若手デザイナーの実態をチェック!文化服装学院ファッションコンテスト Best of Japan: Bunka College Fashion Contest Winners 2015
My alma mater, Bunka Fashion College, hosts several contests for aspiring designers throughout the year. Since it is nearing graduation season in Japan (February, officially) it was time for the biggest of the campus, the Bunka College Fashion Contest. This contest invites not only students from the Shinjuku main campus to compete for cash money prizes and of course fame, but also the branches and sister-schools all throughout Japan send their best and brightest ingenues’ best work.
I was invited to be a judge on the “accessories” panel, which includes bags, shoes, jewelry and textiles. And I know there are a lot of aspiring Bunka students out there…. get a look at what level your A-game will need to be at to be considered a rising star. We had some great winners! So what are the young designers of tomorrow up to these days? Check it out:
This was my first time judging this fashion contest, and although it’s practically school-wide, I wasn’t aware of it prior. I suppose that’s because when your campus is a vertical skyscraper where each course occupies it’s own floor and doesn’t stray or know what’s going on in the outside world (..or I could have been daydreaming about fashion week when the subject came up), and your course (stylist) doesn’t compete in the contests then it kind of flies over your head. So I was so pleasantly surprised to see so much good work presented by students!
Accessories and textiles Award 服飾工芸(小物、テキスタイル)部門
For the accessories portion, I was joined by Final Home inventeur Tsumura Keisuke-sensei (It’s functional pre and post apocalyptic workwear– fun stuff here! And more here!), the most famous hat brand in Japan, CA4LA, hat designer Akimoto (fun fact: CA4LA is pronounced “kashira” and it means “noggin”. It took me a really long time to stop calling it C.A.-FOR-L.A.), and Bunka Fashion College Preseident Kosugi-sensei. We trawled through hundreds of sketches before picking ones we wanted to see come to life the most. Then designers were only then tasked with actually making their product and then presenting it to us in a private show where we picked a winner and two runners-up.
The winner was this incredibly cool need-it-now, hardcore black enamel woven leather “horned” backpack by Sensen Han. She called it “witch” but we all know that wonderful woman known as Maleficent and her horns had something to do with it. The construction is gorgeous, no pieces flap around or fall off, and the inside lining is painted like the milky way in glow-in-the-dark paint. Gorgeous!
I admit I was worried about the textile designers because a piece of fabric is hard to make….well, flashy and inspiring on stage. But in the end the textiles really blew us away. Perhaps because it’s just a big rectangle, you actually end up looking at it like a painting. Runner up #1 Miro Katsuya’s interpretation of “Shinjuku” through digital photos, rainbow acid-washed ombres and random spots of machine embroidery was so fun to look at. Belongs on a museum wall. Or my living room.
Then we judges chose Kasumi Saito’s bronze face mask as a second runner up. You can see the beautiful etching work done on it, all by hand. I really wish this mask existed when I was styling the Koda Kumi music video last year… it would have come in real handy for some scenes.
ファイナルホーム(実用的で斬新なワークウェアブランド(前にピックアップしたおもろい作品の一例はこちら!、そしてこちらにも!) の創設者とファッションデザイナー、津村耕佑先生が審査にジョインしました。他にも審査員には、有名帽子ブランドCA4LAのクリエイティブディレクター秋元信宏さん、(余談:カシラの読み方が分からなくて、長い間ずっとカ・フォー・ロスアンジェレスって言ってたわたし。笑) そして文化からは校長の小杉先生がいらっしゃいました。
栄光を手にしたのはこの作品。今すぐにでも欲しいくらいかっこいい。受賞者はハン センセンさん!ハードコアなエナメルレザーの角バックパック。”ウィッチ(魔女)”というタイトルのそれを見て、角から発想したという、”マレフィセント”が浮かんだのは私だけじゃない。丁寧な、しっかりとした作り。中のライニングは暗闇に流れる天の川の蛍光絵。最高だわ。
そしてもうひとつの入賞作品はブロンズの仮面 by齋藤華純さん。すばらしい手彫りの彫刻技術が分かるでしょう。去年やった倖田來未のPVスタイリングのときにこのマスクがあったらどんなによかったか… どっかのシーンで絶対手助けになったわ!
ハン センセン
齋藤 華純
勝谷 美蕗
Fashion Design Award ファッションデザイン部門
Finally, the entree, the fashion designers. I was extremely partial to the tribal feather look by Ai Hasegawa and of course the winner, Ginno Rin. This rose-covered workhouse menswear look really stole the show, and both girls and boys all around me in the audience were audibly gasping “kawaii” at the sight of it. Now this look is an obvious shoo-in for the prize because it’s made WELL and it’s also very ON-TREND. Now this is something that has been an obvious fad these days when it comes to contests, but the ones that are designing on-trend pieces tend to get the best praise (as opposed to a “seen that before” finger wag in the past). It’s like our heads are so full of noise and nonsense we don’t want to deal with anything too outside of the box in fashion. But it’s true of the modern fashion business model; don’t reinvent the wheel, just make the wheel look *cooler* than it did last season. With that said, this winning design had me swooning too— rose-covered menswear? Sign me (my man) up!
《デザイン大賞》 林 吟濃 (アパレルデザイン科3年)
《優秀賞》 スウェンソン パブロ アンドレス (服飾専攻科 技術専攻)
《秀作賞》 横田 匠 (アパレルデザイン科2年)
《佳作》 周 郁人 (文化ファッション大学院大学2年)
《佳作》 高村 ルリ (明美文化服装専門学校)
《服飾工芸大賞》 ハン センセン(バッグデザイン科2年)
《佳作》 齋藤 華純 (帽子・ジュエリーデザイン科2年)
《佳作》 勝谷 美蕗 (ファッションテキスタイル科1年)
All of the winners did really great though, and the designers were so fun to mingle with. Here are some more standouts- looking forward to seeing some of them in the SOEN awards this year.
長谷川 愛
徐 冰玉
高村 ルリ
中野 圭史
内村 円悠
スウェンソン パブロ アンドレス
服飾専攻科 技術専攻
矢田 淑行
Misha Janette
Natsumi Yasuoka
What its really like to study at Bunka Fashion College Tokyo pt1 ◎ファッションを日本で勉強すると海外で勉強するとの違いは一体?前半
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