13 yr old Tokyo fashion blogger Mappy is not the Japanese Tavi… ◎「私はTaviじゃない!」13歳にしてファッション上級者の東京ブロガー「マッピー」を紹介
No, Mappy is not the “Japanese Tavi”. But considering the similarities between the two, it is understandable that many would want to draw to that conclusion. “We have *totally* different style. I’m not really into what she wears now.” Asserted Mappy, now in 7th grade in a Tokyo-area school, while we talked over cafe hors

The secret history of Serge Lutens ◎史上最高のクリエイター、セルジュ ルタンスの秘密背景
So I want to share a story, one that has been inspiring me since it was privately told to me a few years back. It involves one of the most celebrated visionaries in history, Serge Lutens, and how he got started. The story is sprinkled with a message about believing in yourself, and also holding

よくもわるくも日本独特の “こだわり”について外国人はどう思う Kodawari should be the next word to enter English
Expectations can make or break success. Tokyo relies on some of the most amazing stereotyped PR of high expectations called “Kodawari” to stay as one of the most beloved cities to visit, and one of the most amazing places to find fashion in the world. But what happens when the bar is set so high

東京へ来て10年が立つ頃に伝いたい気持ち 10 years in Tokyo, a thank you and a look back
I stood still in the middle of Shibuya scramble crossing one spring day when I was 18 years old, the crowd swarming around me in all directions like koi in a pond. J-pop played on the jumbo screen, it was a mix of words I could and couldn’t discern. It felt energetic…like a vortex, some

Comme des Comfy Garcons FW 2014 ◎ コムデ着心地良いギャルソン秋冬2014年
I have found the most comfortable avantgarde fashion in the history of things. The idea of “comfort” comes up a lot in the discourse of avantgarde fashion, and it makes sense; avantgarde is never meant to be comfortable, it is the antithesis of comfort. It’s is about design and aesthetic. High fashion is not *supposed*

森ガールってどこの森に消えていった? Effects of deforestation; Where have all the Forest Girls gone?
If a forest girl is taken out of the forest, is she still a forest girl? Can one hand clap? Where DO all of those lost socks from the laundry go??? It’s these prodding questions that keep me up late at night. And speaking of forest girl…it seems she’s now living in something that looks

Not playing around; Caroline Bosmans’ avantgarde kids fashion ◎絶対に大人が着たくなるアヴァンギャルドなキッズ服
Were you happy with the clothes you wore as a child? When my mom talks about my “crazy” outfits, she’s referring to the days where she allowed me to dress myself, usually ending up with a mishmash of colors and patterns too outrageous for her to take credit for. If only a designer like Caroline

Lifesized Blythe in Bottega Veneta editorial is not creepy ◎等身大ブライスの着るボッテガヴェネタに会いに行った
Talk about Valley of the Dolls. “Blythe” is Japan’s answer to Barbie, with oversized alien-esque head and eyes and petite physique. Oh, and she’s got a signature smirk…hey, she sounds like a model! Then how perfect would it be to make her the same size as one, and put her in the latest Bottega Veneta
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