鱗?!ヴォーグ中国版の編集長アンジェリカチャンの独特な考え:インタービューを公開 VOGUE China’s Angelica Cheung interview as Woolmark Prize judge
そして、なんと、2ブランドの東京のSise(メンズ部門) と中国のVmajor(ウィメンズ部門) のがまさに変わろうとしています!
Who knew that gold can be spun from wool?
The International Woolmark Prize is a fashion competition held globally to find the next superstar brand, and the Asia semifinals were just presented in Tokyo. Winning it means getting into the world’s best stores like Colette in Paris, 10 Corso Como in Milan, Saks in NYC, and Isetan in Tokyo. If you have ever had a brand, you’d know just how incredible of a prize that is alone. Throw on top of that a cash prize of 50K$(aus) for the semifinals and 100k$ for the top prize and WHOAH, this could change a designer’s life.
In fact, the lives WILL change for winners Sise of Tokyo (menswear) and VMajor of China (womenswear)
12 designers from Asia made it to these finals. I was very curious to see not which country would be picked, but what designs would be picked. That’s because they were judged by some incredibly talented fashion pros and their choice would show me what is going on in fashion business these days.
I spoke to Angelica Cheung, editor in chief of VOGUE China. Whether you are a designer or someone with an interest in the business of fashion, you will find what she had to say VERY interesting….
The winning looks: Vmajor, Sise
Misha: 東京へようこそ。よくいらっしゃるのですか?
Angelica: そんなに頻繁には来ません。いちばん最後に来たのは桜の季節で、夫と娘と一緒でした。東京はクールな街だから来るのが好きです。日本人は着こなしがうまい。特に特定のエリアの若い女の子たちはいろいろな着こなし方をするのね。それからみんなすごく礼儀正しい。みなさん赤信号で止まるし、快く道を教えてくれます。私のSNSで、日本の素晴らしさについてかくこともよくあるんですよ。
Misha: いいですね!東京の宣伝になります (笑 。では、どのようにウールマークプライズの審査をしますか?創造的なデザイナーとコマーシャルなデザイナーどちらを評価しますか?
Angelica: 両方に目を向けます。ただし、ファッション業界は生き残りをかけた、いわば ”サバイバル” 業界だと思います。決して”アート” だけではやっていけません。だから、着やすい服というのはポイントになります。それと同時に、すでに数多くのブランドが存在しているなかで、なにか秀でるもの、他と違うものがなければいけないと思います。もちろん、高いクオリティは大前提ですが、このコンペティションの場合は、どのデザイナーもばっちりカバーできていると思います。
(メモ:この時のアンジェリカはとても情熱的に、このアワードの審査員を3年間務められたことや、中国人デザイナーのメンタリングや、彼らの成功、ウールマークプライズを超える経験について語ってくれました。そのときミーシャは、ヴォーグの編集長と話している感じがしなかった。だって、モエ・ヘネシー・ルイ・ヴィトングループとのパイプがある彼女が、どうしてローカルブランドに手をかけるのだろう? おそらくそれは、日本ではあまり考えられないこと…驚かされた。)(下記続く)
Misha: Welcome to Tokyo, do you come very often?
Angelica: Not so often, but I was here at the end of the cherry blossom season with my husband and daughter. I like to come to Tokyo because it’s very cool. You guys dress so cool, you know. Especially in certain parts of the city the young girls dress in so many different ways. And it’s so polite here…people stop at the red light and happily help with directions. Sometimes I’ll even talk about it on my SNS about how nice it is.
Misha: Great PR for the city! (laugh) So how are you judging the Woolmark Prize? Are you picking innovative designs or commercial designs?
Angelica: I look at both. I believe the fashion industry is a *service* industry, not an *art* industry. So you have to serve the people with wearable clothes. At the same time there are so many brands already in the world, so to stand out you need to come up with something different as well. Of course, the quality must be high too, but I don’t think the designers in this competition have to worry about that.
Compared to some other competitions, the Woolmark Prize really stresses growth and getting the designs out to the people. It’s not designing for a museum but for a department store. It also should be reasonably priced (not too expensive to manufacture) or people won’t be able to shop for it.
It was really hard to get designers in China to participate though… because we only have really long-standing veteran brands and then really new brands who don’t meet the Woolmark Prize criteria. Our veteran brands don’t want to be embarrassed if they lose. So then it becomes my job to stress the importance of gaining experience through the process. I’ve been getting to work on mentoring them.
(at this point Angelica goes on to passionately talk about being a judge at this award for 3 years and mentoring her Chinese designers and being concerned about their success and experience even beyond the Woolmark Prize and I`m thinking, “whoah, I don’t feel like I am talking to an editor of VOGUE. I mean, when you’ve got LVMH on speed dial, why would she really care about her local brands?” Perhaps because that doesn’t happen much in Japan, I was, well, taken aback..)
Misha: アンジェリカさんは若手ローカルブランドを成長させることに特に力を入れていることは分かりました。”世界のヴォーグ”の編集長でありながら、どうしてそれをしているのですか?
Angelica: たくさんのプロジェクトに取り組んでいますが、なかには先ほど話したように、公になっていないものも多々あります。ファッションの仕事は華やかなものばかりではありませんよね。製造、運用、経営戦略。今、ヴォーグが中国に進出してから10年が経ちましたが、10年前からすでに私はチャイニーズデザイナーに注目してヴォーグチャイナをつくってきました。当時はそんなことなどのマガジンでもしてなかったけれど、今の中国では中国人デザイナーにフォーカスすることはファッショナブルであると認識されています。だから私は今、ただ誌面でそのデザイナーたちを取り上げるだけではなく、彼らに利益がでるような賢いビジネスプロジェクトを立ち上げようとしています。彼らをニューヨークに送り、デパートのバイヤーやダナキャランなどの話を聞く機会を与えて、学ぶ場をつくるのです。これはチャリティーですが、やりがいを感じています。また、現在メディアや世論を気にしない芯の強いエディターを育成中です。そういう編集者が私の理想です。誰しもみんな、ばかじゃない。みんな自分の立場を分かっている。でもそのなかで現実をみつめられなければいけません。
Misha: では、ファッションのグローバル化についてお話いただけますか?ヴォーグは国際的な雑誌ですが、多くの国々、特にアジア諸国は自国のトレンドや着こなし方を持っていると思います。中国のそれをどのようにマネジメントしていますか?
Angelica; そうですね。実はこれこそ私が日本人に感心したことです!自国の文化や伝統を大切にしていて、代表的な着物には現代でも変わらぬ美しさがあります。それだけじゃなく、ストリートを見てみると洋服の着こなしにも特徴があることがわかります。私には7歳の娘がいるのですが、まだ東京に2度しか来たことがないのに、すでにジャパニーズファッションの特徴を捉えたようです。娘を連れてパリに行った時、ある女性とすれ違いました。すると娘は”あの人、日本人だと思う”と言ったのです。これってすごいことです!世界のトレンドが広がる一方で、日本の女性の様にアイデンティティを時代にあったスタイルに落とし込み服を着るという側面もまた、あるのです。
Misha: Angelica, I can’t help but notice your enthusiasm for supporting local brands, especially young ones. You’ve got one of the most powerful magazines on the planet… why would you care?
Angelica: Well, a lot of the projects I’m involved in do not involve the public. There’s a lot going on in fashion that is not glamorous, you know. Manufacturing, operations, business plans. VOGUE has been in China for 10 years now and even 10 years ago my magazine was featuring Chinese designers. No other magazines would do that at the time but now it’s become fashionable to feature Chinese designers in our country. And now instead of just featuring the designers in the magazine, I try and create projects to actually benefit them business-wise, and then get them to go to NYC to learn from dept store buyers or talk to Donna Karan or something. Yes, it’s charity but I do it because I love it. I’m now educating the editors at my magazine to not care what the media or other people say because this is what I want to do. But people aren’t stupid, you’ve got to be real because everyone knows where everyone sits in the industry.
Misha: Can you tell me about the globalization of fashion? VOGUE is a very global magazine but I think that many countries, especially in Asia, still have their own trends and way of dressing. How do you manage that in China?
Angelica: See, this is what I admire about Japanese people! They respect their culture and traditions and the Kimono is still seen as something beautiful even in the modern day. Even in modern dressing, you can recognize a Japanese woman on the streets. My daughter is only 7 years old and only been to Tokyo twice but she knows Japanese fashion. We were in Paris and a woman was crossing in front of us and my daughter said “I think she is from Japan”. It’s really something! On one side there are all these global trends, but on the other is the way that some girls here have an identity and style that they mix in a contemporary way. It shows sophistication and education and confidence.
Going back to China, we aren’t there yet. There are some women and men who are kind of able to have their own style, but it’s not widespread. I think a lot of young people are influenced by Japanese and Korean fashion and pop culture for sure. I’ve been trying to find our roots now too. When a country was poor like we were and then for the past 10 years or so suddenly we can afford fashion, we want to grab at all of the luxury European flashy items because we are somewhat embarrassed of our poor past. But things are changing now, and even Chinese people who have closets full of fancy things are now comfortable with their own culture and respecting it more. I mentioned the Kimono before, and I am trying to even encourage Chinese woman to wear the Cheongsam and be proud of it and be able to style it in a contemporary way.
(side note: When it comes to traditional clothes, the Cheongsam is SO beautiful and sexy non?!)
Angelica: …中国にはもっとパーソナリティが必要です。ミーシャ、まさにあなたのような(笑 あなたのスタイルにインスパイアされるような、そういうことが私が目指す教育です。私自身、チャイニーズブランドも着ます。今日も着ていますよ!
Misha: アジアのファッションが注目を浴びているのはとても嬉しいことですよね。その成長が楽しみです。
Angelica: そうですね。でも、アジアのデザイナーたちは、ファッション界に向けてのプレゼンテーションが得意じゃないと思います。業界では、自信に満ちたプロフェッショナルが自ら道を切り開きます。そしてはっきりと発言し、みんなを納得させることができます。時にそれは、中国人デザイナーの為に代弁者として、私がやるべきことなのかもしれない、と感じるのです。アジアの若手デザイナーたちには本当に感心しています。パワーを感じています。世界のグローバル化が進むと共に、いずれ彼らの時代がくるでしょう。
今回私にこのインタビューをさせていただき、ウールマークプライズのみなさまにはとても感謝しています。洞察力のあるお話を聞けてとても嬉しいです。さらに、ミーシャが知らなかったGreedilous(韓国)やNisha(香港)など、アジアの新しいデザイナーを知ることが出来ました。受賞はならなかったけれど、日本から出場したAmbellやMotonari Onoの作品もとても素敵でした。Motonari Onoのグラデーションウールレースは素晴らしかった!
Angelica: China needs more personalities, people like you. To be inspired by your look. This is the sort of education I am striving for. And I even wear Chinese brands myself now… like the dress I’m in today!
Misha: It’s exciting to see Asia in the spotlight for fashion, and I can’t wait to see it grow.
Angelica: Yes, it is. But I find the Asian designers aren’t very good at presenting themselves to the fashion community. You know, where they can be comfortable and confident around professionals abroad and articulate themselves in a language everyone understands. Sometimes I feel like I have to do that for the Chinese designers myself, like I’m a spokesperson. But I feel really encouraged by the young generation of designers in Asia and as the world gets more globalized I`m confident they will get their moment.
I want to say thank you to the Woolmark Prize for allowing me to conduct this insightful interview and also for introducing me to new designers in Asia I did not know, like Greedilous (Korea) and Nishe (Hong Kong). Even though they were not selected, Ambell and Motonari Ono, both from Japan, had really strong pieces. Motonari Ono’s gradation wool and lace was beautiful!
As for Sise, I don’t mean to brag, but imma brag because I knew he would win. Sise’s menswear is amazing, no contest.
The Woolmark Prize finalist for women will be announced next Jan in London for menswear and and in March in Beijing for womenswear. For more information on the Woolmark Prize, see here.
All photos from the fianlist show (c)Wool Mark
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Misha Janette
Asst edits: Natsumi Yasuoka
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This is a really great competition, and VMajor’s work is beautiful.