Written by mishajanette2015/03/31
ミュウミュウ青山の新ショップ:アットホームな宇宙船 MiuMiu Aoyama, the newest shop on Omotesando
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私の好きな英語の表現、「Like bees to honey」。蜂が甘い蜜にわんさと集まるというように、東京っ子が大好きなMiuMiuの新ショップとそのパーティで大集合した。そう、盛大で美しいパーティが行われ、そこには国内外の業界人や有名人(夏木マリ、梨花、菊池凛乎など)、中には広告を飾っている女優のミアゴスも招待されていたり、しかもラフシモンズとそのボーイフレンドといったスペシャルゲストまで招かれ(なーんて噂を聞いて)、とても盛り上がった。
Tokyoites love miumiu like they love drinking on weekdays. So it was no surprise that a new standalone boutique on Omotesando would make for incredible fanfare. Yes, there was a huge, beautiful party that brought out the ENTIRE industry from here Beijing to Denmark. They even invited over the actresses in their current ads like Mia Goth, and even had special guest Raf Simons and his boyfriend to Tokyo to join in the revelry.Take a look at the recent addition to possibly the world’s most decadently decorated shopping street in Aoyama, Tokyo.
New MiuMiu Store on Omotesando in Aoyama, Tokyo. 青山の表参道に位置づけるミュウミュウの新ショップ
全面レンズガラスで出来た、世界でも有名なプラダのビルが建てられたのは15年前。そして今、幸運なことに、斜め向かいに絶好の立地が空いたのだ。でも、 プラダのような建物を想像したあなた、プラダは6階建てなのに対し、miumiuは2階建てなのでもしかしたらがっかりするかもしれないけどその理由は…
最近できた、マークジェイコブスのフラッグシップショップや、ステラマッカートニーのストアが、どちらも背が高くないのは、表参道に制定されている都市計 画法が原因。このせいで、周辺の建物は屋根も含めて3階以内の高さにおさめなければいけないことになっている。そこでMiuMiuはトップから斜めに降り て1階まで差し掛かるおおきな覆いのある外観の建物を建てた。表参道は眺めても楽しいエリアだからミュウミュウの窓がないデザインにはちょっと残念かも。 どうやら、プラダグループはこの二つのショップを別にしたかったらしく、全面ガラスのプラダと向かいのミュウミュウへどれ入ってもパラレルワールドへ迷い込んだような世界にしたかったよう。ほら、吸い込まれるように中へ誘われ…
The now world-famous “glass bee-hive” Prada tower was built 15 years ago. And wouldn’t you believe their luck, a space opened up right across the street from it, like adorably inseparable twins. But if you’re expecting some big honey to go with that hive, you might be a little disappointed as the new shop is a rather stunted 2 stories tall compared to Prada’s six. However, that isn’t miumiu’s fault…
You will notice that the recently built Marc Jacobs flagship store, and even Stella McCartney beside it, are only 2-stories tall due to the new Omotesando zoning laws. To get aroud this, the shops have created a false third floor with an unoccupied tall roof. MiuMiu made theirs into a sloped steel awning that stretches steeply downward, covering much of the first floor like a shy mushroom cap. There are no windows which certainly is a shame since the Omotesando promenade is so beautiful to look out on, but Prada seemed to want to keep their two shops in two different parallel worlds. It also serves to beckon one inside.
ヘルツォーク&ド・ムーロンによる建築が広がる店内。後壁には磨かれた真ちゅうが配さ れ、天井にはあぶくのようなものが。柔らかなカーペットに神秘的なシャルトルーズグリーンの壁、”ビューティフルじゃない、でも妙にチャーミング”という ワードはブランドの美学。柵やラックは真ちゅう製で下の方は透明なアクリル素材になっていて、まるで氷のブロックのよう。その全てが相まって、店内全体は レトロで近代的な雰囲気が漂う。デザイナーのミウッチャプラダも東京に来日していたのだけど、満面の笑みを浮かべて店内を回っていたので、きっと気に入っ たんだと思う!
This is where the beauty of architects Herzog & de Meuron’s design shines…literally. It is a polished brass that covers the back wall and ceiling with little perforated bubbles. It’s like a house out of Gattaca. There is soft carpet and chartreuse green walls, sticking with the “not beautiful but oddly charming” aesthetic of the brand. The rails are curved brass and grounded in clear acrylic like blocks of ice. It gives it all a very retro-futuristic atmosphere. Ms. Miuccia Prada was in Tokyo taking a look through the shop and was beaming from ear to ear- I think she likes it!
Here are photos from the shop and below that, some from the show and party which was the most raucous Tokyo has seen so far in 2015.
ミュッチャプラダ様! Ms Miuccia Prada herself
The Heidi Klum of Japan, Ms RINKA (center) with designers Keita Maruyama and Christian Dada (Zoo Morikawa) to the left and right. 梨花様とケイタマルヤマ(左)、クリスチャンダダ(右)
With superstar Mari Natsuki- Ms Rinko Kikuchi (back) also attended. 夏木マリと私、菊池凛子(後ろ)も姿を見せた
Leaf Greener, the ex Chine Elle editor. My jacket is by Viktoriya Veselova. 元エル中国の編集者Leaf Greenerと。ちなみにミーシャのジャケットはViktoriya Veselovaの作品
For the celebration, MiuMiu actually brought over the actresses that grace their SS 2015 ad campaigns, including “Nynphomaniac” star Mia Goth. I got to show her the most eclectic sides of Tokyo while she was here- including a Maid Cafe, Purikura booths and Asakusa’s temples. She is cool as a cucumber and sweet as honey. Pictured with budding artist and her good friend Sam.
The new Miu Miu Aoyama store is on Omotesando. Address:
3-17-8, Minami Aoyama Minato-Ku, Tokyo
-Misha Janette
Natsumi Yasuoka
Natsumi Yasuoka
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