アヴァンギャルドができるまで。とタトゥータイツの終焉。 The making …and unraveling of AVANTGARDE
Exclusive Interview. In 2011 something occured in Tokyo that influenced fashion more than anything since the gyaru. It all started with one store in Harajuku, a basement spot that was to lead the face of how we dressed our legs everyday. This store is of course, the inimitable “Avantgarde”, a tights store that started the “tattoo” tights boom now echoed throughout the world. This interview with its founder will tell you how it started…and how it’s now calling it quits. This is the making, and unraveling of Avantgarde….
さて、なにが ”こんな男” にウィメンズのタイツブランドを始めさせたんだろう?
“俺はインディアンになりたかったんだよ”と彼は笑った。 “ニューヨークからテキサスまでを車で移動しながら同時にインディアンを探す旅をした。でも日本で芸者とか侍を見つけるのが無理なように、当然インディアンなんて見つからなかった。それにもし彼らを見つけられたとしても、俺が日本人て事実は変わらないんだって頭では分かってた。インディアンにはなれないんだよね。だから俺は俺のままで好きなものを見つけることに徹したんだ。”
Kazuhiro Watanabe is the charismatic owner of Harajuku tights and accessories shop Avantgarde. He is dressed in vintage loose baggy jeans and tshirt, has a body dotted with tattoos and his bleach-orange hair is tied up in a bun. If he pulled it out and made the hair stand on its ends, he would have the Guinness World Record for tallest Mohawk. This is true, and he’s appeared in the book since 2013. What led a man like this to start a brand of tights for women? At 25 years old, Kazuhiro was in his native town of Sapporo in northern Hokkaido working his dream job of buyer for a used clothing shop. It was successful enough to open a string of stores, and Kazuhiro found himself an expert on buying used clothes in the US. His recalls his first trip to New York, in search of….Native Americans.
“I wanted to live and work as an Indian,” laughed Kazuhiro. “I went on a road trip from NY to Texas for two weeks trying to find them. But just like you won’t find geisha and samurai if you come to Tokyo, I couldn’t find them there. I also knew that even if I found an Indian, I’d still be Japanese. I could never “become” one. So I focused on my work and who I was and found a lot of love for it.” “I loved used clothing more than anything and it was my life. Now I wear designer brands like Vivienne Westwood, but this is only something I’ve started to learn about in the past 5 years or so.”
Kazuhiro worked with one of his best friends for over 10 years in Sapporo, building up the used clothing company. When his partner decided to start selling new clothing as a select shop and even starting his own brand, Kazuhiro felt a sense of betrayal.
“Used clothing was the only thing I knew. I didn’t care about new clothing at all. I thought I had no place in a company that handled new clothing, so I quit. Now I think that my partner was actually a genius who really understood where the market was going.”
“If I opened my own used clothing shop in sapporo I would only be competing with my friend so that wasn’t a choice.”
アメリカへ定期的に買い付けに行っていたことにより、彼はカルフォルニアをベースとするブランド、”アメリカンアパレル”と仲良くなっていた。そのときのアメアパはまだ大々的に日本に上陸する前の段階。当時彼はそのアメアパと直接輸入取引をしていた。しかし渡辺氏が仲介人に直接取引の継続の話をしたところ彼は腹を立てたという。アメアパの重要な顧客だった彼は当時オーナーだったDov Charneyと新しい仲介人に会わせてくれと懇願し、対面。 Charnevyの前でその仲介人に激怒した。するとCharnevyから直々にアメリカンアパレルジャパンの代表をやらないか?というオファーが渡辺氏にきたそう。
because of his frequent trips to the US, Kazuhiro became close to a California-based brand known as American Apparel. At the time, the company had yet to officially step foot into Japan. Kazuhiro had been importing the brand directly, but when he was asked to go through a middleman distribution company in Japan, he fumed. At the time, he was considered an important wholesale customer to AA so when he requested a meeting with (recently ousted) owner Dov Charney and the new distributor, he was granted face-to-face time. His adamant attitude and subsequent blowing up of the Japanese distributor in Charney’s face, led Charney to offer the right to be CEO of American Apparel Japan to Kazuhiro himself.
“But business-wise, I couldn’t afford to risk having such a huge investment so turned it down. Instead, I turned my sights on other things that I found in the US that I wanted to import to Japan like mineral water, Starbucks and Krispy Kreme,” he said.
“だったら自分でブランドをはじめてしまおう。これがエムエーエム アバンギャルドのはじまり。”
Kazuhiro had learned of a costume tights brand in the US called Music Legs. He started importing them while in Sapporo but found they were most popular with people from Tokyo. In Tokyo, there were only a limited number of legwear shops at the time and they all carried the same brand. One of those shops was in the 109 Mall in Shibuya, and it already pretty much covered all of the most interesting designs available for import and was well-known as the best place to shop (Oh yes, I remember purchasing a large quantity of my stockings there before the legwear boom brought out more options).
“But I knew there were people who didn’t want to shop at 109, no matter what. So I thought I could be a formidable opponent in the market,” he said
Kazuhiro was making orders for 1,000 stockings from the US to distribute to shops around Japan, but it’s a troubling game when working across borders, language, and things would get murky. When Kazuhiro’s orders of 1,000 stocking turned up only say, 950, his clients turned on him for not running a proper business and cut ties.
“They said I was no good. I would negotiate with the client on both sides, but the stockings weren’t coming in a timely manner and in numbers that my clients in Japan expected. They would completely cancel the order if it wasn’t perfect. It was ruining my reputation.”
“It was then that I decided to start my stockings brand. That was the beginning of MAM Avantgarde.”
…CONTINUED IN PART 2 パート2で続いてます
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-Misha Janette
Asst. Natsumi Yasuoka
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Hi, M! Ooohh I made a cameo here in your post!!