アヴァギャルドが出来るまで。タイツブームの裏話、パート3。The making of AVANTGARDE; behind the Japanese tattoo tights boom Pt 3.
“I can say with absolute confidence that it was Avantgarde that made tattoo stockings such a phenomenon. No one else did it. No one.”
So swears Kazuhiro Watanabe, the founder of wildly popular legwear brand Avantgarde and owner of its landmark Ura-Harajuku store. Since their tights broke on the scene in 2011, hundreds of brands have tried to mimic their success. This 3-part interview chronicles the idea, the success, and the impending end of this massive trend and the brand behind it. Part 3 looks at the post-tights future of Avantgarde and the Harajuku culture that propelled it.
それはアバンギャルド信者の方々にとってすごくショックなことだろう。だってアバンギャルドはただタイツを売る場所ではなくて、そこにはコミュニティがあるから。たくさんのファンが、お気に入りのスタッフ目当てにやってくる。ここのスタッフは上手にスタイリングをしてタイツを履きこなし、”アバンギャルド ガールズ”として雑誌にも登場。特に印象的だったのはモモと中川ジュリア。どちらも原宿ストリートのカリスマ的存在となった。洗練されたかっこよさをブランドに与えた。また、アバンギャルドは海外でも人気がでた。そんななか変化が…アバンギャルドではもう彼女たちには会えないの。
As of now, there are hundreds of brands putting out tights with tattoos or colorful designs thanks to the doors that Avantgarde opened for them. In Japan, colorful tights are still a must for many in their everyday outfits. Even in the sweltering summer, many women won’t even consider not wearing tights or leggings outside. But Kazuhiro says that out of all of those brands, only 10 or so are actually doing anything notable like Avantgarde did.
“I’m sorry but when Avantgarde ends, most of those brands will fail. The dozen or so left will last longer, maybe a few years or so,” said Kazuhiro.
-The end is near-
“I want to stop making legwear my main business within the year. As well, I want to change everything. It might even be something completely different.”
Oh my. That is sure to be a huge shock for the legion of Avantgarde fans out there. After all, it was more than just the tights, it was a community as well. Many fans came to meet their favorite shop girls who styled their legwear in genius variations day in and day out, and appearing in magazines as “Avantgarde girls”. The most popular of these shop girls were Juria Nakagawa and Momo, both who became some of the most popular personalities in the Harajuku street scene. They cultivated an impossibly cool image for the brand, and it spread abroad as well. But as things change, so do the girls… Juria was unceremoniously let go when allegations of misconduct spread on the internet, and Momo, who once went under the blog handle ”Socks lover girl”, left legwear behind to work at neighboring store Bubbles .
“I was really lucky to have them then. It’s a shame it all ended up how it did, although I wish them well. I think it’s really important to have interesting people with ideas and passion working with me. Recently I hired a transgendered boy, and although he is really young at 20 years old, I see a lot of potential and courage in him.”
“アイデアはいっぱいある…オーバーサイズのボックスTシャツとか、アイデアさえ浮かべば学生でもできちゃいそうなDIYでもともとある製品をオリジナルに変身させたり。そこで唯一浮かんだのはDOG(近所の原宿ショップ) 。ここは今までかっこいいDIYのファッションをたくさん提案してきている。”
そこで彼が最初のプロジェクトとして手がけたのは”Doc Martens100”。アバンギャルドとDOGのコラボレーションブーツラインで、各100ペアずつの限定販売。これはカスタマイズできるようにデザインされていて、アバンギャルドのストッキングがブーツのレースアップとして使用出来るようにひもを通す穴が大きく作られていたりする。ショップとオンラインの両方で購入可能です!
-Putting legs in the past, and head into the future-
As for the future of the Avantgarde brand, Kazuhiro confirms that the company will stay running, it just won’t be so leggy anymore.
“To me, it’s an extension of what I’ve already been doing in terms of product design and idea-making, but maybe the average customer won’t see it as that. “
Instead, he says he is looking to make things based on ideas he has, not as a fashion brand, but as individual products.
“I have a lot of ideas… I just want to make some oversized box t-shirts, and some products that are DIY so even a young student can come in and make it their own. I can only think of DOG [neighboring Harajuku shop] that has done such a good job at making DIY fashion so successful.”
One of the first projects Kazuhiro has made reality is “Doc Martens100”, a line of boots made in collaboration with Avantgarde. Each is limited to 100 shoes each. They are meant to be customized, with Avantgarde stockings serving as shoelaces. They are currently on sale at the shop an online.
On top of making products, Kazuhiro is teaming up with a large company to transform a certain legendary character into something new altogether. He says that will be revealed in September with a bang.
-Harajuku Oz, behind the curtain-
It was here that the conversation turned from being not just about Avantgarde, but about the Harajuku neighborhood itself. The area creates for itself an unmatchable image of street icons and trends that cannot be recreated anywhere else. But Harajuku is slowly changing, being taken over by global clothing chains and small boutiques who purport to be unique but are just in a rat-race to making the most money as quickly as possible by copying each other’s trends. Harajuku is still one of the last bastions of creativity in the world, but is it sustainable?
“Harajuku…. I hate to say it, but it’s really boring these days, no? Is there any interesting characters or icons now? Hirari [Ikeda] is great… my girls were great… Devil from Faline is interesting too. I`m most interested in Mappy, but still waiting to see how she is. I don’t think that’s a lot though, we need more new people with personalities to sustain change.”
Kazuhiro says that many people don’t realize how commerce in Harajuku is becoming less and less unique like it was.
“I was in the wholesale district Bakuroyokocho and was shocked to see items there that were for sale in Harajuku’s supposedly most edgy shops. I couldn’t believe those stores were selling the same cheap clothes. And there were so many products, and so many of the stores are selling these things instead of being original. Not to mention that many of the stores are becoming experts at copying big brand’s clothes. And this is in Ura-Harajuku! Japanese people say it’s only foreign brands that copy designers from Paris, but it’s the Japanese themselves who are really perpetuating that copy culture.”
As for Avantgarde, Kazuhiro says,
“After running Avantgarde for three years I’ve seen a lot of underhanded things, jealousy and altogether dirtiness, but I think my strongest weapon is creativity. So even if it’s not necessarily in legwear, I want to use that creativity and bring it to the next stage. If we just spend our time wondering who is underhanding us, we are doing nothing but wasting time. So I’ve got to move on, and I’m taking my new projects and running with ‘em.”
アヴァンギャルドができるまで。とタトゥータイツのブームの裏話。パート2 The making …and unraveling of AVANTGARDE Tattoo tights Boom PART 2
アヴァンギャルドができるまで。とタトゥータイツの終幕。パート1 The making …and unraveling of AVANTGARDE Tattoo tights Boom PART 1
-Misha Janette
Asst. Natsumi Yasuoka
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Thanks for writing this article; it’s a pleasure to hear an insider point of view on what’s really happening with Harajuku’s retail environment as well as an in-depth history on an iconic brand. Sad that Kazuhiro’s leaving the shop but I’m excited to see what he’s got for us next. I was lucky enough to visit the shop last month and I met a really charming shopgirl (maybe the trans employee he mentioned, though very much female-identifying). I think there are still ‘bastions’ of creativity in Japan, one might just have to look a bit further than Harajuku.