Fashion competitions that you need to know and enter NOW ◎デザイナー目指す卵の応募すべきコンペを紹介
自分のブランドをもつこと、それはすべてのデザイナーの夢。実現にはコネクション、顧客、お金が必要不可欠だけれど、これらを手に入れるのは、口で言うほど簡単なことじゃない。とくに若いデザイナーにとって投資家を見つけることは大きな壁になる。けれど、実はそんな夢に近づく機会がある…!? お金も手に入る…!? そう、それは ”デザインコンテスト”。可能な限り多くのコンテストに出場することがとても大事。この機会にクリエイターを目指すみなさんにぜひそれを知っていただきたい!!
While it’s every designer’s dream to start their own brand, it takes connections, customers and money- easier said than done. Finding an investor is not always easy, especially if you’re young. But there is a place where opportunity and cash grow on trees..YES, really! That is at design contests. And you should be entering as many of them as you can. And I am basically using this opportunity to tell all of you aspiring creators to RUN and enter right away!!
This month tons of designs competitions are making the news and I’ve been looking hard and even judging quite a few. One thing I can confirm: Even more than having a fashion show, a design competition could be more beneficial to you as a young designer. Do you want to know how to win a design competition? I’ll tell you. But first, here is why you should enter…
1. 賞金。金額はコンテストによって大小様々だけれど、金額に関わらずお金はお金。 100,000円でも 7,000,000円でも素材を買ったり展示会を開く資金になるのだから、大きな支援となるだろう。
2. ネットワーク。あなたの作品が専門家たちに認められれば、きっとアドバイスをもらったり指導を受けたりできるだろうし、次のステップへ進める話が出るかもしれない。それはお金で買えない大きなチャンス。また、そこで知り合ったプロフェッショナルの方々からは、計り知れない知識を得ることができると誓って言える。
3. エゴ、経歴、自信、経験…。ファッション界で成功するためにはまず自分のデザインに自信を持てなければ話にならない。自分の才能を確立していくこと、加えて確かな経歴を重ねて行くこと、これは大切。
1. ほとんどのコンペはポートフォリオありきのプレゼンテーションといった流れがある。 ポートフォリオについてだけど、ストーリーブックのようにまとまりのある構成にすることをおすすめする。しっかりはじまりと終わりを設けることがポイント。最初と最後に置くイメージは、見る人を感動させられるようなインパクトのあるものを選ぶ必要があると思う。それから、人はポジティブなことと同じくらいネガティブなことが記憶に残ってしまうものだから、”微妙”なものを見せたら、他にどんなに良いものがあったとしても、あなたの評価も”微妙”に下がってしまうかも。だから、もし自信を持って出せないものがあったらそれは除外しましょう。ただポートフォリオを分厚くするだけだから、スルーした方が正解。
2. プレゼンテーション。 たぶん、多くのデザイナーの卵たちはこれに怯えて勇気が出ないのだと思う。とくに日本の学生。ミーシャが文化服装学院に通っていた頃、”人前での話し方”について初めて学んでる人がいて、衝撃を受けた記憶がある。デザインコンテストでは、プロの前で話す機会が与えられます。これは怖いことかもしれない。でもプロフェッショナルの方々はいつも新しいものに目を向け、受け入れて来たからこそ今成功している。だから勇気を持って欲しい。たくさん話す必要なんてないんだよ。
3. 3大キーワード
1. Money. It’s not always a lot, but any cash is welcome cash. Whether the winnings are 1,000$ or 70,000$ getting some capital to buy fabric or pay for exhibition space is a huge boost.
2.Networking. Having professionals say “yes” to your work, and perhaps offering advice and guidance, or even an offer to a next step is worth more than money can even buy. I promise that for every professional you come in contact to, you will gain a month of knowledge.
3.Ego. Resume. Confidence. Experience…. To succeed in fashion, you must be confident in your designs. Getting confirmation of your genius is one thing, but to be able to etch it onto your resume is another.
Ok, so how do you win?
1. Most contests comprise of a portfolio, and then a presentation. As for the portfolio, I can offer you advice to keep it cohesive, like a story book. Having a “beginning” and “end” would be key. The first and last images in a portfolio should be the strongest as they are the most impressionable. Also know that humans remember negative things as much as positive things. You are only as good as your WORST work. If there’s something you aren’t sure about, don’t include it just to make your portfolio bigger. Throw it out.
2. For the presentation, I think this scares a lot of design students off. Especially Japanese students. When I was studying at Bunka Fashion College, I was shocked to find that some students were learning how to talk in front of people for the first time. For design competitions, you will be required to speak in front of professionals, which can be scary. But professionals are successful for a reason; their minds are always open to new things. You don’t even need to talk much.
are the MOST IMPORTANT aspects of being a fashion designer. If you have those three elements then your work will speak for itself. So here are some of my current favorites.
つい先週、イタリアでITS(インターナショナルタレントサポート)が開かれた。このイベントでは数々の有名な専門家たちが審査員を務めている。 (ニコラフォルミケッティ、フランカ•ソッツァーニ、ビジネスオブファッションのイムラン•アーメドなど)
Just last week the major ITS (International Talent Support) was held in Italy. Some of the most amazing professionals judge this event, like Franca Sozzani, Imran Ahmed of Business of Fashion and Nicola Formichetti. I was honored to attend last year with Diesel, who have their own award in the competition. Winners are featured in Vogue Italia and online; and get a lifetime of after-support and even job placement along with cash prizes like 25,000euros for the Diesel award.
I was asked to attend last year to help promote the contest for a Japanese audience, and this year there were 8 finalists!! That’s incredible! Not to mention a TON of winners! Congratulations!
では、あなたが今すぐにでも挑めるコンテストはというと? 実は、7月31日の時点で30歳以下のデザイナーであればアジアアワードに応募可能。これは、10月に控える東京デザイナーズウィーク中に開かれるコンペ。デザイナーズウィークという名の通り、ファッション業界だけじゃなくて音楽、デザイン、アートなど各業界のプロフェッショナルに披露できる、またとないビッグチャンス。ジャッジも多様な角度から下される。
ミーシャはここで審査員を務めさせていただきます。とても光栄。そこでみなさんに言いたいこと、”立ち止まらずに、走り続けてください” そして、この大会に出場してください。これはアジア向けではなく、グローバルな規模のコンテスト。賞金は30万円から100万円。世界から大注目を浴び、デザイナーズウィーク中にはたくさんの人がエキシビションに訪れることは言うまでもないでしょう。
テーマは、”マイ アバンギャルド” ひとりひとりが自由に”アバンギャルド”を解釈して定義付けられる。参加費もなし!さあ、今こそ一歩踏み出そう!
So what contests can you enter RIGHT now?! Until July 31st, if you are a designer under 30 years old you can enter the ASIA AWARDS. This is an incredible competition held during Tokyo Designers Week in late October and is an incredible opportunity to not only be seen by fashion people but music, design and art professionals as well since the judges will come from every genre.
I am honored to a judge this year, and I`m telling tyou o RUN, DON’T STOP and enter this competition. It is a global one, not just for Asia, and with cash prizes of 300,000 to 1 million yen (3,000- 10,000$). Not to mention free exhibition space during Tokyo Designers Week, one of the most-visited in the world! The theme is “MY AVANT GARDE” which means “avantgarde” is open to interpretation. It’s free to enter, so do it now!
Also, if you want to participate in Tokyo Designers Week but aren’t a designer, they are looking for volunteers so you can sign up for that here.
Finally, here’s a big one.– if you’re lucky enough to attend Bunka Fashion College/Graduate School or the Vantan Design Institute. It’s the H&M design awards and it’s deadline is also July 31st. This is the first year that anyone from a Japanese school is able to enter so it would be quite a good idea to try. The grand prize is a collection that will actually be SOLD at H&M all over the world as well as an incredible 50,000euro cash prize. I own a few pieces from last year’s winner Minju Kim and I absolutely adore it so I’m excited to see the next winner since I’ll actually be able to buy the goods.
Sometimes, the winners of these contests are chosen by pure luck… whether your colors or shapes are trendy or just depending on the mood of the judges. But in that case, just like luck, the more you enter the more chances you have of winning. So don’t give up and keep on entering as many as you can.
関連記事も読みましょう! READ MORE
“ITS DESIGN AWARDS” 13 FINALISTS INCLUDE 3 JAPANESE–UP CLOSE WITH THE COLLECTIONSITSデザインアワーズの13名のファイナリストには3人が日本人、「ジャパン」をテーマにしたコレクションが多数登場。
The prestigious SOEN AWARDS JAPAN 2014 winners and full collections ◎装苑賞2014年で輝いた優秀な若手デザイナーを全公開します!
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Renzo Rosso and Artistic Dir. Nicola Formichetti Reveal DieselReboot and MORE独占インタービュー!「ディーゼル」創立者レンツォ・ロッソ、ニコラフォルミケッティがDieselReboot、それ以上に色々公開しちゃう!
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