ジェントリフィケーションが進んだ原宿が “ダサくなった”?!「ファッション特区」で救える? The gentrification of Harajuku: how the world’s coolest city is becoming “uncool”
Could it be? Is Harajuku becoming …. *whispers* uncool?
Since the 1970s the area has been THE epicenter of new trends and fashion icons in Japan and undoubtedly boasts the most unique shopping anywhere in the world today. Lolita, goth, decora, kawaii, hiphop, neo, otaku, vintage and schoolgirl, it is a veritable wonderland of subculture and chaos all blended into one scrumptious parfait. But then gentrification happened, and that parfait is melting into an unfashionable mess.
Calling it uncool is really unfair to the long history the area has endured, as well as my own affinity and memories attached to it. But what is even more unfair is letting it go and handing it off to the highest bidder. I`m talking about chain stores and fast fashion and shopping mall developers and rude tourists. Harajuku has survived both in part to foreign investment (aka tourist shopping and global chain stores) but is also becoming gentrified because of it.
実は、この記事と同じ内容を1月9日に出たWWDの最新イシューで語った。このイシューでは、9人の異なる業界のプロに、ファッション業界存続のために今何をするべきか?と投げかけている。そのうちの一人として、わたしもインタビューを受けたのだけど、特に、”クールジャパン機構や日本の政府は、何に投資をするべきか”という具体的な質問をもらった。海外進出のためブランドに投資するのもいいけれど、私の答えは、原宿に「ファッション特区」もしくはファッション保護区的なエリアをつくること。(ミーシャのおすすめは裏原エリアにそれを置くこと) とはいえ、私にもまだ具体的に詳しいアイデアがあるわけではないのだけど、より深く詰めていくつもり。これからよりいっそう何らかの対策の必要性に迫られるだろうから。
Cool Japan and Shibuya Ward Should Recognize Harajuku’s gentrification problem:
This post was spurred by the newest issue of WWD Japan (Jan 9 Issue), which asked 9 different industry pros about what can be done to give more life to the fashion industry. I was one of those interviewed, and I was specifically asked about what the Cool Japan fund or the Japanese government might be able to put their strength and investment behind. Instead of investing in a brand abroad, I threw out the idea of making an area in Harajuku a “Tokku”, or special protected ward (specifically, I suggest Ura-Harajuku). It wasn’t an idea that I had fleshed out, but the more I think about it, the more it seems plainly obvious and urgently needed.
Ura-Hara thrives on young creators. If something isn’t done to keep rents low, or to keep spaces open, then the young designers and boutique owners couldn’t stay. And if they leave, then the wonderfully-dressed “peacocking” shoppers leave. And if they leave, the curious tourists leave. And then it’s just a ghost town.
The world’s knowledge of Harajuku has come in spurts, alluding to different fashion genres in the area’s history. For example, NIGO’s BAPE blew up in the 90s, Kamikaze Girls (下妻物語)made Lolita fashion a bonafide phenomenon, then Gwen Stefani sang an homage to the kitschy Harajuku Girls, and then kawaii ambassador Kyary Pamyu Pamyu put a creepy spin on Harajuku style on Youtube…and it became one of the most talked-about neighborhoods in the world.
Saying Harajuku is a must-visit place is something it absolutely deserves. It *should* be well-known, it *should* be legendary, it *should* be seen to be believed. But while Japanese policymakers are patting themselves on their back for having such a globally-renowned hot property in their midst, they aren’t doing anything to protect it from the natural erosion that comes with such popularity. Gentrification is bringing in the chain stores, and those cookie-cutter stores are the antithesis of what made Ura Harajuku cool in the first place.
パクリが横行するチープなショップや、ファストファッション、スナップ狂の観光客、そして観光客ターゲットのお店などの流入について考えてみる。これらのショップは上がり続ける原宿の家賃に対応できる…というのは、まずい流れだ。ここで、2つの道が浮かぶ。1) 観光客相手のぼったくり商売を黙認する。 じゃなければ、2) 特区を設置して原宿を守る。
特区のルールはどうするべきか?まず、国内外問わずチェーン店は避けるべきだろう。特区に入れるのは、ローカルデザイナーのブランドか、日本製のもの。(東京でファッションを学んだ留学生が、そのまま東京でブランドを立ち上げることも少なくない。) また、入るショップも原宿のスピリットを持ったところに限るべきだと思う。家賃は安く。また、2階には若手アーティストの住まいやアトリエを設けたり、作ったものを販売できるスペースを設置したりと、新しい供給の方法を見つけるのも良いだろう。各クリエイターに1、2年という期限を設けてその間に顧客を作って出て行ってもらうようにしたら、若いブランドを育てることにもつながる。集客のために、若手に限らず裏原の人気点を招くのも良いと思う。DOGや東京ボッパー、古着屋、6%DokiDokiなどが入ったら、活気がうまれると予想できる。そういったブランドやショップが集まり人がたくさん来れば、互いにクリエイティビティを高め合えるのではないだろうか?
Designate Ura-Hara a “Fashion Tokku”
So with the influx of cheap knockoff stores, fast fashion, snap-happy tourists and the stores that cater to them, all topped off with the rising rents, it’s a recipe for disaster. There are two options: 1) Let it become a tourist trap or 2) Protect it with a “Tokku”.
A Tokku is a term that is used to defy current zoning laws to quickly push through projects or protect other areas. For example, there are Tokku that legally allow AirB&N operations. For Ura-Harajuku, it should be a Tokku as a block of stores or a street(s).
What might the rules of this Tokku be?
It should shun local and foreign chain stores. It should only allow locally designed or Japan-made (there are a lot of young designers from Asia educated in Tokyo who manufacture in Japan) brands. The stores should reflect a spirit of Harajuku. The rents should be reasonable. And there could also be other special provisions put into place, like 2nd-floor artist residencies or ateliers for young designers, with space or racks to sell off of. Perhaps they could be given a year or two each, to get a customer base before venturing out on their own. And not just for young designers, but for long-standing Ura-Harajuku institutions or for Japan-based brands that need a leg up. If some shops like DOG, Tokyo Bopper, Chicago or 6%DokiDoki were to be priced out, it would be a disaster for spurring fashion creativity.
そしてもうひとつ。特区に楽しみにくる国内外の人に注意をしたい:写真を撮っていいのは個性的なオシャレを楽しんでいる原宿キッズだけにするのはどうだろう?もちろん、失礼のないようにちゃんと本人に確認を取ってからね。東京には、カラフルでカワイイ、フォトジェニックなファッションが溢れているから、どうしてもカメラを構えたくなる。でも、動物園にいる動物のようにジロジロ見られ、隠し撮りをされることに疲れたシャイなロリータたちはすでに原宿に寄り付かなくなってしまった。同じようなことがもう起きてはならない。特区は、ファッションファンたちが集まるエリア、またお互いがアウトフィットを披露し合う場としても活用できると思う。最近そういった場所がなくなってしまったからね。表参道は混みすぎだし。(週末の歩行者天国、復活してほしい!) 原宿でハングアウトしていた人たちが口を揃えて言うのが、”原宿は、最近全然行かなくなっちゃったな〜チルできる場所がもうないんだよね〜”
And while we’re at it, let’s also say that this Tokku reminds tourists that it’s only OK to take photos of uniquely dressed Harajuku kids if you ask them politely first. I know that Tokyo would be able to come up with some colorful signs with a kawaii character that cutely but sternly gets this through people’s heads. We’ve already lost lots of Lolita who are too shy to become snapped like animals in a zoo. With a Tokku, it would encourage fashion fans to gather in a concentrated area, to show and tell their outfits. Currently, there isn’t a place like that anymore and Omotesando is too crowded already (bring back the pedestrian-only hokoten weekends!). A lot of people who used to hang out in Harajuku say they won’t even go anymore because there’s no low-key place to just chill among stores.
So this is my wish: to see a Fashion Tokku in Ura-Hara. We can only hope that it doesn’t fall on deaf ears.
[UPDATE] As of Feb 2017 (and around the same day I published this) It was announced that legendary Japanese street fashion magazine FRUiTS would cease publication. There are probably many reasons for this, but according to Tokyofashion.com editor-in-chief Aoki Shoichi said simply, “The cool kids don’t come here anymore”. This is a death blow to the already waning Japanese street scene in Harajuku as many street style stars got their launch in the magazine, and it’s one of the main reason anyone dressed up to go to Harajuku as getting in FRUiTS was such an honor. If there is no more FRUiTS, then will people still dress up for Harajuku anymore?….
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What a great idea. While there’s something to gentrification to bring back neighborhoods that that have gone downhill, more what you’re saying is make the Cool Japan initiative geographical – set off one or more places where what makes Japan cool can be nurtured & cultivated.
I’m so gutted about FRUiTS but, like what was said by its creator, the cool kids aren’t there anymore so its folding is to be expected.
More needs to be done to protect modern historical areas and the people that make it so.
kamikaze様、コメント&ご意見いただきありがとうございます。ファッション大好きなのに、原宿に行かなくなった自分にも責任はあるかもしれません。。。 最近は意外と新宿が多くなった。。。 >_<(反省