【アヴァンギャルド】タトゥータイツの大ブームの超裏舞台。独占で公開しちゃいます! The making …and unraveling of AVANTGARDE: the story behind the tattoo tights
This is PART 2 of the AVANTGARDE behind-the-scenes story. Please read part 1 here.
This is the story of the legwear boom that took Japan by storm, starting with a little store in Harajuku called Avantgarde. See how the Guinness Book of World Records for tallest Mohawk-having charismatic owner Kazuhiro Watanabe got into the stockings game in the first place. Part 2 looks at how he came up with the idea of tattoo stockings and his brand’s rise to becoming the most influential in the country, and perhaps the world, in the printed stocking game…and it’s subsequent downfall.
2009年、海外からストッキングを取り寄せることに挫折し失望していた彼は良い仕事をして見返してやると決心した。それはレッグウェアカンパニー、エムエーエム アバンギャルドをはじめたころだった。
in 2009, dismayed and frustrated at importing stockings from abroad, Kazuhiro was determined he could do a better job himself. It was at this time he started his own legwear company, MAM Avantgarde. But this brought on new challenges he hadn’t encountered.
“For one printed stocking to get to the market there were so many different processes and hands it has to go through. There is the company that provides the fiber, the knitter, the dyer, the company that puts it into shape, the printer, and the packager,” explained Kazuhiro in frustration. “I was like, `Is this for real??`”
He took his ideas for tights to what seemed like 100 companies and was laughed out of their doors. He said about 3 of those 100 took his ideas to heart, showing interest. But the stockings market is an old one, only catering to the largest denominator of companies. This posed a huge challenge for Kazuhiro who wanted to make smaller lots of designer legwear.
“The legwear market was so fucking old. It was running on large companies who could order 2,000 pairs of one design at once. I had to do my research before dipping in.”
Kazuhiro spent a week standing at the busy Harajuku crosswalk, studying the legs of shoppers in Harajuku. He noticed that everyone was wearing plain stockings that only changed in their shades of beige or black.
“I am so lucky that what I thought was interesting was something that didn’t exist at the time.”
Kazuhiro glanced down at his own tattoos. He realized he could do something here with them. In Japan, tattoos are still met with condescension and many people would like to have them but cannot. He also thought of the people who had some but wanted to try new ones easily. He even knew that he bad been discriminated against because he didn’t wear suits and had his tattoos on display. He set out to design some tights featuring tattoos designs so it would look real on the legs.
“I had tattoos myself so I just knew I wanted them to look real at the time. I was inspired by real vintage tattoos and they started out simple so as to look like the leg had real ink on it.”
2011年10月にアバンギャルド原宿をオープン。(KDDIデザインスタジオの角を入ってた裏原の地下にある。) 下に降りて行く入り口にはいつもカラフルなタイツを履いたマネキンの足がディスプレイされている。クリスマスライトで飾り付けられた店内にはストッキングが並んだラックが置かれ、中央にはシロクマの剥製が。”カワイイ”ファッションのアイコンにはカラフルストッキングやタイツが欠かせなかったあの頃、はじめてミーシャはそのショップに行った。まだ建設途中みたいな店内で在庫も少なかった。でもそのときのレポートを欠いたブログ記事はミーシャのブログ史上も最も人気があった記事のひとつ。このショップオリジナルのクリエイティブなレッグウェアはまたたく間に広がった
“タトゥーストッキングにプリントするディズニーのライセンスはもってたから俺だけしかやってなかったけど… ディズニーのストッキングなんて誰も履きたくないですよと言われたことさえあったのに…。 でもそのうち日本の巨大なストッキングマーケットは、俺がディズニーで成功したのをみてコピーしたんだ。既に大手はみんなディズニーのライセンスもってるしね。”
Avantgarde Harajuku opened in October of 2011 in a nondescript basement space tucked kitty-corner to the KDDI Design Studio, in Ura Harajuku. The entrance was always marked by mannequin legs wearing colorful tights, wound up in Christmas lights. Inside was a few racks of stockings, with a centerpiece of a lifesize stuffed polar bear in roar. At the time, it was already on many people’s radars as “Kawaii” fashion was beginning to boom and along with it colorful stockings and tights were a must. My first trip into the store it seemed like it was still half under construction and stock was low. And yet, my report on the shop on my blog was one of the most popular in my blog’s history. News of the store and its original, creative tights was spreading like wildfire.
“Until I opened the shop I had only been doing wholesale. I was looking for a good spot…I was even turned down by Laforet for shop space four times (laugh). But my wholesale clients started asking for more and more, even doubling their orders. I was like, `Whoah, what’s going on here?!?`. I couldn’t even keep things in stock. When a design would come in, I’d give it to my wholesalers first, then the extra would come into the shop. I didn’t have any room for doing online sales,” said owner Kazuhiro.
As he began to grow his business, keeping quality high and working with the factories who made his company what it was becoming, he ran into something shocking; his own tights….all over Harajuku.
As long as the stockings were see-through, they were a part of the tattoo stocking boom and other brands hopped on the bandwagon like it was a rocket to riches. The colorful printed stockings from his shop were also popping up in other shops and influencing every local brand to design their own iterations.
“I had gotten the license for Disney, to make tattoo stockings of the characters. I was the only one doing that… in fact, I was told no one would want to wear Disney stockings. But then a huge stocking maker here in Japan saw the success I had with Disney and since they already had the license they did the exact same thing I did.”
It was one thing to be influential, but it started to get particularly bad.
“It got worse. It wasn’t just about making tattoo tights anymore, but the companies who were copying me had to have the *same* design, down to my *same* package. They wanted to appear to be Avantgarde tights. One of my manufacturers called me one day with an incredible dilemma, `One of your rivals called us for an order of thousands of tights. The problem is that they are your tights. Of course we will turn them down, but we just wanted to let you know.` This manufacturer was putting our relationship above making money by turning down an order that I couldn’t compete with. I was thankful, but felt guilty at the same time. Then they called me again two weeks later and said 4 more orders from large companies came in…. all for designs copying Avantgarde. I was devastated.”
Kazuhiro knew this was a numbers game. And since anyone with a transfer sheet or marker could make their own tattoo tights, Kazuhiro was in a tough place. He developed tights with jewels on them through much trial and error, but upon their release they too were copied.
“By this time, I figured that if I couldn’t beat them, I should join them. So I called up the CEO of the companies that were trying to get my own manufacturer to copy me. I offered to design some tights for them and get royalties. But you wouldn’t believe what they told me. They said `Our tights only sell because they look like Avantgarde tights. If people didn’t see them at Avantgarde first, it wouldn’t mean anything to us.` I was floored. I knew that the tights market was fucked. And I wasn’t going to be able to do it anymore.”
LEARN MORE 関連記事も読みましょう!
アヴァンギャルドができるまで。とタトゥータイツの終幕。パート1 The making …and unraveling of AVANTGARDE Tattoo tights Boom PART 1
-Misha Janette
Asst. Natsumi Yasuoka
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<3 Kazuhiroman!! <3