トランスフォーマー、Hidaka本格的始動。Introducing HIDAKA, and his amazing convertible clothes
“黒の衝撃”とか、”モードの帝王”とか、ファッションデザイナーたちはその功績を称えられ度々”キャッチコピー”を与えられる。最近活躍が著しい”ここのがっこう”の卒業生たちだが、彼らにキャッチコピーをつけるなら…kotohayokozawa:は「今っぽくなけど新しい」だし、akiko aokiは「少女と大人の間のモード」だし、keisuke yoshidaは「学生服に未練あり 笑」とかかな?今日紹介したいブランドHidakaも文化服装学院とここのがっこうを卒業した期待の新人ブランドだ。
“The enfant terrible”, “the Trojan Horse”…we like to affix grandiose titles to fashion designers when they elate us with their work, like they are warriors coming to f— things up and save us from blah-dom. Well, sometimes they are (RIP Alexander McQueen). While not on that level yet but still a force to be reckoned with is Bunka Fashion College and Coconogacco graduate Shun Hidaka, the Transformer Tyrant. Too much? Maybe. But his clothes will still change the way you see yourself, while changing shapes themselves.
ちなみに、初めてHIDAKAにお会いしたのは東京デザインウィークの「若手アジアアワード」だった。彼の”私は母のシャネルスーツを着たい”というコレクションにすごく感心を持ちました (コレクションレポートはこちら):
”私はストレートな男です。そんな私は母のシャネルを着たいです。”これは、母の部屋で見つけたツイードや昔流 行ったファッションスタイルなどのビンテージ品のリメイクコレクションだ。ヒダカさんはジェンダーレスファッションの新時代をコレクションを通して語った。これは 今日本でも話題になっている注目の内容ね。”
Hidaka has set his target customer at a higher age than most newcomers on the scene, and you can see it in his indigo fabrics and forgiving silhouettes. But the focal point of Hidaka’s designs are their “convertibility”. Even when long-time veterans of the fashion scene saw how Hidaka was switching things up, they acknowledged it was on point. You can wear his clothes right side up or upside down, front to back or back to front. His buttons invite you to play with how you fasten them up, giving free reign to how they are worn. Is it flattering? Who decides? It’s an interesting idea, in contrast to most clothing which comes out so very prefabricated.
I actually first met Hidaka as designer Shun Hidaka when he was a finalist at the Asia Awards during Tokyo Design Week which I was judging. His collection had me thinking deep and in all directions. It was called, “I wear mother’s Chanel suit”
He said, “I am a straight boy. And I want to wear my mother’s Chanel.” It was a series of remade vintage items, using strips and bits from his mother’s room along with her tweed and other bygone-era styles. Hidaka spoke of a new era of genderless clothing, one that was and still is a hot topic in Japan.
(see the collection here)
Perhaps because he set his customer base as someone who is more “lived in”, but there isn’t so much “hipness” here, as there is “coolness”. So he may not be a tyrant, but the transformer in him is showing big.
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Love the ideas behind this one.