ブラックのカムバック?!ネオカラス系など、かわいいよりかっこいい派の増殖。Is Kakkoii the New Kawaii? Why the Tokyo streets need black back.
Just the other evening, I was walking home through the busy Shibuya neighborhood. I was in a chic but casual navy blue dress, black tuxedo vest and heels, and pastel pink handbag. It was definitely erring on the side of “fashion”-y, but nothing avantgarde or gothic. Still, this dark ensemble was worn much to the chagrin of some random Japanese dude on the street. He couldn’t help but make sure I knew how annoyed he was with my outfit.
“Excuse me, but…. What’s up with those clothes? Did you come from a funeral or something?”
……. -________-
There comes a point where trends become so heated that they boil over into a frenzy of incoherent parts. The streets in Tokyo have been like an open air discotheque, from the awe-inspiring costumes of decora or Shironuri, down to casual POP looks of Yume Kawaii. It is the era of “anything goes”. Editor in chief of FRUiTS Shoichi Aoki even told me that it has become so disjointed that he suspects something big should happen soon. “It was like this right before Harajuku style appeared too, in the 90s.”
I have had my own heyday in colorful Harajuku street style, and it was some of the most fun I have ever had experimenting with “anything goes” fashion styling in my entire life. Street fashion has become like a 96-color box of crayons, with every shade represented. But no color in particular stands out among all the others.
Ah, but there is one… black.
Above: Black-color fashion icons Ayabambi
最近日本市場では黒を見かける機会が極端に減ったと感じる。黒いTシャツやパンツはもちろんベーシックなアイテムとしてみんな作っているけれど、そういう意味じゃなくてシャープなカットのダークアウトフィットとか、そういう着ているだけで振舞や気持ちを強くしてくれるような服。つまり、”ザ・黒” 的な洋服。本当に少なくなったような気がしてました。ブラックなコーデって、やっぱり”かっこいい”と言わせられる。ミニマル系、ロック系、セクシー系、シック系…どんなジャンルでも、全身黒だと周りから浮いているみたいに見える。(ゴスに対して特に言及したいという訳じゃないけど、明らかにレアなジャンルになりつつあることは確か。H.Naotoも最近閉店したし…)
Why did black become so rare in Tokyo?
Black clothing has proved very elusive in the recent Japanese market. I don’t mean just black-tshirts or pants, I mean dark outfits in sharp cuts, meant to stand out, or give off an attitude or aura of confidence. You know a BLACK outfit when you see it. It looks.. Well, very very cool. It can be minimalist, rock, or sexy and chic. But it always stands out. (note that I am not referring to Goth, which is it’s own subculture that still exists…even though it is also much, much rarer these days than ever before…H.Naoto even went bankrupt recently. But that’s for another article).
There was one point in time when black was it’s own street-style genre. The 80s saw the emergence of the “Karasu-zoku” AKA the Crow Tribe . They were known for wearing avantgarde high-fashion brands that favored black from head to toe. They really looked like black ghosts, wearing oversized Yohji Yamamoto and Comme des Garcons from head to toe.
This kind of dark high-end fashion became known as “mode fashion”. In French, “mode” simply means “fashion”. But in Japan it became associated with avantgarde, dark…or rather ”difficult” clothing: difficult to wear (i.e. big silhouette or even really form fitting) and difficult to buy (i.e. expensive).
上:80年代のカラス族。下:最近原宿で撮影されたカラス族っぽいガール。Top: Karasu-zoku kids in the 80s. Bottom: A Karasu-zoku style girl spotted last month by TokyoFashion.
As the bubble economy popped and Tokyo came to terms with having less money, the harsh “mode” look fell out of favor. In the early 2000s, “mote-kei” (or “pretty style”) came out big, forcing magazines to eschew dark fashion for demure ensembles and pretty pastels. The nail in the coffin for mode was the 2008 banking crisis, followed by the earthquake and tsunami of 2011. The feeling in the city was bleak, and expensive dark clothing wasn’t a part of the mood anymore.
Then the magazines came in and created a term “real clothes”. It was the antithesis of mode. It wasn’t harsh, wasn’t expensive, and it definitely wasn’t unique. It was basic, trendy, and cheap. The term became extremely popular, and both streetwear brands and high-end brands alike tried to create collections that would fit within the definition of “real clothes”.
In 2010 I interviewed Tokyo’s most well known street style photographer and founder of the blog “Style From Tokyo”, Rei Shito. I asked her what she had observed on the streets, and what had changed the most.
“I don’t see anyone in mode clothes anymore, and that’s disappointing.”
最近”10日のダークなコーデ”を自分の挑戦としてやってみた結果。笑 ほぼ半分がビンテージ屋さんで買わないと、黒い服が足りなかった!The results of my own “10 days of dark outfits” that I took upon myself to try out. I had to go buy more black clothes than I had in my closet for it!
ブラック・イズ・ ニュー・カワイイ?
Black is the new Kawaii?
For a trend to catch on, there have to be clothes available, and there have to be standout people to wear them.
For the latter, we have the fierce vogue-ing duo known as Ayabambi. They are back-up dancers for Madonna, and they wear slick, sexy black clothing with aplomb. I wrote about them last year when they were already quite well known, but that article is still one of the most-read on my site. Since then, they have become full-blown icons. As for their black style, it suits a slim athletic body, with athletic sportswear mixed with leather harnesses and platform boots. It’s Y-3 for the S&M club. The hurdle for their style is set pretty high for the average Jane, but there’s no doubt the black clothes has helped set the tone for who they are. They are cute, but they aren’t soft. It’s very different from any other subculture on the street today.
The magazines, who initially killed black with their heralding of “real clothes” are finally coming back to a more fashion-forward leaning. Numero TOKYO has been touting the “dark romance” or “poisoned romance” styles taken from the international fashion runways all year. And although Paris or London never really left black behind, recently we are definitely seeing more dark collections than in recent memory (hellooooo Marc Jacobs!).
Then SOEN came knocking at my door last month. “We are doing a big story on black, can we interview you?” I talked so much about my eagerness for black to come back that at least 2 hours of the interview was left on the cutting room floor. (If you can get it, then pick up a copy of the October 2016 SOEN issue out now!)
If the magazines are pushing it, perhaps it will finally have a “comeback moment”?! I know on social media, Tokyo kids have been using the word “kakkoii” more often. “More than kawaii, I want to be cool,” they say.
上:ブラック服の達人、アヤバンビがその黒い姿をAlexander Wangの広告で見せた。Above: Ayabambi in their signature black styles have landed them campaigns with Alexander Wang.
追伸: 個人的に、ブラックファッションをリードするアイコンになるんじゃないかと思うのがErika Gold。モデルでインスタグラマーのクールな女の子。PS: I personally like to follow the black fashion exploits of Erika Gold, a local model/instagrammer
What about Tokyo’s runway brands?
Ugh, talk about a lack of diversity. We can’t even get black CLOTHING up in this runway joint. Gone are the chic, cool collections of yore, replaced by softer kawaii palettes. Color on the runway is amazing and I support it 100%. But what is so wrong with black that it disappeared from the high-end realm almost completely?
In fact, it is harder to sell something in all black than in color here….even when it comes to accessories. “Black is not popular at all, and hard to sell,” I was told by a high-end watch company.
The only brand that comes to mind is Dressedundressed, who can do sick tailored black jackets and pants in uber minimalist unisex cuts. But other than that, we are pretty much SOL. (we used to have niche goth brand Alice Auaa put on an entertaining show, but they retreated to the dungeon)
However, there are three particular brands based in Tokyo & Osaka that are my picks for go-to places to get really cool clothing. I introduced them very very briefly in SOEN, but here are a few more photos and information on them. This is the coolest of the cool, IMO.
Based in Osaka and designed by a married duo who rock their own sporty-avantgarde duds better than anyone. The silhouettes can be challenging but fashion should challenge us- and when it’s all in black, they like to play with mixed textures like mesh, vinyl and leather all together.
Leonard Wong
Known by many as Tora-san (Mr. Tiger) this young ingenue is putting out luxe black dresses in even more luxe materials like buttery soft leather. He creates tight silhouettes in geometric seams, almost exclusively in black or white. He even has an experimental line with some of the most innovative visuals and sculptural fashion items you’ll ever see (and it’s no surprise he has collaborated with Ayabambi).
Meg Miura
She’s no stranger to this blog either, as Meg Miura fancies experimental treatments of her fabrics. Her favorite is embossing, creating patterns on black wool (like a backbone down the back of a jacket) or weaving intricate geometric patterns. It’s dark, it’s fashion forward and it’s super cool.
さて、#ネオカラス系 とは?
きっかけは。。。この間ベルリンに行く機会がありました。東京でファッションに携わる身のとして、堂々と東京の服をベルリンで着たいと思った私は、ブラックファッションの街ベルリン用のユニークで気強い、ちょっぴり色っぽい黒い服を探しに行った。渋谷や新宿、デパート、高級なところもチープなところも、時間もなかったうちに、とにかく考えられるところは全て探した。…そしてとうとう見つけられなかった。結局、ハイブランドを扱うビンテージショップでインポートブランドのAnn DやHelmut Langの服を買った。そして最後にベルリンのローカルブランドでブラックスタイルが得意なLVCでかっこいい黒の服を手に入れて、1段落ち着いた。
#NeoKarasu Neo-Crow Style
Besides the above brands from Tokyo Fashion Week, the only cool black stuff anyone can get their hands on locally is western fast fashion…namely Zara, F21 or other knockoff shops in Ura-hara. The empty hole in that market is gaping wide.
So why am I writing a rambling essay on black clothes? Because it’s time for some variety. I know that sounds hypocritical…I`m complaining that there’s too much variety and not enough monotone. It’s crazy, I know. But the tipping point came when I was heading to Berlin and I wanted something from Tokyo to wear there… it’s a source of pride. But Berlin is a city for black clothes. So I searched Shibuya, Shinjuku… street style malls, department stores…. High and low for something unique and black and “Tokyo” to wear there. And I just couldn’t find it. I ended up scouring vintage and high-end used clothing shops for a few pieces from import labels like Preen, Ann D and Helmut Lang. And in the end, I bought some really cool black clothes from local Berlin label LVC instead.
I truly believe that Tokyo has the best shopping in the world. But for some strange reason it’s difficult to find the kind of “cool” clothes lately. Of course, I can shop from overseas brands, but I always prefer to buy and support local brands whenever possible.
最近原宿で撮影された黒い子たち。ミニマル、ジェンダーレス、アヴァンギャルド、原宿系という幅が広い!これぞネオカラス?! Some Harajuku kids in black looks photgraphed by TokyoFashion.com . As you can see minimalist, genderless, avantgarde and Harajuku-kei are all represented. Is this the face of Neokarasu?
夏服と相性のいい黒のビスチェとかランジェリーをずっと探している。ベルリンで着たらぜったいかっこいいから。でも、東京で見つけるのはほぼ無理みたい。だから、オンラインストアshopbobで探したんだけど、やっぱ国外の方がまだバラエティがよくて!国内じゃ無理なのは残念。 I really wanted some black lingerie and bustiers to style with my summer clothes in Berlin… it was almost impossible to find in Tokyo. So I did have to buy from overseas store Shopbop. The variety was much better!
実は、今年に入ってスウェーデンのデザイナーPatrik Guggenbergerにストックホルムでお会いするまで、黒を着こなせているのかそんなに自信が会った訳じゃなかったミーシャ。でも、彼のつくったブラックアウトフィットを着て変わった。彼の服はミーシャの気持ちを強くしてくれたし、美しい女性に一歩近づけた気がした。I didn’t have much confidence to wear black until I met Swedish designer Patrik Guggenberger in Stockholm this year. His black clothes made me feel different than I have in the past few years- I felt strong.
さあ、新しいブラックスタイルの時代はやって来るのか?それは、ゴシックなのか、ジェンダーレスなのか、もしくはスポーティ?セクシー?アバンギャルド?ミニマリスト?それともそれらを少し越えたなにか?#ネオカラス スタイルの世代が出てきたなら、私が最初に“Hey you look f**king cool, girl!” (めちゃめちゃかっこいいね!)って声をかけたい。これを無理矢理トレンドに押し上げることはできないけど、どうかムーブメントよ起きてくれ!頼む!
最新情報: レオナルドウォンは10月の東京ファッションウィークでコレクションを発表するらしい!これは、見物だぞ。
In the end….
So will we finally start seeing a new generation of black styles? Will it be gothic? Genderless? Sporty? Sexy? Avantgarde? Minimalist? Or maybe a little bit of all of the above? When the #neokarasu style generation comes out I will be the first one to stop them on the street. “Hey you look f**king cool, girl!” I can’t force it to happen… but I can ask nicely…please make it happen. Tanomu!
UPDATE: Leonard Wong will present his collection during Tokyo Fashion Week in Oct. When you ask, the universe listens.
80s Karasu-zoku photos sources:
Misha Janette
Natsumi Yasuoka
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Just a quick question:
You follow up Karasu-zoku with the mainstream boom mote-kei in the article.
Any idea on what the actual scale of the Karasu-zoku/ black revolution boom was?
I was under the impression it was just a fashion tribe not anywhere as mainstream as mote-kei but just wanted to confirm if you had any more info on it`s mainstream penetration at the time.
Hello Chase- You’re definitely right, Karasu-zoku was indeed small; it was a niche of the 80s. But black clothing (called “mode”) still persisted through the 90s and up until early 2000s. When Mote-kei came out and the crisis hit, those strong black looks became seen as something almost…. bad. So the space between Karasu and Mote kei (the huge boom of it with ebi-chan and moe) was pretty long.
Muy buen blog, me encanta!