13 yr old Tokyo fashion blogger Mappy is not the Japanese Tavi… ◎「私はTaviじゃない!」13歳にしてファッション上級者の東京ブロガー「マッピー」を紹介
No, Mappy is not the “Japanese Tavi”. But considering the similarities between the two, it is understandable that many would want to draw to that conclusion. “We have *totally* different style. I’m not really into what she wears now.” Asserted Mappy, now in 7th grade in a Tokyo-area school, while we talked over cafe hors d’oerves in Ebisu (For reference Tavi actually just graduated from High School). But there’s no doubt about it, Mappy is precocious and stylish beyond her years. What does she think about the buzz swirling around her and her booming online fanbase? I wanted to hang out and get to know the new-gen icon Mappy.
マッピーは”日本のタビ・ジェヴィンソン”じゃない。でも13歳にしてかなりファッションのセンスが上級者レベルだし、業界で話題になっていることなど、二人の共通点ではそう誤解しやすいかもしれない。”私たちのスタイルは全く違います。最近見てみたら着ているものに興味気なかったの”と、マッピーは断言。先日、ミーシャと東京に住む中学一年生のマッピーは恵比寿のカフェでつまみながらおしゃべりした。 確信を持って言えること、それは、マッピーは超中学生級、スタイリッシュで貴重な存在だということ。彼女の周りで渦巻くいろんな言葉に今彼女は何を感じるのか?急増加しているオンラインのファンたちになにを思うのか?ミーシャはそんなニューアイコン、本当のマッピーのことをもっと知りたいと思ったから一緒に遊びにいってきた
We met at Starbucks in Ebisu on a very rainy day in Tokyo. I asked Mappy to come along with me to visit one of my favorite vintage stores, Alcatrock nearby. I wasn’t sure if her mother would be attending the playdate or not, but until Mappy is old enough to traverse more of the city on her own, it wasn’t a surprise when both of their figures came ’round the corner. “Sorry! We were kinda lost!” said Mappy, dragging her feet a bit in vertiginous Mary Jane platform shoes, robin blue tights with big red hearts running down the shins and a charming outfit neatly done in vintage knitwear. There were markings of Sharpie signatures on her weathered bowler bag. I tried not to think about when exactly was the last time I chilled with a junior high school student, but since its such a rare occurrence all I could do was be normal (it helps that my conversational Japanese is probably the same level as a Jr high School students’ anyway).
This was only the second time we’d met. Unless we count online encounters as “meeting”. I recalled running across a photo by Droptokyo randomly on Twitter and commenting on it, “Wow, this girl looks exactly like Ai Tominaga”. The tweet spread like fire. I had assumed the girl in question was a Harajuku kid, or a budding dokusha-model. But Mappy is neither, she’s in a league of her own.
ミーシャはそのとき、”最後に中学生と遊んだのはいつか”とか、できるだけ考えないようにした。でもマッピーのルックスは大げさなく大人よりも大人らしいから、年齢をすぐに忘れてた (日本語で討論するってなったら、ミーシャの日本語レベルはたぶん中学生と同じくらいってのは救いだった。w)
会うのはまだ2回目。ネット上での”出会い”を含めたら3回。初回はね…ある日ミーシャのTLに出てきた Drop-Tokyo の写真に”この子、富永愛に似てるね”とコメント付きRTしたら… ワイルドファイヤーのように広がった。マッピーのことは知らなかったので、てっきり”原宿キッズ”とか ”新人読モ”だと思ってた。でもマッピーはどちらでもなく彼女自身でジャンルレス。
While Mappy’s stature is extremely petite, her face is austere. She has the fashion-friendly wide-set eyes like Ai’s, and lips always done in a punchy color like red, orange or black. Her hair is raven-black and cut in a blunt bob a la Rei Kawakubo. She pulls a cooler face than I ever could. When I saw her in the photo on Twitter, it never dawned on me she would be so young (just 12 years old at the time).
At Tokyo Fashion Week last season, I had just taken my seat at the Yasutoshi Ezumi show when the organizers excitedly visited me at my seat, whispering to me that “Mappy has arrived!” like they were letting me in on a secret. I wasn’t sure what they meant but there was a huge commotion, and a little girl emerged from the huddle. “Misha, let me introduce you to… Mappy!” And there I was staring at Ms. Little Ai Tominaga, a huge smile on her face, not at all perturbed by the mass of organizers, editors and photographers swarming our front-row seats. If there were any comparison to Tavi Gevinson, it would be this. Her mother was a little more befuddled by the spectacle but stayed simply calm and polite as they sat down next to me. “Thank you so much for your tweet! Mappy really loves to follow you, and she loves your haircut.”
*epihany* That… wasn’t a Rei Kawakubo homage cut, that was… mine? Thoroughly intrigued, I tried to catch some of the interviews my little doppleganger was doing, but my Japanese is only good enough to parse when the person is talking directly to me. All I could hear was the word “mode”. As in “mode fashion”, or fashion forward, high-design. It used to be a popular phrase but fell out of vogue in the past decade when it got too expensive and cheap streetwear took over instead. Hearing this 13 year old talk about mode sparked my interest like a match. Perhaps the new, NEW generation would be more keen on high fashion? It was at that moment, I became a Mappy fan.
マッピーは小柄なのに飾り気のない大人らしい顔をしていた。やっぱり富永愛さんのように、どんな洋服でも似合う切れ長な目をしていて、リップはいつもパンチの効いた赤などで決めている。黒いきれいな髪は川久保礼さんのようなぱっつんボブにカットされている。ミーシャには真似出来ないような涼しげな顔つき。Twitterではじめて彼女を見たとき、そんなに若いとは夢にも思わなかった。(当時彼女は12歳) 。
顔いっぱいに笑顔を浮かべたプチ富永愛を見つめるミーシャ。彼女はフロントロウで多くのエディターやカメラマンに囲まれ、パパラチされてた。もしタビと比べられる所があるとしたらこれかもしれない。 お母様は独特な景色に少し困惑していたかもしれないけれど、落ち着いていて丁寧な印象を受けた。二人がミーシャの隣に腰を下ろした。”この前のツイートしていただきありがとうございます。マッピーがミーシャをフォローしてたので。そして、ミーシャのヘアカットが大好きなんです。” ん?あの時のツイートの女性がこのマッピーだった!?とピンときた。でももっと驚いたの川久保オマージュのボブはミーシャへのオマージュでも?!w
At Alcatrock, Mappy’s mom was rifling through the numerous racks, pulling out the smallest dresses for her daughter to try on. I took out one of my favorites, one I’d tried on just a few weeks earlier but sadly concluded it was sized for a human much tinier than me. Mappy grabbed a shiny blue bowler hat to match but it was too small. “If it’s too small for me, it won’t fit ANYONE!,” she joked. An hour or so later, Mappy had tried on a bevy of lacy, pretty things. I was actually surprised, since in my few short encounters and hearing her interview, I had thought she was a fan of chic and shiny “mode” style. I asked her about it later at the cafe.
“Of course I’m interested in mode. But it’s too expensive for me.” Ah, reality kicks in. I hardly even see adults wearing Ann Demeulemeester anymore anyway, I don’t know why I would have expected Mappy to be in it. Instead,she and her mother will giddily tell you about their favorite vintage haunts and great bargains they caught in Kichijoji. “My bag here was only 100 yen!!” bragged Mappy. Her sense of style is still blooming, but her sense of self is very much established. “I just started junior high school and it’s tough I guess. No makeup, no accessories… and everyone wears just plain socks!” she complained.
I asked if anyone knows about her being famous online and her mother kicked in. “I don’t think any of her classmates know yet, but sometimes the mothers will mention that they saw Mappy mentioned online in places.” The newfound attention means dealing with people who want a piece of the action. Her mother added, “We get requests from photographers all the time asking Mappy to be in their shoots but we often don’t know what to think of them or what to say back.” “And they barely have any followers!” piped in Mappy like a true SNS aficionado. This was definitely something that worriedly popped up in my mind when I saw the commotion at fashion week. I stressed that only working with real professional people they absolutely trust is key.
1時間くらい、マッピーはあらゆる美しく、素敵なビンテージを身につけてドレスアップした。彼女の写真を撮ったり、おしゃべりをしていた内に、あることに気付いた。「モード」や「クール」なものに興味があると言ってたのにかなりビンテージ派寄りだった事。気になっていたので、そのあとカフェで聞いてみた。 “もちろんモードに興味はあるけど、私には高すぎるよ” 。だよね。現実がどーんと突きつけられる。そういえば大人の私もAnn Demeulemeesterとかもうあまり見ないもんな。。マッピーになにを期待したんだろう。だって、私もいつも言っているのは「モードは値段ではなく、気分だ」なのに。だよね。代わりにお母様とよく行くビンテージショップやバーゲンの掘り出し物の話を聞かせてくれた。 “このバッグはたったの100円!だった” と興奮するマッピー。 彼女のスタイリングセンスはまだまだ発展途上だけど、彼女”そのもの”は立派に確立されている。
“まだ中学生になったばかりだけど、学校はちょっと厳しいの。お化粧もアクセサリも禁止。しかもみんな、無地の靴下を履くんだよ!”と不満がたくさんあるようだ。 学校のクラスメートはマッピーがネット上で人気を集めていることを知っているかしら?と訪ねると、お母様が答えてくれた。 “まだクラスメイトは知らないと思います。でも、お母さんの方から”マッピーの写真をネットで見ましたよ”という話はされることがあります 。注目されはじめると色々な人と関わりを持つ機械が増えます。よく、”作品撮りでモデルをしてほしい”とフォトグラファーの方からお話をいただきますが、どの人を信頼できるか、断るべきか、判断がなかなか難しい”
But more than fashion week, the vintage, and the clothes, there was something else altogether occupying Mappy’s brain: The piano. “I don’t want to just be a fashionista. I want to be a pianist. A fashionable pianist. I really want everyone to understand this is my priority” A pianista? And she wasn’t joking. Mappy has sights more set on being a performer at the piano bench than being an exhibition at the fashion shows. At the moment she is into jazz music and practices for public festivals. But that doesn’t mean she is going to stop attending fashion shows, or snapping her daily outfits for her instagram and blog anytime soon. The entire time we were at the cafe talking, she had been trying to edit a photo we took together for her instagram. After about an hour, she wailed, “I don’t know what filter to use! How do you think I should go??” Bright and bold, Mappy… Go brightly. And boldly.
ファッション界で注目を浴びる Mappy。でもファッションショーよりも、ビンテージよりも、服よりなにより、マッピーを夢中にさせるものがある。それはピアノ。 “ただのファッショニスタにはなりたくない。ピアニストになりたい。ファッショナブルなピアニスト。これがわたしの価値観だって、みんなに分かってもらいたいの。” ファッショナブルなピアニスト?ってことは、ピアニスタ…? 彼女は真剣だった。マッピーが描く将来のビジョンは、おしゃれ傍観者のではなく、おしゃれにパフォーマンスをすることだ。今はジャズミュージックにハマっていて、近所の祭りに向け練習しているそう。しかし、これは決してファッションショーに姿を見せなくなるとかではないし、毎日コーディネートをインスタにあげてブログもまめに更新している。 カフェでお話ししている間、マッピーは一緒に撮ったスナップをインスタ様に加工しようと励んでいた。一時間くらい経って、”もうわからない!どう加工したらいい?”と嘆いた。 ブライト&ボールド、マッピー….そう、明るく勇敢に。
Mappy on Instagram オフィシャルインスタグラム
-Misha Janette
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