NYコレを代表するカルバンクラインが2015-16AWでタイムスリップ!Calvin Klein learns to time travel, invents metallic cashmere
でも今、重要視するのは ”落ち” はどこか。時にそれは、セレブの話やバックステージのスナップ、もしくはミーシャ目線で激写したiPhone画像。カルバンクラインはニューヨークファッションウィークでトップクラスのブランド。このショーのとき、街は大にぎわいで、と同時に欲しがりなファッショニスタたちをしっかり楽しませてくれる。まさに、NYFWの完璧なレシピ。
There’s nothing more exciting than being dressed by a designer for their show. It makes you feel like a celebrity for one, and the other is getting the thrill of wearing something that no one has yet before. It’s a power trip, yeah. So that’s why I waited in the apartment for the messenger to deliver my garment bags from the main Calvin Klein Collection SS2015 until the absolute very last minute. I nervously watched my clock. It was too late to call a car now. And finally, I ran out the door to catch the subway, my only hope of even making it to the show on time just as the garment bags reached my threshold. The ambling nature of NYC had already given me an unexpected thrill. At least I wasn’t naked.
I do remember watching a Calvin Klein Collection show at New York Fashion Week, before blogging and Instagram-ers had transcended the rope, and before it became my job to be one or not attend at all. I was either writing for The Japan Times or Kyodo Tsushin at the time, but looking back, I was observing it in a totally different way: what was the overall theme? How can I tie it into the other shows in one article? Do I know the history of the brand enough to keenly observe it in the present?
Now, the only thing that matters much is “where is the punchline?”. A celebrity, a sneak backstage, or a clear dramatic shot taken with my iPhone (#myownphoto). Calvin Klein is one of the top brands on the New York Fashion Week ticket, and it is both above that hullabaloo but also ready to serve it to our hungry maws at the same time. It is, at once, the perfect recipe for a New York fashion show.
So how did Fall Winter 2015 taste?
カルバンクラインのウィメンズはブラジル出身のFrancisco Costasがデザイナーを務めているのはご存知でしょう(メンズはItalo Zucchelli) 彼はここ10年程、CKならではのミニマルファッションに力を入れてきた。パターンや形、素材を研究し、掘り下げ、脱構築的ファッションのマスターとなった。でも最近は多くのデザイナーもしているように、テーマを掲げ、探ることに興味をもっているみたい。これはCKの歴史上すごく新しいこと。良い変化だと思う。肝心のコレクションはというと、60年代ワーホルのファクトリーガールを思わせる雰囲気が漂っていた。Sienna Millerがフロントローでショーを見ていたなんてなんて奇遇なんでしょう!?
We know that Calvin Klein womenswear is headed up by Brazilian-born Francisco Costas (Note: menswear by Italo Zucchelli), and for over a decade he has been keen on delivering minimalist-bent clothing, researching patterns and shape or texture. He became a master at clean deconstruction. But recently, he is more keen to explore themes and eras like most other designers do–this is positively avantgarde at the house of CK. For 2015 fall/winter we got a taste of the 60s a la Factory Girl in all of her shades. Is it a coincidence that Sienna Miller was sitting front row?
Earth-toned leather coats were patchworked horizontally, like bricks stacked up from the floor. Wide-leg pants were given the same treatment, while girlie A-line dresses cut out a huge round window for the breastplate, leaving just a bit to the imagination.
When watching a show live, I sometimes become too obsessed and manic about getting a good shot to share later, rather than focusing on what it is I`m actually seeing. “It doesn’t matter, I can check the photos online later,” becomes the modern all-encompassing excuse. But this time, I was enthralled. Honestly, the photos on the net don’t do the fabric here justice. It was soft but metallic at the same time. The shoes were wrapped around the leg so snug, it didn’t seem real. And those coats in patchwork just ooze luxury–from all 6 feet of them. The material on the mini dresses looks white in photos, but it was an ultra-glossy silver. They call this fabric “metallic-cashmere”. Ooh-la-la.
This is where the Calvin Klein DNA makes its appearance, in the way that photos cannot convey just how high-brow this low brow minimalism can be- or how fashion forward. It must be seen in person, if you ever get the chance.
オーディエンスには、日本のスーパーモデルから今や女優としても活躍しているTao Okamotoがいた。彼女は毎シーズン、カルバンクラインのショーに出席している。ショーの後彼女と少し話せたのでその時の事を少し。彼女が出演している人気テレビシリーズ”ハンニバル”について、ミーシャは出演のお祝いの言葉と、彼女の演技をいつも楽しみにしていることを告げた。すると、”もうすぐ撮影おわるの!”と衝撃発言。 “でも番組は延期されちゃうのよ”って。えー残念。すごく楽しみにしているなー。
宅配のせいでカルバンクラインの最新コレクションではなく、2014SSカルバンクラインプラチナムのアウトフィットでショーへ足を運んだミーシャ。(しかもすごい明るい配色のコーデだったから、たぶんあの場でいちばん目立ってた。笑 実はセレンディピティー?)さて、来シーズンはどんな物語を運んできてくれるんだろうか?また最新技術を見せつけてくれるか?新しい道へ飛躍し始めた新時代の幕開けか?そして確実に言えるのは、来シーズンも多くの人にツイートとインスタされるに違いないと言うこと!
In the audience, Japanese supermodel-turned-actress Tao Okamoto was there, and she attends the Calvin Klein show every season, glowing from ear to ear. I had a bit of gossip to let out when I caught her after the show, as she was cast in the excellent TV series “Hannibal” and I had to tell her my congrats and excitement to see her perform. “We’ve almost wrapped shooting!” she spilled, “Although it’s a shame broadcast has been pushed back.” Bummer.
Although I didn’t get to watch the show in brand new Calvin Klein, I was still in a SS 2014 CK Platinum outfit (And being so bright in palette, it was probably the most eye-catching outfit in the room. Divine intervention, perhaps?). So where is Costas going to take us next season? Will it be a new stripped-down technique, or along this new route with a far-flung locale or decade? You can’t stop this evolution- but rest assured it will be Tweeted and Instagram-ed.
Tao Okamoto. Photo: vogue.com
Sienna Miller at Calvin Klein 2015 AW show
Misha Janette
Natsumi Yasuoka
READ MORE 関連記事も読みましょう!
Calvin Klein 2015 Spring Summer and Reveal Release Party カルバンクライン春夏2015年、Revealの豪華パーティレポート
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