百貨店の紙袋の「おしゃれ」度を勝手にランキング!Japan department store shopping bags, ranked!
そこでひとつ浮かび上がった疑問。日本人にとってデパートの紙袋は具体的にどのくらい重要なのか? “本当”に大切なのだろうなとは予想がつく。実際問題、ショッピングバッグのデザインは購買意欲につながる( 限定デザインの紙袋なんかはかなりの人気を博す )。 アメリカ人の私としては、その文化はとても素敵なものに映るのは正直。日本にやって来る前はパッケージやそのデザインを 気にしたことなど全くなかった(それがティファニーやエルメスだった場合を除いて)。そこで、東京でデザインされた”百貨店のショッピングバッグ” に着目して、”ファッション”の面から勝手にランキングしてみました。どのデパートがいちばんスタイリッシュかな?リニューアルしたら…?というデパートは?意見を添えてまとめていますよー。
At the Mainichi Fashion Grand Prix, perhaps the most prestigious awards in Japanese fashion, there was an award bestowed upon a paper shopping bag. Yes, a shopping bag. As part of the “buzz” award, it went to commemorate the Mitsukoshi Department Store’s new bag design “Minori”. I have to say, I have been in Japan quite some years and I know the culture, but I still thought it was a funny quirk that would give a shopping bag one of the highest fashion honors of the year.
Shopping bags are a MAJOR part of modern Japanese culture. Especially since they get used as wrapping for gifts (as in, are given in the same paper bag it was bought in, with the store logo displayed prominently) or are reused to haul around stuff that won’t fit in a handbag. In the west, we tend re-wrap our gifts or throw stuff into any old bag so I don’t remember saving store bags at all. Here, some limited edition store shopping bags can draw crowds, and holiday versions are especially popular (think of it like the Starbucks red cup season). A change in one of the centuries-old department store bags would definitely make the news. So I looked at all of the Department Store shopping bag designs in Tokyo and ranked them from a “fashion” perspective. If you’re gonna be carrying it around everywhere, it might as well look good. What Department Store is the most stylish? And what, in my opinion, needs an update?
“プレゼントを渡す”ときにストアバッグのデザインセンスが最も求められていると思う。日本ではプレゼントをこのバッグに入れて渡すからね。(アメリカではそこらラッピングペーパーで包み直して渡す) また、日本では普段、自分のハンドバッグに入らなかった荷物をこういうショップバッグに入れて持ち歩く人が多い。リユースされることによって広告となり宣伝効果も期待出来るという訳だ。だから、デパートの紙袋は分かりやすくてアイキャッチーであることが大事なのだ。
- どうスタイリッシュか?たとえ、その百貨店を知らない外国の男性や女性の友達にプレゼントを入れて渡すのに十分なおしゃれ度か?
- テキスタイルとして使ったらどうか?例えば素敵なコートとして纏えるか。
- 全体の雰囲気は?覚えやすくてユニーク?想像が膨らむ?部屋のインテリアの参考になるか?
In the US, I grew up in a town with only a few department stores and I can’t even remember what their bags looked like. Maybe I remember Nordie’s but I certainly never *didn’t* throw the bag in the garbage right away. That said, Department Store bag designs are so ingrained in the Tokyo culture I could easily remember every major bag design here. This isn’t a quiz, this is a “fugly” or “not fugly” listicle (in other words, “am I ok with being a walking billboard for this store?” Or “Should I toss this in the closest conbini rubbage bin?”)
- How stylish is it? Would it be stylish enough to give a gift in it to foreign male or female friend who doesn’t already know the department store?
- Is the bag design stylish enough to become a textile pattern, such as for a dress or coat?
- What about the bag’s total atmosphere? Is it memorable? Is it unique? Would it inspire a fabulous home decor scheme?
Here are the most popular department stores in Japan and their bags.
これは、ほんとーうにかわいい。…”マジで” かわいい。何度も言う、かわいい。ハリウッドスターに例えるなら、アンジェリーナジョリーみたいな。グレーと赤が使用されて、めでたく、印象的で、グラフィカル。京都友禅染アーティストで、人間国宝の森口邦彦さんによりデザインされた。57年ぶりに紙袋をリニューアルしたそうだけれど、三越が出来たのは1643年(341年間)なのでとてつもなく長い歴史がある。新しいデザインのラッゲージも販売されている模様。個人的にこのラッゲージをゲットしたいくらい、もうこのデザインの虜!
- ぜひ友達に(男女関係なく)プレゼントを入れて渡したい。むしろ、このバッグ自体ををプレゼント贈りたいくらい。ありじゃない?
- このデザインのコートがあったら買う。素敵なラグジュアリー友禅染コートでしょ?ナイス。
- モダンでクールな雰囲気。インテリアのインスピレーションにも大歓迎。
It’s really, really, pretty. Like… REALLY pretty. It’s bombshell double-take pretty. If it were an Hollywood actress, it would be Angelina Jolie. Set in grey and red, it’s celebratory, strong, and graphical. It was created by one of the most legendary “yuzen”-dye artists alice today, Kunihiko Moriguchi from Kyoto, and he did a good one. It has been 57 years since the bag got an upgrade, but considering the department store has been in business since 1643 (that’s 341 years), it’s a drop in the bucket. There is a set of luggage in this new design for sale already and I actually want that luggage.
- I would definitely approve any man or woman carrying this bag. I would even give the bag-yeah, just the bag- as a gift.
- I would buy a coat in this design. It would be a lovely, luxurious, yuzen-dyed silk coat.
- The atmosphere is modern and cool, and if it were the inspiration for my house interior I would be a happy stylish clam.
I would even travel across town to shop at Mitsukoshi now. I know, I sound brainwashed. I probably am.
And now Mitsukoshi has set the bar high; let’s see how the others compare
- 友人にプレゼントを渡すとき使うけれど、ミーシャより年上の人の場合が好ましいかも。カラーリングがレトロだから。
- 伊勢丹チェックのコートはぜひ着てみたい。でも、さっきも言ったように、この色のものはなんとなく70年代っぽい印象で、レトロ。ミーシャは70年代のファンではないしな…前の青と緑のチェック柄が素敵だったけどな!
- チェックは今とっても人気。ロンドン、スクール、トラッド スタイルが流行だから、想像膨らむね。
Isetan’s design is perhaps the most famous. It’s a plaid bag, and it’s had numerous iterations and color variations throughout the years. This design and coloring is so ubiquitous that there are Isetan-plaid clothing collabs for sale as well. In fact, the plaid design won the award for the world’s first ever “Best plaid”. Basically, Isetan was Burberry before Burberry was Burberry. Note that the current bag is the front, in red/green/yellow.
- I imagine someone who is a bit…more mature….in age, maybe gen X or babyboomer to be happily toting this around. The colors are just so retro.
- I would definitely wear a Isetan plaid-covered coat, but not in those colors, honey.
- Plaid is super trendy right now with the London/school girl/90s/preppy styles all over. It just so happens I just bought a plaid dress. Plaid for you, plaid for me, plaid for everyone. So Isetan is another winner (for now).
- カラフルなデザインなので、若くてクールな男女の友達にぜひ持たせたい。
- ドットのドレスは親しみやすいし楽しい気分になる。そう、ずばり、テキスタイルとしてもアリ!
- レトロで未来的でグラフィカル。そして少しポップな要素も合わせ持つデザインは軽快な印象。このパターンの食器や壁紙があったらかわいいかも!
Seibu’s design was done by another legendary graphic designer, Ikko Tanaka, who also designed logos for Muji, Loft and many more. He said this Seibu design was his “best” work ever. The black version is even more colorful and eye catching.
- Since it’s such a colorful design, I would give this bag to young and cool friends, both male and female.
- A dress covered in dots is totally groovy baby, and it reminds me of Courreges so yes, please!
- It’s retro-futurist and graphical, with a bit of “pop”-style in it, making it fun. I want plates and wallpaper in this!
- ギフトバッグとして使えるかって?東急の紙袋デザインはニュートラルであまり特徴がない。東急はバックのデザインよりロケーション勝負といったところか。さっき見たはずなのにもう忘れかけてる…。
- 百貨店ショッピングバックの中での”ノームコア”系だな。
- モダニスト、ミニマリストにとってはいいかもしれない。ファッションの観点でみると無地はちょっとつまらないかな。
??? >_> <_< The Tokyu bag design is kind of a mystery. The department store itself is situated within the city’s most populaous shopping area, Shibuya Station, and I have shopped there more than any other department store. And yet the bag is…not memorable at all?! In fact, it’s so unpopular, it was almost impossible to find a photo of it on Google. It’s like the Ninja of shopping bag designs. In fact, I got so frustrated trying to remember it, I went to Shibuya Tokyu and walked around several floors for 15 minutes trying to find someone carrying it but gave up. What’s wrong?!
- I probably wouldn’t give a double-take to anyone carrying this on the street. It’s completely neutral and inoffensive. It’s more about the convenience of location than good bag design..wait what? Damn, I’ve already forgotten it again.
- This design is kind of the “normcore” of department store bags. It’s like, Hanes.
- I’d say this is modernist, minimalist. Fashion-wise though, it gets a low grade for being so plain.
- ガーリーなので… きっと女性に持たせるときにはいいと思う。海外でこういう女性らしいデザインのバッグだけを扱っていたら、男性の人気はあまり集まらないのではないかな?
- 私にはちょっとかわいらしすぎるかもしれないけど、他の人がこのパターンの服を着てるのを見る分にはありだと思う。
- この陽気なデザインはいろいろなものに応用できそう。時代遅れという言葉とは無縁で今でもフレッシュ。でもやっぱり、フェミニンの限界に近すぎるんじゃないかなー?
Hankyu is based in Osaka and more rarely seen in Tokyo, but they have a really nice shopping bag design of a flower that changes out colors often (the Tokyo Men’s store back is actually quite chic). It’s charming & happy, the strokes make it look like it was done with a Japanese calligraphy brush, and yet it’s still modern.
- 1. It’s quite girlie….so I would probably only imagine women happily toting this around. If Hankyu were overseas, I think the men would be trying to perform a snuff job on the bag by tossing it sooner than later.
- I think the drawing is too cutesy for me, but I could see other people wearing this pattern on a fabric.
- Again, it’s very cheery and translates to many cultures around the world. Girlie ones.
- プレゼントバッグとしてぜひ使いたい。男女どちらの友人にも喜んで使いたい!
- デパートの建物柄の服は着ないなー。いくら”ミーシャ”でもそれはちょっと変かも。笑
- アーティスティックでユニークな空気感。また、流行に関係なく使える。紙袋をもってその空気感を添える代わりに、この絵を表示している日本橋髙島屋に住んでもいいですか?(家事は遠慮しときます。)
Tokyo Store
This bag is exclusive to the Tokyo-station area store, and is an illustration of the building. It’s a shame that it’s limited, because it’s REALLY cool. It reminds me of something I would find in New York or Paris. There’s tradition here, but also whimsy and charm.
- Well how YOU doin, you pretty thang?
- I would not wear an outfit covered in a drawing of a department store, though. That’s a little bit weird, even for me.
- The atmoshpere is artistic and unique-it’s also quite timeless. Instead of having it as a atmosphere, could I just live IN Takshimaya Tokyo store?
- 他のデパートのバッグデザインと比べると、特に三越の新バッグデザインと比べたとき、個人的には古風でアンティークな雰囲気を感じるので、新しいデザインが見てみたいなと思う。
- 私は”花模様”を絶対に着ないんですー!個人的に、たぶん、この柄は傘とかトートバッグに適してるのかな、と。
- ミーシャの日常にはちょっと馴染まないけど、マリーアントワネットのベルサイユ宮殿なんかを思わせる。ファッションピープルとして見ると、数年で時代遅れになってしまったものに感じるかも。ということで私的にはこのデザインはあまり好きになれない。ごめんなさい。
他にもそごう、京王、小田急、近鉄、松屋、松坂屋、和光などたくさんのデパートがあるけれど、上記の百貨店はとても有名で、尚且つショッピングバッグのデザインが印象的なものが多い。とにかく、三越デパートには ”受賞おめでとうございます”と言いたい!東京の西側にも支店をオープンしていただきたい!それまで伊勢丹のバッグを持ち歩くしか選択肢がないよーー
Other Takshimaya stores
Takashimaya’s bag once signified immense savvy taste, and traditionally, buying a gift from Takashimaya was the peak of refinement. The store has a mascot called “Rose-chan” and I suppose that was the inspiration for this design. It’s described as “elegant” and “luxurious”.
- Comparing this bag to the others, and especially to the new Mitsukoshi bag, personally I would say this needs a refresher, STAT. It seems…old-worldly. Antique-ish.
- Definitely NO floral fashion for me, please!! It seems good for umbrellas and tote bags maybe.
- I can’t help but think of Marie Antoinette and Versailles when I see this. From a fashion point of view, that’s just a year short of a few hundred to be too outdated. I’m just not that into you, and therefore I rank this the lowest on the list.
There are more department stores like Togo, Sogo, Keio, Odakyu, Kintetsu, Matsuya, Matsuzakaya and Wako among others, but the above are the most well-known and have the most recognizable designs. So congrats to Mitsukoshi on your win! Now please open a proper store again on the West-side of Tokyo!
What is your favorite department store bag?
****According to a corporate press release APPARENTLY Tokyu is celebrating its 80th birthday with these bags. These are AWESOME. Stylish, modern, super cool. The coolest bags I have never seen.
Words: Misha Janette
Edits: Natsumi Yasuoka
TWITTER: @FashionTubuyaki
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I like that girly Takashimaya Bag~ It’s so nostalgic of omiyage from JPN for me… Like some box of sweet candies will come of from it haha! I like the Hankyu Bag too haha! It kinda has this EU feel into it, generally this post is so much fun just observing little design details such as paper bags!
I know right! I had way more fun than I should have, writing it ^^ I jsut can7t approve the Takashimaya bag though :p
The Takashimaya bag is so cool. I like it. Thanks for the post