世界でもっとも最先端な”アナログ”ファッションアクセサリーが実はすごい World’s oldest wearable tech gets the biggest update of the century
Even the most analog of accessories is being forced to upgrade using super high-tech advancements. But what does that mean?
To find the answer, last week I visited Los Angeles to witness a revolution in mechanical watches, the world’s first Master Chronometer from Omega.
Although I run a fashion blog, when I wake up in the morning the first thing I check are technology and science blogs, because I’m a big nerd inside and let’s be honest: technology is the most exciting frontier, even in fashion. And watches are in fact the first ever “wearable tech”, considering they have little mechanical “engines” inside. Their simplicity seems almost primitive, and expecting them to work 100% on every occasion is a given. However, apparently there is something in our modern daily lives that is messing with even the most luxury of mechanical watches and rendering them faulty… can you guess what that is?
Modern electronic devices, or even our cars and trains and even credit cards all contain magnets and can affect even analog watches, making them slow down…or even stop working at all. In fact, it had become such a problem for Omega, they set out to develop anti-magnetic tech to protect their watches’ mechanics. In the end, they’ve innovated a way for their watches to be shielded against the growing number of invisible magnetic waves in our modern world. This is called the Master Chronometer, which are the mechanics inside a watch. The tech is so advanced that they also had to create a new way to certify it, getting approval from the Swiss board of excellence, thus making the most advanced watch in the world.
例えば、エルメスのバーキンを買ったとする。あなたは、そのハンドメイドクオリティやブランドネームなどのラグジュアリーさに魅力を感じ、高価で購入した。でも、実際に増え続ける都会の空気中の汚染により、数年後皮革にひびが入り剥がれ始め、黒ずんできたらどうだろう?とってもがっかりするでしょう?では、エルメスが ”皮革の自己潤滑化”技術を進歩させ、劣化を防ぐ事ができたらどうだろう?かなり凄いと思う。
It’s a little hard to grasp, so here’s an example:
Let’s say you go out and buy a pricey Hermes Birkin bag because you like the handmade quality, the brand name, and the luxury of it. But imagine if, after a few years of carrying it out and about in our increasingly polluted city air, the leather starts to peel and turn black? That would be infuriating and devastating, no lie.
So then, what if Hermes recognizes the pollutants are affecting their leather, and so they develop technology to keep the bag “self lubricating” and protecting it from the harsh elements. Thus it lasts forever- like it should. And just as a mechanical watch is *supposed* to last an eternity… and now, it really can. These new “analog” watches are working hand-in-hand with digital tech, which is infinitely fascinating.
“マスタークロノメーター”というのは、世界でもっとも厳しいテストにより与えられるもの。おまけに、シリアル番号をインターネットサイトに入力すると、その時計のテストの結果が表示される。The Master Chronometer is a certificate given after rigorous testing by a Swiss Government body, and it’s the most advanced of its kind. By inputting the watch’s serial number into a database, one can even see how theirs fared in the tests.
今年は『博士と彼女のセオリー』 や 『リリーのすべて』に出演した俳優のエディ・レッドメインがオメガの新アンバサダーに就任、ロサンゼルスでマスタークロノメーターのメンズウォッチ、「グローブマスター」世界初のお披露目に登場した。(今年のオスカーで、デカプリオと並んでノミネートされていたのが彼。結果は完全にデカプリオの年となった訳だけどねw)
Last fall I got to meet Nicole Kidman, who has been supporting Omega for 10 years and showed me how women’s watches were some of the most revolutionary piece of fashion in history. She was so charming and elegant, read about it here.
This year, the brand tapped young actor Eddie Redmayne from “The Theory of Everything” and “The Danish Girl” with a big fete in Los Angeles (he was up against Leonardo DiCaprio in the Oscars this year, but it was definitely Leo’s year). He was there to show off the first watch model in the world to contain the Master Chronometer, which happens to be a men’s watch called the Globemaster. It is truly high-luxury with red Sedna Gold with leather and sapphire crystal on the back. Women’s watches will be getting the same tech very soon as well, with all Omega watch models to follow eventually.
I went to report on this event, along with several Japanese Men’s Magazines, and Italian/Japanese musician Sebastiano Serafini. I was certainly nervous to walk down my first red carpet in Hollywood!
ハリウッドということで、特別なドレスを着用したかった。だからデザイナーのMAYUKO DAIMONとタッグを組んで、ビーズとアプリケをあしらった人魚のようなクチュール作品を身にまとうことにした。彼女のエレガント&クリエイティブな作品はここでチェックしてください! Since we don’t get many of these events in Tokyo, and this was my first time in Hollywood as an adult, I wanted to wear something very special. So I called upon designer Mayuko Daimon, and I wore her very “mermaid”-like one of a kind dress with hand-dyed applique and intricate back beading. Check out her work here.
There’s something I’ve noticed as I travel the world, meeting successful people in many fields. It’s that; Not everyone who is successful wears a watch. But most people who wear a watch are successful. And so it goes; a question that will never stop getting asked in our modern age, what is the point of making something like this, which is not necessary to survive?
Omega CEO Mr. Urquhart explained it succinctly; “How do you get people to look at something that they don’t need? You make it the absolute BEST. And this is it.” And there’s nothing wrong with expecting the best, no matter how much you’re paying. Learn more than I can possibly understand about super high-end watchmaking and its technology at Omega Online.
Sebastiano Serafini, Magazines Goethe & Safari
Misha Janette
Natsumi Yasuoka
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You look supercute walking down the red carpet! Love the dress.