The Shocker is Beauty is not Borderless 日本の境界線を超えられない美意識はあるの?
“美の定義”はとても面白いトピックだと思う。上記でミーシャがイメージしたのは今日本でいちばんポピュラーな女性像 (たとえば、ローラさん)。でも外国で成功しているのはこういう女性ではない。だって、外国人が思う日本人女性の美(男性にも言えることだけど)というのは、この女性像とはかけ離れているから。ファッション界ではその傾向はいっそう強まります。さて、どんな人が”ビューティフル”で、人々の注目を集めるんだろう?
Recently there is an article going viral on the net about a woman who paid photoshoppers from a handful of countries around the world to change her into their culture’s view of beauty (some horrible photoshopping aside, it was a good idea).
I was waiting for the “Japan” version and I imagined how it would look like: rounder face, filled-in cheekbones, more defined eyelids, slight duck lips, extra large irises, fake lashes, and a wavy shoulder-length hairstyle in a light brown with orange-ish tones.
The concept of beauty is interesting, especially in fashion, because who I imagined above is one of the most popular models on the planet in Japan at the moment. But when it comes to Japanese beauties trying to become successful in the west (and men, as well), what we think of as a beautiful “Japanese” woman is very different in both cultures. It becomes even MORE obvious in terms of the fashion world…who is beautiful, and gets looked over? (continued under the Japanese)
上掲載の画像はこっちよりの菊池凛子さん The photo above is of Rinko Kikuchi from here
どうして、彼女たちのような”大和撫子”がハリウッドをはじめとする諸外国を魅了して、浜崎あ○みのような国内のスーパースターは(日本の女の子たちの憧れの的にはなるのに) 海外マーケットに広く受け入れられないのでしょう? 日本だけではない。理想的な ”アジアンビューティー”をもつ、香港の”アンジェラベイビー”や韓国の”少女時代”は自国内で人気が高いのに西洋の一般マーケットにもファッション界にも進入できなかったことを見ると、ギャップは大きいと思う。
Sayoko Yamaguchi 山口小夜子 by Serge Lutens for Shiseido
外国人のなかには”ヴォーグの表紙を飾るモデルが日本人の憧れるルックスなのか?”と困惑する人も少なくない。でも実際…、ヴォーグジャパンがしているのは”海外ファッション誌がとりあげる今海外で話題のものを日本版として取り上げること。” そして人気の外人モデルももちろん当て込む。海外をメインソースにしているヴォーグ ”ジャパン” だからって、日本人モデルがダメというわけではない。他の雑誌に目を向けると、ローカルなモデルやセレブが表紙を飾る雑誌もあるので。ただ、ヴォーグは「世界の一番知られているファッション誌」ということなので、日本人が白人のルックスの方を憧れるという誤解が外国ではよく生じるのは確か。
前に、イメージコンサルタントとして日本の芸能界で目を出しそうな子の発掘をしないかという話をいただいたことがある。”外国人の立場で、将来日本の女の子にはどんなものを見せてほしいと期待しますか? 日本のセレブリティで誰が美しいとおもいますか?” 外国の文化とのギャップを感じた出来事だった。
余談: 無関心な人たちにとっては、日本人なのかか他のアジアの国の人なのか見分けがつかない。10年日本に住んだミーシャは今でこそ各アジア諸国の人たちひとりひとりにちゃんと個性があるってわかる。これは、ミーシャ自身の知覚が変化したから。だってね、アメリカに帰って中年男性を見かければみんな自分の父親みたいと感じる。その歳くらいの女性はみんな母親に似てくる。20代後半の男の人たちは弟みたい。白人てみんな似てるなーって思ったりするの。w”感じ方”って不思議だー。ショック。 笑
What’s the beauty consensus?
1. “You aren’t Asian-looking enough. Your eyes are too big.”
2. “You look too Asian for this market”
#1 was said to my close Asian-American friend in LA when trying out for modeling and movie parts that called for Asian girls. #2 was when she moved to Japan to model as an Asian. I had shown her this article before I posted it to get her opinion and she shared with me the above experience. I was floored that it was still so stereotypical.
There is no doubt about it, when the western world thinks of Japanese beauties, they think of a common look: a “Yamato-nadeshiko”-like. [Yamato-nadeshiko is the term applied to Japanese women who behave traditionally in society, and also refers to a “traditional” look.] That means shiny black hair and stereotypical “asian” facial features like almond slivers for eyes and sharp cheekbones. This is because these features are more rare in Western countries, and rareity is a virtue of beauty. It’s all too true in the fashion world too, even though it really should be a celebration of unique looks all around.
Going on terms of those who have caught the attention of western fashion media, mainly girls like models Sayoko Yamaguchi, Ai Tominaga, Tao, Rila Fukushima and actress Rinko Kikuchi come to mind. They are seriously beautiful women, but they have found far more success abroad than in Japan. That’s because the expectation of beauty is so different across the oceans. No Japanese person would deny their looks, but it’s usually only after they become popular abroad does the local media really turn their attention to them.
Why is it that these women enrapture audiences in Hollywood and beyond, but mega uber local superstars like Ayumi Hamasaki cannot break into the market, despite looking like the immaculate local ideal? The same goes for those who embody “ideal” aesthetics of other Asian countries, Angelababy from China and Girls Generation from Korea? It just hasn’t happened yet.
Ai Tominaga looking stunning どうみても最高に美しい富永愛さん
What about the VOGUE question?
Ever since VOGUE Japan launched in 1999, every single fashion magazine fan in the western world has asked the same question at least once….
“Why aren’t there Japanese models on the cover??”
Many westerners may confuse VOGUE cover models with what Japanese consider to be their own ideal in looks. In fact, this has nothing to do with it. VOGUE Japan simply is a magazine that represents what is popular in fashion in the western world, and that doesn’t preclude the biggest names in modeling there. There is no push within it’s pages that Japanese models aren’t good enough or to look more western. There are other fashion magazines here that cover the local scenes and local models/celebrities instead.
But it is interesting to note that neighboring Asian countries like Korea and China *do* prominently feature local models on the covers…
It goes both ways however, like when local magazines feature really “hot” celebrities in Hollywood that don’t really fit the beauty mold locally. An actor or actress may be all the rage abroad, but they will barely make a ripple here if they don’t sport certain features (Proof is when Japanese mags twitter gossip and certain celebs from abroad and get absolutely NO retweets/social shares vs those who fit a more local ideal of beauty/cuteness and get an avalanche of shares).
Can perceptions of beauty be globalized?
I have been asked to be an image consultant in the past for budding young entertainers in Japan, and I get asked, “What features do you expect to see in a Japanese girl from a western standpoint? Which Japanese celebrities do think are beautiful?”. That’s just how different our cultures divide.
Despite the globalization of fashion, pop culture and celebrity-dom, I think that we often forget that popularity cannot be judged on beauty when it comes to selling across cultures. And what is considered a local ideal may be very far off from how the rest of the world expects that local ideal to be. This concept is called “localization” and it’s another topic for another day.
Rila Fukushima is amazing too 福島リラも美人の美人だと思う
(Here’s a comedic look at the Asian boom in the fashion industry, a hilarious take by one of my favorite shows on V-Files. “The Asiency” これは反ふざけているけれど、アジア人モデルのブームを取り上げたコメディーショートが面白いから張っておきます。ソースはVマガジン)
LEARN MORE 関連記事も読みましょう!
The Beauty I Cannot Get Behind: “Ugly-but-cute” Busu Kawaii Trend今回は「ブスカワイイ」を評論したいと思う。
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Hi misha! What about kiko mizuhara? She doesn’t have big eyes and more like “asian”.
I thought about her! She may be able to cross over but for the sake of the article, she is not exactly Japanese (ethnicity) being half American, half Korean