a fashion-forward take on traditional Peruvian garb. I was hoping to see a bit more street style, but that was just me expecting to see something that may not exist or have a market for it. “Street style” tends to mean a t-shirt, jeans and beach sandals.
ミーシャのお気に入りはKatia Luyo Angeles。神話に登場するユクルナというアマゾン川の生き物をソースに制作したコレクションを発表した。
My favorite was Katia Luyo Angeles, whose collection was inspired by the mythological Yucuruna, a creature from the Peruvian Amazon Rivers.
ペルーの場合、美しい景色が広がるペルーの首都リマは、多くのペルーデザイナーに影響を与えている。ミラフロレスの崖には、素敵なカフェやレストラン、海までつづくショッピングモールがあるし、隣町のサンイシドロにはデザイナーズホテル(NM Lima)や、豪華な教会が集まっている。さらに、旧市街地の砂利道が続くバランコには、歴史的建造物があり、多くのデザイナーはこのエリアにアトリエを構えている。さらに、ペルーの有名フォトグラファー、マリオテッシーノのベストワークを集めたギャラリー、MATE博物館も位置している。
それはもう、ペルーにいた間ずっと頭から離れなかったシーンがある。インカ伝統的なカラフルな服を着た小さなおばあちゃん、背中にはハンモックのようなタペストリーを背負い、その中にはすやすやと眠る小さな子供。隣は魅惑的なドレスを着用した女性。ヒールにブリーチをした金髪。彼女はゲストをファッションショーへと案内していた。これこそ新と古の共存。世界へ示すべき瞬間だった。Viva ペルー!
Inspiration and Design
For design to thrive, there needs to be inspiration to feed off of. Those of us in Tokyo are extremely lucky to be surrounded by so many different sources of inspiration. As for the Peruvian designers, while there’s no doubt that the established designers are able to travel, many of them are inspired by the urban surroundings of Lima. The city certainly offers some beautiful sights; there’s the cliffs of Miraflores, where fancy cafes, restaurants and shopping malls are carved into the hills above the ocean. The neighborhood of San Isidro corrals in boutique hotels like NM Lima, luxury restaurants, and towering arched churches. Then there’s the old city of Barranco with cobblestone streets and historical architecture. This is where many of the designers have their ateliers. It’s also where the MATE museum is, which is Peruvian photographer Mario Testino’s permanent gallery of his best work.
But still, when the city is so confined, it’s hard to break away from what’s been done before. That means during Peru Moda we saw a lot….a LOT…..of ponchos. I think I’ve seen enough ponchos for the year. So, it’s a matter of seeing these designers taking it to the next step, and really making something more unique or high-quality than any other in the world.
In the end, Peru is doing its best to hold on to tradition while trying to modernize for a global market. Sounds familiar, right? There is one scene from the whole week of Peru Moda event that stays in my mind. I witnessed a small old woman in traditional colorful garb from the Andes slowly making her way through the massive venue. She had a tapestry hung on her back like a hammock, with a small child sleeping inside. She passed a woman in a tight, bedazzled dress, stilettos and bleach-blonde hair ushering in guests to see the fashion show. It was a scene of the old and new, working in tandem to get the world to notice-Viva Peru!
一つの食事をつくるのに多数のシェフが働く At least 17 chefs were working to make the tasting menu at Astrid & Gaston restaurant.
Mario Testino’s MATE Museum
For more information see PeruModa.com
Misha Janette
Natsumi Yasuoka
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