倖田來未の新曲Dance in the Rainのファッション解説と裏話!The fashion of ‘Dance In the Rain’ music video by Kumi Koda
- J-POP界のクイーン、倖田來未
- 世界初バーチャルリアリティ装置オキュラスリフトを使ったミュージックビデオ
- 幻想的なファッション
- そして監督はYKBX
このお話をいただいたとき、ミーシャはすぐに話に乗った。オキュラスリフトはFacebookが買収したというニュースを知って以来ミーシャも注目していたものだった(いや、有名な話かもしれないけどファッションブログよりもテクノロジー系のブログを常にチェックしている)。そして初音ミクのデジタルオペラ”The End”を手がけたYKBX (初音ミクがルイヴィトンのコスチュームを着たホログラムだった)。それに、ミーシャが10年前に日本へ来る前からすでにスターの地位を確立していた倖田來未。 ぜひ、革新的でプロフェッショナルなこの方たちと一緒に、今まで見たことないものを生み出したかったからLET’S GO!な勢いで取り組みだした。
完成品には本当に、心底満足している。特に服。ファンタジーだけどファッショナブルなものにしたかったから、コスチュームデザイナーなどではなく、よりリアルなファッションブランドで衣装を調達する必要があった。そして協力していただいたのが、Yohji Yamamoto、Limi Feu、Roggykei、Kotaro Sakadume。
When I was asked to be in charge of the fashion for a “really cool new project” that involved:
- J-Pop-Queen Kumi Koda
- Virtual Reality device Oculus Rift
- Director YKBX
- Epic RAD fashion
I was IN. The Oculus Rift has been on my radar since news broke that Facebook bought it this year (I am more of a gadget geek than fashion freak…maybe). Then I needed no introduction to Koda Kumi, who has been a star since even before I arrived to Japan 10 years ago. Then there was YXBX, who was responsible for Hatsune Miku’s digital opera “The End” (in which Louis Vuitton provided costumes). I REALLY wanted to work with these people, some of the most well-known, innovative and professional in the industry.
What we created was even beyond my expectations! The world’s first 360deg virtual reality music video. (which you can experience at Tokyo Designer’s Week NOW… details at the end).
I was so incredibly happy with how it turned out, and especially the clothes. I wanted it to be fantasy but also fashionable. So I needed to work with real fashion brands and not costume designers. For this I called upon Yohji Yamamoto, Limi Feu, Roggykei and Kotaro Sakadume.
Kumi may have a certain image, but for this project she told me she was really happy to wear “fashion forward clothing”. She also was the one to suggest working with Japanese brands, since the team was all based in Tokyo, and the virtual reality would be showcased at Tent London. Kumi is already very stylish..even in her normal clothes she has incredibly good taste, donning the likes of Alexander McQueen and Marios to fittings.
Below find more info on the clothes, and behind the scenes stories from the music video and filming. Trailer is below (available for full download along with the single on pre-order here).
ケープ: ヨウジヤマモト ディスコード、 ネックレス、ドレス、アームカフス: ロギーケイ、 サングラス: ミーシャジャネット、 リング: MYOB、 シューズ: ジュゼッペザノッティ + CHROMAT足コルセット
また、このシーンでもうひとつ注目したいのがサングラス。ミーシャ自身が制作を手がけ、メタルパーツには特に力を入れた。金属がたくさん付いたそれは固定するにはとても重かった。だから、ヘアスタイリストのリョウジ イマイズミさんが倖田さんの髪の毛に編み込んで止めてくれたのだけど…あれは絶対にすごく痛かったはず。でも倖田さんはとてもプロ意識が高く、そのサングラスなしではインパクトに欠けると思われるそのシーンを、 “このシーンを完成させましょう! “と言って素敵なものに作り上げた。サングラスに視界を遮られる悪条件の中16センチのヒールで砂の上を歩き、全てのアングルを一発OKで撮影した倖田さんの姿を見て、ミーシャの口はあんぐりだった!
Empty Desert:
Capes: Yohji Yamamoto DISCORD, necklace, dress, arm cuffs: ROGGYKEI Sunglasses: Misha Janette, ring: MYOB, Shoes: Giuseppe Zanotti + CHROMAT foot corset
The opening scene shows Kumi as a power-weilding heroine trudging through a white desert in search of something. This scene uses Yohji Yamamoto’s new line DISCORD, which feature motifs of waterfalls, smoke and white flowers (photographed by luminary Hiroyuki Arakawa) and hand printed by artisans in Kyoto. We really wanted to work with Yohji Yamamoto on this project, and Kumi was super keen on it- we were lucky the Discord line had just been released and so beautifully matched with the world inside the video.
Another thing about this scene you’ll notice are the sunglasses. I made them myself, and got very zealous with the metal parts. It was HEAVY.To keep them on, hairstylist Ryoji Imaizumi had to knit them into her head, which I`m sure hurt quite a bit. But Kumi was so professional, and knew that the scene would not have as much impact without them, so she just said “Let’s get this scene in the bag!” And she walked in 16cm heels, on sand, not being able to see perfectly, and STILL got every angle in one take. My jaw dropped!
全ての服: ロギーケイ、 シューズ: Y−3、マスク: 坂爪康太郎
このシーンはミーシャいちばんのお気に入り。しかもMVのプレビューではほんの少ししか公開されていない。(11/5からiTunesで配信されるMVをダウンロードすべし!)このシーンはまるでDavid La ChapelleやV Magazineのような世界的レベルのアーティスティックなクリエーションをしている気分だった。このシーンでは、倖田さんは椅子に縛られ、不気味なカルトグループに囲まれていた。ここでの衣装は全てロギーケイによって作られたもので、ダンサーのかっこいいTシャツもそうだ。あまり見えないかもしれないけれど、倖田さんが履いているワイルドなブーツはY-3の2014-15awコレクションのもの。2色のバージョンを用意したところ、どちらか倖田さんに似合うか決められずにいると、本人が両方の色を片足ずつ履こうと決めた。それ、最高。
White tower.
All clothes: Roggykei. Shoes: Y-3. All mask by Kotaro Sakadume
The white tower scene is my favorite, and it’s a shame the music video preview shows very little of it (you’ll have to download it!). It felt like I was doing something on the level of David La Chapelle, or V Magazine, creating a wild world through artistic style. In this scene, Kumi is bound to a chair, held by a mysterious cult-like group. All of the clothing here was created by Roggykei, including the t-shirts on the dancers. You can’t really see, but Kumi wears some wild boots by Y-3 from the new 2014-15 AW collection and each foot is a different color. I brought both colors to the set but since we couldn’t decide which looked better Kumi decided to wear one color on each foot. Love. Her.
The masks here make the scene 100% cooler. Again, it’s a little difficult to see but each dancer had a different shape to the mask and they covered the whole head. Kumi’s mask was made of Japanese “washi” paper. Both are by mask artist Kotaro. Sakadume, an incredible young mask creator. I’ve written about him before, please take a look again and be WOW-ed. He makes custom masks, and art pieces, and even “face vases”.
ブラウス: ロギーケイ、 ビスチェ : エージェントポロヴォケイター、 スカート: ビンテージ、 シューズ: イリスバンヘルペン×ユナイテッドヌード。 ダンサーはロギーケイ着用、ダンサーのマスクは坂爪康太郎。
Moutaintop ceremony:
Blouse: Roggykei Bustier: Agent Provocateur Skirt: vintage shoes: Iris Van Herpen x United Nude. Dancers are in Roggykei. Dancer masks by Kotaro Sakadume
The mountaintop scene was another fun one to do. Kumi requested a softer image, but one that was mysterious, tribal, and kind of supernatural. She chose the Iris Van Herpen x United Nude shoes right away- they are incredible! The female dancers all wear tops with a digital print by Roggykei that shows the sunset in different stages in the sky.
ブラウス: リミフゥ、 腕: Proef、 ピアス: MYOB、 その他: スタイリスト私物
やってきました、ダンスシーン。実はミーシャ的にはこのシーンのスタイリングがいちばん好き。難しかったから思い入れがある。ここは、ただ薄汚れて、廃れた、絶望的なスタイルというわけではない。だからといって、未来的すぎるのも違う。”日本的”でもない。今までに”ない”スタイルだけどシックでクール。そんなシーンなのです。ここでは倖田來未本人はリミフゥのブラウスを着ている。彼女が踊る度、ブラウスもはらはらと舞うのが美しい。MYOBの”ミステリアスなハッシュタグが付いた数字イヤリング”もすごくかっこいい。(数字の意味をググってみたけど、出てきたのはこのイヤリングについての書かれたブログだけだった) 腕につけたのは、Proefのフロッキーストッキングをリメイクしたグローブ!
A city in ruins:
Blouse: Limi Feu, Arms: Proef, Earring: MYOB All else: Stylist’s own.
Finally, here is the dance scene. Actually, I really love the styling in this scene the best, because it’s so hard to place. It’s not dirty or ripped post-apocalyptic style, it’s not too futuristic, it’s not “Japanese”…it doesn’t really exist as a style today but still looks very chic and cool. In it, Kumi wears a Limi Feu blouse that twirls and flies as she dances. The MYOB earring looks amazing, with a mysterious hashtag number on it (I Googled the meaning, but all I got was a blog post about a “strange hashtag number on an earring”). The arm warmers were created using flocked stockings by Proef and turning them into gloves (!!).
I love the dancing because even though the song is a ballad, the dance choreography is really aggressive and strong, flying around and stomping. It gave me goosebumps watching her and the dancers fly across the stage. As you can see, it starts to rain…. yes that was totally real. In fact, I had to get rid of the leather goods afterward as they grew mold from being so soaked (don’t copy this and keep your leather out of the rain, kids!).
倖田さん本人は土曜日のオープニングで再び体験された。彼女はそのスタイリングの依頼をもミーシャにしてくださり、発売を控えた話題の新作、”Alexander Wang for H&M”のスポーティシックなドレスを見事に着こなしていた。シャネルのイヤリング、DSquaredのシューズ、TooMuchのリングと共に。
There is one more scene not in the video, and it can only be seen by trying out the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality experience which is on now at Tokyo Designers Week for free (included with cost of entrance). The Oculus Rift is considered the most advanced VR technology available today, and to prove that point, the company was purchased by Facebook this year. This is serious stuff! For this project, you put on the headset and earphones and can experience being inside the music video yourself as you fly through the sky and can look around in any direction. It is VERY cool and a totally new experience!
Kumi herself tried it on Saturday at the opening—- She invited me to style her again, and she looked amazing in a sporty-chic dress by Alexander Wang for H&M (which goes on sale Nov ***), Chanel earrings, DSquared shoes, and ring by Too Much.
I was so happy to work with this team, especially Koda Kumi who was so professional it’s gonna be hard to go back to any kind of half-assed job. It was a challenge but I gained a lot of knowledge- I want to thank the whole production team, Dance Not Act, YXBX, Avex, Yohji Yamamoto, Limi Feu, Roggykei, Sakadume, my assistant Natsumi Yasuoka, and everyone else. Enjoy!
会場:東京青山 神宮外苑絵画館前
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•10.22-iTunes “期間限定Special Price” Pre-Order START!
#倖田來未 #DanceInTheRain #Oculus
READ MORE! 関連記事も読みましょう!
Tokyo Mode Diaries Ep 1 “Origami Whispers” Original Story Feat. EMPORIO ARMANI and Special Guest MARI NATSUKIエンポリオアルマーニと激特別なゲスト夏木マリが出演する東京モードダイアリー第一話:”折紙のつぶやき” 。この世界は一体どうなっていく・・?!
Words: Misha Janette & Natsumi Yasuoka
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