男よりイケメンな女がモテる!? 海外も注目する「ボーイッシュ系」 Japanese girls as “boys” are more popular than the boys. The “Boyish-Kei” phenomenon
Japan takes “tomboy” to another level. What about females who dress as boys, talk like boys, are treated as boyfriends, and become famous as boys? It’s more than just pants and pressed collars and goes WAY beyond just being a fashion trend. It’s called “boyish-kei” (ボーイッシュ系 ) and it’s *fascinating*. 日本はトムボーイを進化させた?女の人が男として着飾って、男の様に話して、仕草なんてまるで彼氏。最終的に男として有名に?ただ、パンツをはいてきりっと衿付きシャツを切るだけじゃなくてファッショントレンドの上を行くそのファッションは、ボーイッシュ系と呼ばれる。うーん、魅力的!

ERIMAKI socks are shirts for your feet 足に着るシャツ?靴下の常識を覆した「ERIMAKI SOX」
The cutest collar shirts ever…for your feet?! Button up with Tokyo’s new ERIMAKI socks Socks are the scourge of every person everywhere- they get holes too easily, they’re ugly, stinky, and they ALWAYS disappear in the laundry. Japanese brand ERIMAKI is ready to turn socks into a legit fashion accessory. and they are DEFINITELY chic

New Shops in Tokyo to visit in 2014. Harajuku, Omotesando, Aoyama.
2014年行きたくなる東京の新ショップをリストアップ!原宿、表参道、青山 編 Japan had been having a rough time in the retail sector the past couple of years but 2013 saw a slew of new store openings, including ever more luxury brands as well as edgy street outlets. Take a look at this list the next time you want to find some new shops to

Azzedine Alaia’s Right-Hand Man: Hello, Hideki Seo
アズディンアライアの手と足で働く一人、HIDEKI SEO自身の独特なファッションワールドへ潜り込もう Hideki Seo may make a day job of being a main design assistant to Azzedine Alia, but he’s making his own world as well. It could potentially be described as one of Dutch Kewpie doll warrior women in blow-up teddybear armor painted in optical illusions to fray foes. What a world to be

Innovative Reality Lab Playground by Issey Miyake Opens in Omotesando & Debuts New Menswear Line
イッセイミヤケの「リアリティラボ」という革新的なファッション遊び場が表参道にオープン!新メンズウェアラインもデビュー There is a reason that Issey Miyake is revered as one of the most innovative brands on the planet. Not that we all don’t LOVE the digital printed sweatshirts from Givenchy and Balenciaga (cuz we do), but what Miyake plops out on the market is something totally new altogether. And now he has a

[Now more pics!] The Worst Candy Ever??..the Kind You Never Get to Eat. Dessert Accessories by Rotari Parker
【写真追加!】一生食べることの出来ないお菓子って最悪じゃん??いや、ちょっとまった!!ロータリーパーカーの永遠なるお菓子アクセを… “The best candy is the kind you never get to eat”. I don’t think anyone has ever said that, it sounds pretty bleak. How about this? “The best candy is the kind that lasts forever”. NOW we’re talking! 「最高のお菓子は、一生食べることの出来ないお菓子。」 多分、今までこんなこと誰も言ったことないと思うけど、結構冷酷よね。 じゃあこれは? 「最高のお菓子は、なめてもなくならないお菓子。」 これでしょ! だからこそ、ロータリーパーカー!

The World’s Most Avant-garde Fashion Has Never Seen a Runway
世界一アヴァンギャルドなファッションを発見! And never will…. …でも決してランウェイで見られるわけではない

Establishing a New Definition For the Phenomenon Known as “gyaru”
定義を変えようとする、新しい “ギャル” のかたちを提案 Today at the door to the exhibitions, we were welcomed to a creed. A creed heralding a new era of gyaru…? 今日の展示会のエントランスで迎えてくれた信念。これは、”ギャル”という新しいカタチ…?
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