シュウウエムラの公式インスタグラム、実は毎日ジャックしてました!I’ve been hijacking the Shu Uemura Instagram account everyday
最後のブログを更新してから結構日にちが経ってしまったので改めて自己紹介します。。。?! w
I feel like it has been so long since my last update that I almost need to reintroduce myself. My name is Misha and I live in Tokyo. I graduated from Bunka Fashion College and I work in the fashion industry. Well…technically, if we were to go by statistics, then I should say I work in the beauty industry now….Yes, I feel like it is finally time where I can be confident to announce that I started my own consulting company Totteoki Co. late last year, and for the past 7 months I have been working head deep with the amazing team at the Shu Uemura International offices in Tokyo as a creative director.
There are many influencers, bloggers, and other professionals who “consult” for brands, offering their name-power and a few meetings each year to lend their opinion, offer expertise or bring in other influential resources that the brand wouldn’t otherwise have access to.
It’s usually more of a “floating” position that one piles on top of other day-jobs.
This isn’t that.
When I work on a project I get really invested in it, wanting to do the absolute best, and doing something that is new and different. I also challenge myself a lot to do things that I have never done before, which always takes more time, effort, and concentration.
My position with Shu has been something that takes EVERYTHING I have ever experienced before and puts it to the test. Connections, creativity, organization, spontaneity, flexibility, and a rolodex of ideas. I am obsessed with perfection and that has made me put aside my blog for just a little while. (and on top of that I am moving and it took up every extra minute I had!)
But I am happy to say that I am BACK and I am so excited to blog regularly again! I have so many things to say and write about and the fashion world keeps turning. But first, I am SO excited about what is happening at Shu Uemura.
この話はもうお腹いっぱいですか? いや、まだまだ足りないよね(笑)
Taking over the Instagram
So what could an American-born Tokyo-trained fashion stylist/blogger/writer like me possibly be doing at a cosmetics company?? I know, right! It boggles my mind a little bit as well, as I couldn’t have dreamed this up two years ago if I tried.
When I first started working with Shu, it was more like the above “floating” position. A bunch of little things here and there. But very quickly I became enamored with the creative side of makeup artistry in Tokyo and internationally and was determined to find a way to showcase it (hey, kind of like with fashion designers and this blog!). Shu Uemura as a brand is actually STEEPED in makeup artistry and creativity, as you can read about its colorful history below. After discussion with the Powers That Be, I was given the go ahead to get full creative reign of their official Instagram to showcase talents (again, !!!) …. That’s a huge responsibility! But I am taking it with gusto. It is of course a delicate thing to go through a makeover, kind of like I did with cutting my hair. But at least if it is on myself I can deal with any mishaps. But if we are dealing with a massive company such as parent-company L’Oreal, then it is something completely different.
And now, after several months and *hundreds* of shots created, the Shu Uemura Instagram is showing signs of great things, and with plenty more to come. The in-house artists are infinitely talented, and it is such a joy to work on photoshoot sessions with them all the time. I am so down for their chic, edgy, Tokyo-born vibe that shows creative and trendy makeup on (mostly) Asian girls, and girls of mixed heritage as well as many other unique beauties. It’s about time, no?!
もちろん来日する前にも、一度は耳にしたことがあったその名前。ビューラーとクレンジングオイル(どちらもシュウウエムラを代表する伝説的なアイテムであるし、日本に初めてクレンジングオイルを持ち込んだことから創業者である植村秀氏はクレンジングの父としても知られている)と、忘れてはいけない つけまつげ(渋谷のハチ公改札を抜けると見える素敵なまつげのディスプレイは見た事があるよね?)でよく聞くブランド名だった。
What is the story about Shu Uemura?
Of course, I had heard of the brand Shu Uemura when I came to Japan, but it was mostly confined to the eyelash curler, cleansing oil (both legendary) and the lash bar (which started out at me every time I left the Hachiko entrance on the Yamanote Line in Shibuya).
The brand itself actually goes WAY back, to 1967 when Mr. Shu Uemura started the brand in Tokyo. He had come back from a sojourn in Hollywood (!) where he became a breakout star painting the likes of Shirley MacLaine and Frank Sinatra. His entryway into the industry began when a principal makeup artist had fallen ill and when Uemura was called in as a replacement, he impressed the production enough to stay.
Mr. Shu Uemura garnered an interest in makeup and hair styling as a teenager when an illness caused him to be bedridden for a long period. He enrolled as one only male student of a beauty school in Tokyo, and later when he returned to Japan after his Hollywood years, he opened his own beauty academy in his home.
※ もちろんファッションをやめたわけではありません!全てが一度にやってきたので、二足の草鞋の履き方を模索中なのです。。。汗
進化していくミーシャをこれからもご支援ください!いつも応援ありがとうございます☆ シュウウエムラのインスタはこちらで是非フォローください!@shuuemura
Mr. Shu Uemura called his makeup “mode makeup” where “mode” refers to “fashion”. To him, makeup could have new silhouettes and shapes seasonally, much like a fashion collection could. Of course, this is par for the course nowadays, but at the time it was quite avantgarde and revolutionary.
Mr. Shu Uemura himself passed away in late 2007, and he was Creative Director of his brand up until the end. Who is running the creative ship now? That would be International Artistic Director Kakuyasu Uchiide, who trained with Mr. Shu Uemura for decades and was chosen to take over creative responsibilities by the man himself. Check out his amazing work on his Instagram @uchiideafb . And there is also Chief Makeup Artist Asano, who alongside Uchiide trained under Mr. Shu Uemura and has his own style of incredible skill.
So with this incredible platform, I hope that it will be something inspiring, and become a way to showcase more artistic talent using the great makeup tools and paints that shu uemura provides; from Tokyo to the world! So watch this, and that space!
(No, not giving up fashion, but I am still finding my sea legs right now… and I am moving into a new office! Everything usually comes at once. ^^; Thanks always for the support!) Follow Shu Uemura on instagram here @shuuemura
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