Fashion reveals the monsters within every one of us ◎ 今日の美学:モードは私達の心を明かせるの?
Two portraits capturing two eras in fashion, both by Irving Penn. We have the infamous VOGUE cover from 1950 on the right, and a portrait of an Undercover look from 2006 on the left. Can high-fashion say anything about humanity? They are telling the story of our civilization, even at 50 years apart…
Looking at these photos, you’ll see there is a hidden message behind the collective psyche of the two, that tell us the propensity of humankind, like the curtain opening on a playwright with an ode to our souls. I studied these photos, then I Wikipedia-ed their respective eras, and came to a conclusion.
…… narcissism.
Look, I wear my sunglasses all day, indoors, in the rain because I look COOL in them. I can’t see a thing, but that’s the point. I don’t see you, but you see me. We have this tendency where we don’t want to necessarily be seen, but we want to be *noticed*. Missy on the left there is in a veil and hat not because she’s a trembling flower, but because she wants to command the attention of every flower in the terracotta pot…no, she wants the SUN to shower it’s rays of adoration on her. Let’s call her Mr. Vain. And the masked creature on the left? A NASA satellite could spot that narcissism from space.
Fashion is for getting noticed without saying it out loud. I’m not talking about clothes here, like sweaty gym clothes or a cheap business suit, I’m talking about fashion and style.
“Wait, I’m not really into fashion so I’m not vain”
Then why are you here, mon unfashionable petite choux? And you’re lying.
There are some things that never change, and this obsession with how we look, the mask of fashion, of costume, of dress up, fantasy, and all the warm fuzzy feelings that come along with it won’t abate with the turn of time. Narcissism, when expressed through a filter of fashion instead of through…other scary outlets like emotional warfare or American Psycho violence, is definitely preferable in my book. We are human, afterall. Irving Penn captured this innate character with grace. And he didn’t care. Honey badger don’t care. No one really cares. Selfie away, my self-obsessed friends, because it takes only two quick taps and 0.5 seconds for me to like your instagram and give a nod to your vanity before getting back to mine. And god knows I have a lot of half-seconds to spare when I’m behind these sunglasses, pretending not to care.
*Oh snap, satire! I just needed an excuse to use these two photos for something.
ナルシズム。いわゆる vanityですね。人間のこの性質が感情的にも、肉体的にも、様々なカタチで表れるが、ファッション的なナルシズムはもっとも無難でマシと私は思う。自分をいちばん素敵に見せたいと思うにきまってる。アーヴィングペンはこうした人間の性質を上品に捉えて、表現した。ファッションフォトグラファーが有名になる理由でもあると思う。彼は人間のナルシズム的性質を否定してない。みんな、そうじゃない? なぜなら、私達は忙しすぎて自分が想像以上に自分に執着していることに気が付かないから。私のナルシっぽい読者さんたち、自撮りしてみて!そうしてくれれば私はものの0.5秒でインスタグラムに載った皆の自撮りを2回タップしてあなたの可愛くうぬぼれた姿に「いいね」してあげる。でもこんなことを言っときながら私がサングラスをして何気ない風を装っていても、実はインスタに載せた自分の写真にみんながいいねしてくれるのを待っ
-Misha Janette
-Karen Shimada
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