hatra hoodies are for the stylish and recluse. 2015 SS. hatra ひきこもり”ながら”おでかけ 2015春夏
Go for a stroll while in recluse. Hatra is pulling some high-level Chalayan-isms on us this season, with pieces that are experimental and multilayered in societal meaning.
Layer 1: During the cold winter season in Japan, where insulation and central heating is a rare luxury, many people gather around the “kotatsu”, which is a low-level heated table with a blanket over it (it’s like our “fireplace”). Hatra then created a wearable version of the blanket for the kotatsu.
Layer 2: “Indoor lounge wear” and “Public outside wear” are two different fashion genres in Japan, although not everyone follows the arbitrary rules of which is which. Hatra says his hoodies are like bringing the “comfort of indoor-wear wherever you go”. The irony is not lost on me, but we are rollin’ with it.
Layer 3: Taking Japan’s “hikikomori” recluse” epidemic and spinning it into something stylish…. how’s that?
The hoodie is an unofficial uniform for Japan’s group of hikikomori recluses, or a subset of people with mild to severe agoraphobia, who prefer the world of anime or video games to social interaction. Hatra is saying here, that his hoodies are like a safety blanket, to wear outside but still feel like one is still holed up at home. It’s extremely bold for such a young creator, but it helps that his hoodies and other easy casual-wear are top-notch quality.
Ever since the brand was founded in 2010, Hatra has taken the “bedroom” as a main theme, creating snuggly oversize clothes. The designer is known for his experimentation as well, starting with developing a technique of stitching that creates undulating ridges early in his career. He was in the excellent “Future Beauty” exhibit of Japanese fashion, has designed for Lady Gaga, creates cosplay costumes, and also runs with a rather raucous otaku-style art crowd called “Chaos Lounge”.
The collection is of dark color blocked clothes, in unisex sizing and of obsessive quality. Never mind that it’s mostly hoodies, and consider it a pioneer in the budding “formal” hoodies market。
In any case, Hatra is a quality brand with ideas to make us think beyond the clothing. It’s sold at Mikiri Hasshin and other select shops around the country. See a list here.
2010年に設立して以来、「部屋」を軸にし、心地よい服を提案し続けている同ブランド。またその活動は幅広く、「Future Beauty 日本ファッションの未来性」展への出展やレディー・ガガへの衣装提供、コスプレイヤー うしじまいい肉の衣装製作、現代アートグループ「カオス*ラウンジ」とのコラボレーションなど、ファッションだけに留まらない多方面での活動にも注目したい。
READ MORE! 関連記事も読みましょう!
TOKYO TRASH AS INDIE COUTURE. BALMUNG’S TRASH-BAG INSPIRED COLLECTION”トウキョウ・トラッシュ”は部屋のゴミ、東京のゴミ、頭のゴミ。”ゴミ”をイメージしてビニール袋などでクチュール的な作品を生み出したバルムーン.
Words: Misha Janette
Edits: Natsumi Yasuoka
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