矛盾したメッセージが行き交う今のファッション業界:デザイン編。Why is the fashion industry so absurdly paradoxical? Part1: Design
ファッション業界人だけでなく、ファッションファンまでもみんな口を揃えて言うことがある。”ファッションは今すごく複雑で奇妙な局面を迎えている”。 →シーズンはごちゃごちゃだし、デザイナーもトレンドもコピー商品もあらゆるところにあって、それに振り回される消費は疲れて燃え尽きてしまっている。若手デザイナーたちは終わらない不況の中でもがいている一方、ハイファッションの価格は上がり続け、お金のある人たちでさえ買うのをためらうほどになっている…。
Ask any fashion industry professional or even just a fashion fan and everyone will tell you that fashion is really in a strange place right now; the seasons are all over the place, the designers are all over the place, trends and copycats are all over the place, and consumers are burnt out and frustrated. Young designers are in a state of perpetual stagnation. Prices for designer and luxury fashion keeps skyrocketing. Even people who have some money to spend can’t get the things they want.
As both a fashion professional and fashion obsessee myself, I find I am often disappointed or even annoyed at the industry’s inability to fix itself. But there are a few things that I have noticed and that I have been mulling over, and I suppose now is a better time than never to put it out into the universe. Perhaps the universe will throw a bone back.
I`ve been thinking about three points in particular:
The state of design
The state of consumers and prices
The state of distribution
Being in Japan, I can pretty much only speak for Tokyo, but it’s not all specific to this region. Especially this first point that I want to discuss: the state of design.
“Designers can’t sell if they don’t design for the average person, but consumers complain that everything looks the same.”
It seems the only place we can find some very exciting innovation is on the runways of young brand or student contests. And they really can be quite inspiring and lovely to witness…especially in Japan where you can imagine things get very fantastical at every turn. But even these places aren’t safe from the reality of commercialism now.
I was attending a fashion contest for students with a panel of veteran Japanese designers as judges. Generally, the winners of this particular contest put out some very innovative, experimental designs, rather than off-the-rack looks. At one point, the veteran designers each offer their opinions, words of encouragement, or advice to a hall full of young fashion hopefuls. Half the designers were excited at the diverse range of designs and techniques, but the other half were less than impressed. “What is with all of these costumes? Stop living a fantasy, and learn to design commercial clothes or you cannot survive.”
…the room was very quiet, to say the least.
Meanwhile, the winners of the contest showed unusual and unique designs while the more “commercial” pieces did not receive any prizes. So, that rant about commercial clothing seemed very out of place and quite sudden.
That’s already been done! Do something new!
That’s too much! Do something sellable!
…these are contradictory statements, and yet they are both being pounded into the heads of every designer, whether young or veteran.
It seems to me the answer here is “seek balance”.
世界で名が売れている日本のブランドはすでに事実に直面しているだろうが: 日本で売れるのは”コマーシャルな服”だ。でも海外市場では”イノベーション”が求められる。革新的な何かがないと相手にしてもらえないのだ。成功しているブランドは決まって、両者のバランスをうまくとっている。
日本と海外のマーケットに違いがあることは当然だし、各特徴にもうなずける。ただ、私が伝えたいのは「このメッセージは、失望をもたらすものではなく激励になれば」ということ。コマーシャルかイノベーティブか、そのどちらかになる必要はない。そしてヤングデザイナーにはどんどん自由に思いっきりワイルドなものづくりをしてほしいし、(その中でも、トレンドを見失わないことが成功のカギだと思う) ベテランデザイナーにはイノベーティブであることを忘れないでほしいと思う。
Japanese brands who are trying to make a name for themselves abroad already know the truth: to sell in Japan, only show the commercial pieces. To sell abroad, you MUST show some innovation.In this way, the most successful designers must balance the two.
This makes sense. But this message should be one of encouragement, not disparagement. It shouldn’t have to be “either” “or”. Young designers *should* be free to do the wild things of their imaginations (but the successful ones will be able to catch a trend even while being creative). And as for veteran designers, my hope is they don’t forget to be innovative as well.
With all of these mixed messages, I can see how everyone would be confused. Even *I* am confused! As for me, I just hope to see pieces that all don’t look like something sold at Zara. Here’s a philosophical question: if creators to copy disappear will Zara cease to exist? What a cynical industry we are in. I`m just waiting for the uber-expensive VETEMENTS-copies-Zara collection now…
PS ここに記載している画像はみんなDoubletの17年秋冬のショーから。その「クリエイションとコマーシャルのバランス」をうまく取っているブランドだと思う。また今度掘り探りたいと思う。
PS The pics on here are from the latest Doublet show, a brand that I think gets the “balance” of creation/uniquness and saleability VERY well. Will be looking to get more into Doublet soon.
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