ウェアラブルになったKOTAOKUDAのレトロフューチャージュエリー Kota Okuda is a jewelry designer who’s big break is just on the horizon
寄せては返す波のような、青とオレンジがつくるおぼろげな夕焼けのような… KOTA OKUDAがつくるジュエリーの、過去と未来はその境界を曖昧にするかのように溶け合う。
セントマーチンのジュエリーデザイン科を卒業したKOTA OKUDAが、年末年始に伊勢丹でポップアップイベントをしていた。残念ながらミーシャは海外や国内を飛び回っていたのでポップアップストアに行くチャンスを逃してしまったのだけど、素晴らしいクリエーションに感動したのでここでピックップさせてほしい。
Like a wave that furls and wanes, like the oranges and blues that velcro together at the sunset, Kota Okuda pushes frenemies “the past and the future” together in a satisfying way.
A graduate of Saint Martin’s Jewelry Design, Kota Okuda had a pop up shop in Isetan at the beginning of this year to debut his line of full ready-to-wear pieces. Unfortunately I was doing my skipping and hopping around the world so I missed the store, but I was so impressed with the designs I wanted to share them here.
今回伊勢丹でお披露目されたのは、日常的に身につけられるファインジュエリーシリーズ「Far Horizon」。このコレクションの何に感動したかって、やはりクリエイティブなアートワークジュエリーを、シルバーやK18といった素材を使いここまで”ウェアラブル”に落とし込んだところ。また、アートワーク作品を作るときに掲げた「過去と未来」というテーマが、作品に奥行きや高いクオリティ、ぶれない芯の強さを与えているように感じる。
このFar Horizonコレクションは伊勢丹ReStyle Plusで扱われている模様。今シーズンに関しては伊勢丹での完全限定販売なので、売り切れる前に行くべし!価格帯も、2~8万円くらいでまだ手の届く範囲。本人は今、NYをベースに活動している。もっと世界を舞台に経験を積み、実力をつけていってくれることだろうと期待!でも、どれだけビッグになっても日本を忘れないでね〜笑 ぜひまた、日本でもポップアップをしてください!
Before I waxed poetically about Okuda’s designs both here on this blog and even on Swarovski’s blog, because his graduate collection at St. Martin’s got him a seat on the finalists for ITS. If you have seen those amazing pieces, please check them here!
For Isetan, Okuda of course had to translate those designs to an understandable and wearable items for the public. The theme was “Far Horizon”. And why was I so moved by this collection? Because it came from a very creative and deeply thoughtful place, which was his graduate collection. That was avant garde and unwearable, but he had a story behind it, there was considerable research done, and it was crafted by hand with passion. Even though these new commercial pieces are simple, the fact that they are directly influenced by a truly “art”-worthy collection, means that you’re indirectly purchasing a piece of art when you get one of these. Sure, they’re little satellites, but when you see the satellite necklace he made, it makes more sense as to WHY they are even in the shape of satellites in the first place. In the modern world of consumption, these things like research and experimentation and avant garde respect gets little fanfare. But still, there are many ways to own something more than a fleeting throw-away thing if you know where to look ;).
It seems that these pieces are available at Re-Style Plus in Isetan now, and they are completely exclusive to Isetan this season, so before they sell out we all might need to plan a field trip to Shinjuku… Prices range from 20,000-80,000 yen so not completely out of the question. And get something from him now, before he breaks big!
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