FURLA Neo Pop bags for SS 2015 フルラのネオPOPな春夏バッグたち2015。ミラノより中継!
去年イタリアのハンドバッグブランド、Furlaのビデオプロジェクトに参加したのだけれど、その”打ち上げ”ということでミラノに一週間弱滞在していました。#candycoolと名付けられたそのプロジェクトは、東京をはじめとするアジアの女性にフューチャーした4つのショートムービーを撮るもので、出来はとても素晴らしい。もし、まだ見ていない人がいたらチェックして見てください!David Lynchが東京POP文化と出逢い、融合したようなそのムービーは、ファッションビデオとして国際フィルムフェスティバルにも出展した。見ると、「こんな」東京が恋しくなる。
I just spent a little less than a week in Milan during fashion week, as an “uchi-age” (after-party) to a video project I did with Italian handbag brand Furla last year. The project was called #candycool and featured a set of four film shorts with girls in Asia, and Tokyo-not to be biased or anything- looked amazing. If you haven’t seen it, please take a look- it is like David Lynch meets Tokyo POP. It was even entered into the International Film Festival for fashion videos. It will make you fall for Tokyo all over again:
From here, I was taken on a trip to Bologna, Italy where the headquarter grounds are, spoke to the Furla CEO and had some historical tours of Milan.
But first, I want to show you the most exciting thing, the most technologically advanced bag I have ever seen, shown at their 2015 SS presentation…
This one is achieved by projection mapping, which in itself is still a highly new technology. We are still a bit off from getting our bags to change skins real-time, but it can’t be more than a few years out from now.
My eyes danced around the room with all of the POP colors, in Furla’s signature “ladylike” models, as well as their popular vinyl PVC “Candybag” which has put them on the trend-making map since 2010.
The candybags come in 3 sizes, “Candy”=big, “Cookie”=mid and now “Bubble”=mini (above)
My favorite were these limited edition drip-paint candybags, all limited to only 100 each worldwide.
高速列車で1時間程のボローニャへ行き、”Furla”というブランドについて少し学んできた。駅から車にのって伝統的でゴージャスな庭園のゲートへと進むと、その中には3つのヴィラが建っている。そこに、Furlaファミリーの本部はある。そこでミーシャはCEOのGiovanna Furlanettoさんにお会いするため座って待つ事に。彼女は創設者ファミリーのひとり。(1927年創設)
Furlanettoさんは、Furlaが”Premio Furla”というアワードを14年前に創設した事について話してくださった。これは、尊敬すべきアーティストを発掘することを目的にしていて、この経験を通して、アーティストとのコラボレーションをするべきだと感じることになったという。”決して、浅はかな考えだと思われたくないのだけど、私たちはまずアーティストの現実社会での経験をサポートしていきたいのです。”
I learned a bit about the Furla brand with a little sid trip to Bologna, which was about an hour away by high-speed train. From there we took a car to a gated compound which contained three villas situated around a gorgeous traditional garden. This was the Furla family headquarters. There, I sat down to meet the CEO, Ms. Giovanna Furlanetto who is part of the founding family (established 1927).
We were in an upstairs room with sweeping views of the lush garden and decorated with modern large-scale paintings and I was talking with a bright but relaxed woman, waiting for Ms Furlanetto to show up.
…it was half way through the talk when she mentioned “These, my paintings…” when it clicked that I had been in her company all along! (I felt like a highschool yearbook-level journalist for the misgiving. Oy vey! Luckily she laughed it off when I confessed.). After that we had a rousing talk on the relationship of art and fashion, and that’s when Ms. Furlanetto said that the brand would be working with lots of artists from here on out to add a new facet to their handbags (they are currently working with Tokyo-based flower artist Nicolai Bergmann on a collaboration out Oct 25th worldwide).
Ms. Furlanetto told me that Furla established one of the most respected young artist search awards “Premio Furla” in Italy 14 years ago, and only with that amount of real-world experience did she feel it was time to start working with artists on collaborations. “We didn’t want to appear shallow about it, we wanted the respect and real-world experience of supporting artists first.”
The first artist to collaborate is actually a Japanese children’s book illustrator, recommended by the Metropolitan Museum of Art Tokyo (MOT) curator. The bags themselves will be presented later on, but they’re sure to be funky.
Candycoolビデオキャンペーンに参加した他の女性たちを紹介します。Mirem(韓国版ハーパースバザーのエディター)、Leaf Greener (元 中国版Elleのエディター)、Ellie lcon Lee (香港のファッション/ライフスタイル ブロガー)。私たちはミラノの中心にあるお城のような”Casa Atellani家” へ行った。その素晴らしい館は、あのレオナルドダヴィンチも”最後の晩餐”の創作中に泊まった事があるという。通常、観光用にオープンしているものではないみたいなので、とても貴重な機会をいただきました。
Pictured are the other girls who participated in the candycool video campaign, little Mirem (Harper’s Bazaar Korea editor), Leaf Greener (ex Elle China editor), and Ellie Icon Lee (Hong Kong based fashion/lifestyle blogger). We took a tour to an incredible castle-house called “Casa Atellani” in the middle of Milan, supposedly where Leonardo Davinci stayed while painting The Last Supper. The house is not usually open to tourists, so it was an incredible opportunity.
I myself went a little posh with my Furla bag this trip, with an “Alice” bag covered in real fox fur (I was shielding it from the Milan rain like a mother would her child).
If you’re not so familiar with Furla, or see something you like, you can find their stores in Aoyama or Ginza. Also, it may be showing during Milan Fashion Week but the prices are far more reasonable than most brands so it’s totally worth checking out. I myself am looking forward to more artistic bags in the future!
この度は素敵な経験をさせていただきました。お礼申し上げます。Thank you, Furla★
There’s also Wonderfurla, with hundreds of street snaps of stylish women from Tokyo and beyond そして、スタイリッシュな女性たちのリアルなストリートスナップを見ることのできるコーナー、ワンダフルラはこちら
LEARN MORE 関連記事を読んで、知識を深めましょう!
MASSIVE GLOBAL CREATIVE PROJECT “CANDYCOOL by FURLA” KICKS OFF IN TOKYO フルラの #CANDYCOOL 世界規模クリエイティブなプロジェクトの第一戦は東京で!そして、なんと私とコラボ!!「2.5次元」的なカオスな東京をあの人気キャンディーバッグで表現してみたら世が賑わいた?!
-Words Misha Janette
-Edits Natsumi Yasuoka
TWITTER: @FashionTubuyaki
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