「クロガミ」で輝くクールな女の子たち The cool new “kuro-gami” girls.
During Tokyo Fashion Week in Oct., I couldn’t help but noticing; many of the fashion girls around me had tossed the pastel or blonde hair styles for one: the little black bob. To name a few names, Mademoiselle Yulia, Matsuyou, and of course there’s always been Mappy and Erika Gold. It’s part of a growing trend of girls in Japan who are going back to their roots, and making “wa” or modern “yamato nadeshiko” one of the coolest styles around.
Yamato-Nadeshiko is a very outdated term, but means “ideal Japanese woman”…usually very natural looking, demure, humble, good at cooking and homemaking etc. But it’s not about being demure or quiet, because this very “Japanese” style is all about being strong, cool and unique. It’s the modern yamato-nadeshiko, and it’s one of the best trends I’ve seen in Japan in the last decade.
日本人の女の子が黒髪にパッツンの前髪をしているのをみると、決まって”COOLだな”と思う。今年のルミネの広告は全部マンナミユカだったが、彼女はショートバングにストレートのロングへアが特徴的。今までのルミネの広告のスウィートでセンチメンタルな雰囲気とは異なり、マンナミユカはミステリアスでクールな空気感を運んできた。2016年最初の広告を撮るときに、撮影のクリエイティブディレクターは “フェミニンというよりは、もう少しユニークに”と言ったらしい。日本ではつまらないとか、パッとしないとおもわれがちな黒髪のモデルということで、ある意味大きな挑戦だったと言える。結果、マンナミユカとこのルミネの広告は、以前のトレンドであるふわふわ染めた髪のかわいらしいイメージに対抗するクールな黒髪ムーブメントの一部になった。それに加え、時代のファッションを牽引するようなおもしろい女の子たちが黒髪に変えてさらにかっこいい一面を発信することで、黒髪ブームにさらに拍車をかけることになった。
When I see a Japanese girl with black hair and short bangs, it conjures up one word: cool. The model used in all of the ads for Lumine this year has been Yuka Mannami, with her pixie bangs and long, blunt-cut hair. Unlike many of the ads in the past where the model looks sweet or wistful, Yuka has been giving a very mysterious and cool vibe in each one. For her first ad of 2016, the creative director behind the shoot said that about this ad; “Instead of feminine, I wanted her to look unique”. …Which is a bit of a head scratcher as black hair has always been considered boring and uninspiring in Japan. But I think she is part of a movement that has seen the past trends of bleached hair and stereotypical pretty or cute looks being usurped by the kuro-gami (straight, black hair), especially when really interesting girls are managing to wear kuro-gami and still look really cool.
As for westerners, we have always seen long black hair as being really mysterious, cool, and of course exotic. Legendary Japanese model Sayoko Yamaguchi from the 80s helped push that storyline by sporting the most avantgarde Japanese fashion brands and working on dark and moody projects with the likes of Serge Lutens. But even after that, we had black hair on Uma Thurman in “Pulp Fiction”. That black bob was all we needed to know that this was a deeply layered woman, and utterly mesmerizing. Seeing black hair come back into style in Japan is great to see, and it helps push the narrative that “cool instead of cute” is the major trend we’re heading into.
もちろん、この流れは髪だけでなくファッションにも見られる。羽織もの、着物ローブ、ワイドパンツなど日本らしいアイテムは今とても人気がある。オーバーサイズが流行っていることもあり、最近の羽織ものはビッグシルエットのものが多いし、それを小さな女性が着るとすごく今っぽい。先日、ひとりでビンテージ着物屋さんにいって、レザーパンツとサイハイブーツに合わせる羽織を探していた時のこと。観光客以外に、日本の若い子も結構買い物に来るんですか?とお店の人に聞いてみた。(同じ質問何回もされてそうだけど笑) 答えは、”たくさん来ますよ!半分くらいは多分日本人だろうなという若い子です!”と。原宿では帯や羽織を普段のファッションに合わせて着ている人をよく見かける。このままいけば、このスタイルはもっと浸透し、当たり前のように和服を洋服を合わせるようになる日もすぐやってくるだろう。世界を見てみても、今シーズンはパリコレで再び着物ローブ的なアイテムが登場するなど、まだまだこのトレンドは終わりそうにない。日本人のあなたも、そうでないあなたも、もし髪を黒くしようかな〜それで着物を羽織ったら合いそうだな〜と思っている方がいたら、ぜひ思い切ってやってほしい!これであなたもニューウェーブの一員に。
And it’s not just hairstyles Im talking about, either. Japanese traditional fashion, such as haori-mono, kimono robes and wide pants are extremely popular now too. It helps that the overall arching trend in fashion now is “oversized” as haori-mono tend to be really big, especially when worn by petite girls. Recently, I found myself shopping for vintage kimono haori-mono, looking for oversized jackets and robes to be worn with some black leather pants and thigh-high boots. I know I’m not the only one, as I asked the shop staff if there were ever any young women shopping there instead of just tourists. “There are a lot! At least half of my customers are young women, probably Japanese.” Harajuku girls have been sporting obis and haorimono for quite some time now, and it will surely be trickling into the mainstream soon. Kimono-style robes were on the Paris runways again this season, and the trend doesn’t look like it will let up. So whether you’re Japanese or not, if you feel the urge to dye your hair black and put on a kimono, then let it be and come into the New Wave.
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