Incredible Araki, Yayoi Kusama rooms at Dogo Ryokan hotels ◎全制覇したい!5つのアート空間でフォトジェニックな宿泊を。
Woah, wait…hold up. Are you telling me it’s possible to sleep in a room marinated in Kusama’s polkadots, or one surrounded by full-on sexy Araki shibari photos? And I can do it in Japan’s oldest traditional ryokan hotel (which also inspired “Spirited Away”) which is already 100% awesome to begin with? TAKE MY MONEY!
Altogether, there are 5 special artists who have each decorated the interiors of several hotels and a few of their rooms all over the city of Dogo, for their yearly “Onsen (hot spring) Art” project. It’s an incredibly effective push to get visitors to the isolated city, as well as raising money for repairs to the ryokan buildings themselves. Here’s a look a the 5 artists and their rooms:
① Yayoi Kusama, the master of polkadots and pumpkins. She says that these rooms are ” Memories of My Soul, and in Search of Diverse Happinesses” and therefore their title. Whimsical and stunning.
宝荘ホテル × 草間彌生
“わが魂の記憶。そして様々な幸福を求めて” 。ポップな草間弥生ワールド爆発!
② Shuntaro Tanikawa. One of the most regarded and respected Japanese poets and translators. If you can read the words in these rooms, they are sure to nourish your zen.
道後館 × 谷川俊太郎
“はなのいえ” Flower House。彼の仕事場をイメージした部屋には彼の詩がいたるところにあって心に染みる。癒される〜〜。
③ Noboyoshi Araki. A photographer known for his photos of flowers as well as shibari erotica, these rooms promise sexy times (and accordingly, you have to 18 or older to stay)
ホテル古湧園 × 荒木経惟
“楽園” RAKUEN。色気むんむんすぎるこの部屋にはあの人を連れ込もう。笑
④ Marimekko textile designer, Fujio Ishimoto. Melding Japanese simple wabisabi with his signature scandinavian charm.
茶玻瑠 × 石本藤雄
“Suuri Taiga”大草原。マリメッコのファブリックも使われてるんだって!北欧ブームの今にぴったり!
⑤Mina Perhonen designer Akira Minagawa. Beautiful in it’s simple yet quirky atmosphere, it’s a room that might be found in a Japanese version of Alice in Wonderland.
花ゆずき × 皆川明
“ロ” LO。シンプルな中に細かい彼らしさが!かわいい障子は必見。
The rooms have been on a special “pre-open” status since December, and will officially open for public reservations from April. Between guests, people can take tours of the rooms to check them out as well. There are pockets of art scattered about the city of Dogo (in Ehime prefecture) so there’s lots to see if you feel like leaving your room. They are about 100,000yen each, but can be split amongst 4 occupants. I have never wanted to fork out for a room so badly. More info can be found here.
DOGO onsen
-Misha Janette
assist edits : Natsumi Yasuoka
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