Glowing Jellyfish DNA silk by Gucci “Tranceflora” グッチのクラゲDNAで光る世界一ロマン的なシルク
クラゲのように光り、バラの香りに包まれ、そしてフェロモンがむんむんと出る女性を想像できますか? それを実現しようとしているグッチとスプツニ子! による ”Transflora – エイミの光るシルク展”が東京で解禁された。バイオテクノロジーを衣服で表現しようという、最先端的な企画は要チェック!
Could you imagine a woman who glows like a jellyfish, smells like fresh roses, and emits human pheromones?
“Transflora Amy’s Silk”, Jellyfish DNA silk by Gucci and Sputniko revealed in Tokyo yesterday is the attempt to make that a reality in clothing through biotechnology .
この、”エイミ”の物語と彼女のスペシャルなシルクは、コンテンポラリーテクニカルアーティストの”スプツニ子!”。彼女はMIT(マサチューセッツ工科大学のメディアラボ)の助教授を務めている。これはストーリー性のあるファッションが好きな人は最高に楽しめる展(ギリシャの恋の女神、アフロディーテのストーリーから着想を得ているので)。 スプツニ子!とグッチが実際展示しているのは、クラゲのDNAが注入された繭をUVライトの元で育て、そしてそのシルクを京都の西陣織着物の老舗によって織られた着物風の衣装。展示で配っている特別なフィルムサングラスを使うと、発光していない状態の元の色を見る事が出来る。その輝きはただのブラックライトによるものじゃない。写真を見て頂ければ、レーザービームの様に光を放っているのがお分かりいただけるだろう!
If someone asked me what the best thing to ever come out of science and fashion together, I would say Uniqlo’s heattech. No doubt, right? But this venture by Gucci is something to take a look at. And for one it has nothing to do with androids and LEDs and pedometers. This is biotechnology. The project has produced silk with the DNA of glowing jellyfish, roses, and is even attempting human pheromones (oxytocin). It’s called “Amy’s Silk” and Gucci and Sputniko believe it can make a woman who wears it a living goddess.
The whole story of “Amy” and her very special silk was created by young contemporary tech-artist “Sputniko” who is an assistant professor at MIT. The story is outlined below (It’s a trip; inspired by Aphrodite the beautiful greek Goddess of the ocean). What Sputniko and Gucci produced is a silk fiber injected with jellyfish DNA so it glows under UV light. This silk was then given to one of Kyoto’s most long-standing artisans on weaving silk kimono fabric called “Nishijin-ori” which can fetch thousands of dollars per yard. Together they created a costume made of silk nishijin-ori that glows, green. You can see the original color through special polarized sunglasses. The light is more than just a reflection of black-light; in fact you can see in the photos it’s almost as bright as a laser beam.
スプツニ子!といえば、”オタク文化” ですね。なので展示されている衣装はアニメに出てきそうなダイナミックなデザイン。実は、ミーシャも大好きなアバンギャルなデザイナーの串野真也さんも京都から参加し、この着物インスパイアのデザインを完成させた。
こんなバイオシルクの魅力で肉食系女子がどんどん増えて行ったら何が起きるかって?もしかしたら、ハーレムならぬ逆ハーレムとか、男遊びに生きる女子が流行ったりする世の中が来る日も遠くはないかもね 笑
この”Tranceflora- エイミの光るシルク展” by グッチ & スプツニ子! は新宿のグッチ3Fにあるグッチギャラリーで5/17まで観れます!
As part of the young “otaku” (geek) generation in Japan, Spuniko’s design comes off as rather anime-costume-ish, reflecting the trends in Tokyo. Se also enlisted designer Masaya Kushino from Kyoto, one of my favorite local avant-garde designers, to make the kimono-inspired outfit.
What will happen if the scientists successfully make clothes enhanced with pheromones and the ability to glow, sending women on pick-up rampages? Perhaps open relationships will be more en-vogue sooner than we think.
You can see “Tranceflora Amy’s Silk” , Jellyfish DNA silk by Gucci and Sputniko at Gucci Gallery in their Shinjuku Store 3F in Tokyo until May 17th.
トランスフローラ – エイミの光るシルク
片思いの女の子なら。デートに着る勝負ドレスの1着や2着で悩む事があるかもしれないけれど、エイミはただ見た目が煌びやかなドレスだけでは物足りなかった。大好きな相手の心の奥までコントロールして、相手が私だけの虜になる「Perfect Love Dress」が欲しい。そう願うエイミは、無数の蚕を部屋に飼い。恋を叶えるための3つのシルクを創造する…
[光るシルク- The Glowing Silk]
恋愛ホルモンと呼ばれる「オキシトシン」を組み込んだシルクを生物研と界が着こう層中。オキシトシンはボディタッチなどで分泌されるホルモンで、男女間の信頼や恋愛感情を高めると言われている。2012年のボン大学René Hurlemann博士の研究で「恋人のいる男性にオキシトシンを投与すると他の魅力的な女性に近づかなくなり、浮気を防止する効果がある」というデータも出ている。この「恋のシルク」で作ったドレスを意中の相手にこすりつけたり、まゆ玉で相手の身体を洗ったりする事で、彼もあなたと本気の恋に落ちる?・・・かもしれない。
Read the story behind the jellyfish DNA silk by Gucci:
Amy is dangerously in love.
Any girl might invest in a killer dress or two to win over a boy, But Amy is determined to take it to a whole new level. Dresses that merely invite his gaze aren’t enough; she wants a dress that can control his deepest desires, that can make him want only her. Amy has been secretly breeding a colony of silkworms in her bedroom, genetically engineering them to produce her Three Silks, each endowed with a power to subtly influence her lover’s mind. She will weave them into her Perfect Love Dress, which she plans to wear on her on her big date someday. Just one date, and he would belong to her…
I have launched a joint research project with NIAS to bring Amy’s Three Silk to life.
The Glowing Silk
This fluorescent silk, developed by researchers at NIAS in 2008, comes in many bright colors and can be made by injecting silkworm eggs with jellyfish or coral DNA. We collaborated with Hosso, a traditional Nishijin-ori textile manufacturer based in Kyoto. to create a fabric woven from the Glowing Silk. Amy’s dress is made of this new material.
The Rose Silk
We are currently developing a fragrant silk that can be produced by silkworms expressing an enzyme for synthesizing phenethyl alcohol, a chemical with rose-like odor. An alternative method, in which the silkworms are made to express rose oxide (another fragrant chemical found in rose smell), is also being considered. A dress made of the Rose Silk could turn you into a sensual, sweet-smelling goddess of love and beauty like Aphrodite.
The Love Silk
We are also working on a “love-inducing” silk that contains oxytocin, in a hormone secreted in the brain that is thought to enhance trust and romantic feelings between men and women. According to a 2012 study led by Dr. René Hurlemann from the University of Bonn, nasally administering oxytocin to heterosexual men in relationships can encourage monogamy by making their partners appear more attractive than other women. Wearing the Love Silk might just make him fall more deeply in love with you – if you can somehow rub off enough oxytocin on his nose.
Misha Janette
Natsumi Yasuoka
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Jellyfish always are for me inspiring and with this kind of things… I´m thinking more and more. Love this style. Sorry about my english but your blog gives me a lot of ideas for my illustration but I´ve never dared to write ;I Kisses from Madrid ¡¡muá!!
Thank you Natalia! xoxo