世界一ペースの速い街、NYC はミニマリズム派。The minimalist history of the world’s fastest city. Calvin Klein 2016 SS
オートク チュールとか、敷居の高いファッションはパリに任せっきりのニューヨーク。日々目まぐるしく変わる街はまるでハムスターのホイールのように忙しく、そこで 自分の居場所を探す私たち人間はハムスターみたいなものかもしれない。いろんな人がいるシティ、少しくらいハンデがあった方が燃えるよね。それでも、平等にアメリカ ンドリームの権利があるのが、そう、ニューヨーク。もちろん、常に”新しい”ものにウェルカムな街だが、パリなどと同じく、ヒストリーのあるものに誇り高き思う街でもある。
New Yorkers are not known for leading the scene of haute fashion, but their cool optimism in the face of constant, dizzying change in their city is something to give nod to. Yes, it may seem a bit like a farm of hamsters in wheels trying to keep their place, but damn if they aren’t some good-looking hamsters. There’s certainly a magnetism, and the city is something that anyone with some gall can take on and conquer. And while the “new, cool thing” is always welcomed, NYC still takes great pride in its constants.
“There’s just SO much energy in New York! It’s amazing…I feel it here more than anywhere, more than Tokyo,” Marie says with a giant smile over brunch in SOHO last week. Marie Pascale (known as just “Mari-AY” in Japan) is one of my own constants, as I have been seeing her at the New York Fashion Week Shows ever since I have seriously been attending. “I remember buying up all the magazines that had special features on the collections because it was so exciting to me.”
And the one show that we unfailingly link up at is Calvin Klein, the epitome of New York fashion, and a constant since 1995 (when NY street-haute became the biggest fashion market since, ever).
Even the Calvin Klein Collection store on Madison remains unchanged since its inauguration, which is actually very rare these days as many labels go through various re-brandings when their designers change. The store is minimalistic, vast, and unconcerned with airs. Designed by John Pawson, there are only a few particulars; there are no curves in sight, and the walls don’t touch the cement floor. As I was getting a personal tour, I tried my best to catch a shot of the front window and the bustling street it faces, but a NYPD police car was squatting out front. “It won’t move,” I sighed. “But don’t you love it? It’s SO New York!!” was my guide’s optimistic retort.
The Calvin Klein aesthetic is not unisex per se, (there is a men’s division, designed by Italo Zucchelli) but it’s not about putting T&A on propped-up display, either. It was perfect for Marie’s boyish aesthetic, I thought. “You’re kind of tomboy, aren’t you?”, I asked her. “Well, it’s because my hair’s TOO short!” she laughed.
建築家のJohn Pawsonのこのショップの特徴は、曲線は使わない。また、壁と床とすこしの間をあけて、宙に浮いているように見せている。ショップでスナップを撮りに行ったら、外観を撮ろうとしてたのにニューヨーク警察のパトカーがずっと前に止まってて動かない!ミーシャがそんなパトカーに飽きれてたら、 “ニューヨークらしくて最高じゃないの?!”だなんて、ニューヨークらしい楽観的な声がスタッフから聞こえてきた。笑
新作はアップデートされて新しさを感じた。ニューヨークファッションをリプレゼンテーションしながらもカルバンクラインのスピリッツを通わせた。90年代風スリップドレス、オーバーサイズのメンズライクなジャケット、サテンスニーカー、かわいらしさもあるグランジ風プリント(これはカルバンクラインにとって、とてもレアな要素かもしれない!) 見逃せないのは、アバンギャルドなディテールもしっかり入っているということ。退廃的なドレスやデコンストラクトなスカート。すこしHelmut Langのピーク時期のような雰囲気を感じたが、それはぜんぜん褒め言葉!
I was sure she went wide-eyed over the new Calvin Klein SS 2016 collection, then. It was without a doubt, a perfect representation of New York fashion. And while it was still the Calvin Klein aesthetic, it was still so GD cool. There were 90s slip dresses, oversized mens jackets, satin sneakers, and pretty but still grunge prints ( that last one is rare territory for the brand). There was even some TAKE-THAT! avantgarde-ism thrown in, with some heavily deconstructed dresses and skirts. I got a taste of original Helmut Lang, but that’s a full-stop compliment if I see it.
After the show Marie said, “I think this was the best collection of theirs I’ve seen! All the details were very well done and even the backside of every look was spectacular! The music is always so good, too…”. Even through minimal looks, the energy of NYC is dripping from its pores and even if the brand never ever changes, it will probably still get all the praise it deserves from it’s fast-paced fans.
Misha Janette
Natsumi Yasuoka
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