High-Fashion Disney Done Dark. Bobby Abley’s Incredible “Haunted Mansion” Collection. ◎ 大人になっても夢を忘れないブランド、ボビー・アブリーがとうとう日本上陸!
Is this Nightmare Before Disney? Or finally a Disney cool enough to wear?
The Disney brand has been trying to do fashion for adults for years now, spitting out labels for wedding dresses, lingerie, and “Disney Couture” accessories (which, thanks to top designers aren’t bad, but the Disney name is actually kind of a turnoff when you’re dropping $500-2K for gold and gemstones). But perhaps the best way to get people to want to wear the brand is to make it as “un-Disney” as possible. And that’s where Bobby Abley’s nightmarish collection comes in
みんなが大好きなディズニー。そんなファンタジーな世界に憧れを抱き続けるBobby ableyがロンドンメンズコレクションデビュー!ディズニーと同じようにカートゥーンのファンでもある彼のコレクションはいつもポップでキュート。でもダークな面もあったりしてぱっと目を引くブランドのひとつ。こんなBobbyは沢山のファンをもっているが、今までは日本だと手に入れることが困難。さ、日本のどこが置いてくれると?…
Bobby Abley is a London-based menswear designer, and he debuted on the calendar officially just this season. Still, thanks to his freakish cartoon aesthetic, he’s been on-watch by those in-the-know since he started. The AW 2014 collection was, not surprisingly, inspired by the “Phantom Manor” ride at Disneyland Paris, an iteration of everyone’s favorite Haunted Mansion ride but with scarier zombies and skeletons (in Tokyo, the line for this ride NEVER abates, just FYI). And more than just prints, this collection utilizes exquisite textiles like chiffon…albeit hacked up and left unfinished. As we do to chiffon.
The teddybear bags are certainly a nice touch, with a brain pattern that’s already a hit among street-style aficionados in Tokyo. Adding to the nightmare fuel are silver mouthguards, much like what Marilyn Manson would wear to dinner, and macabre messages like RIP, BRAINS and BYE in the infamous Disney font. As for the mouth gurads, you can probably get some custom-ordered by FANGOPHILIA here in Tokyo for a really good price.
ちょっと視野をひろげて全体を通して見ると…文が書かれているのに気付いた?(“abley ever after” ,”brains”, “R.I.P”, “dream on”)これ、ディズニーのフォントだよね!こんなひと工夫もあって観客を楽しませてくれる。写真を1枚ずつ見ていくと、ここにミッキー!あそこにも!って隠れミッキー探しみたい。笑
“DESIRE IN FASHION, PASSION IN DREAM, AND A HARNESS TO CONTAIN IT ALL (ファッションに欲望を、夢に情熱を、それを手放さないためにハーネスを。”と語る彼のコレクションは他とひと味ちがくて名前を見なくても”bobby ableyだ!”て分かる。それってすごいことだと思う!ロンドンでコレクションデビューを果たし、勢いのある彼から今後目が離せない!
I learned from my fashionable friend Hiroshi that a shop in Tokyo is finally getting in Bobby’s stuff, and that’s why you’re seeing this article (I honestly see no reason in wasting time writing about products you can’t. even. buy.). Visit For, a very popular mixed-brand boutique in Osaka is getting in his stuff starting in the middle of Feb. It includes leather crowns, t-shirts, sweats and shorts. Check them out here www.visit-for.com . I also just learned Tokyoites can stop by inimitable CANDY starting next month for their first ever shipment of Bobby as well!
そこで”人とちがったものを着たい”というファッショニスタたちにグッドニュース!おしゃれピープルたちから絶大な人気を誇る渋谷のCANDYで今季春夏から取り扱いはじめるそうです!また、大阪のインポートブランドコンセプトショップ”visit for”に2月中旬にbobby ableyの2014 春夏アイテムが入荷されるとのこと!Tシャツ、シースルースウェット、ショーツ、レザークラウンが入荷予定らしいので、ぜひ足を運んでみて!遠いよ〜というあなた、オンラインもあるよ!(こちらからどうぞ www.visit-for.com)
-Misha Janette
Asst. editing by Natsumi Yasuoka
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