13 yr old Tokyo fashion blogger Mappy is not the Japanese Tavi… ◎「私はTaviじゃない!」13歳にしてファッション上級者の東京ブロガー「マッピー」を紹介
No, Mappy is not the “Japanese Tavi”. But considering the similarities between the two, it is understandable that many would want to draw to that conclusion. “We have *totally* different style. I’m not really into what she wears now.” Asserted Mappy, now in 7th grade in a Tokyo-area school, while we talked over cafe hors
kolor 2015ss. Sportswear never meant for Sports, so what? ◎キーワード:「スポーツができないスポーツゥエアだが何か?」カラー2015春夏
The sporty trend has taken high-fashion by storm, and it’s designer Junichi Abe of Kolor’s turn to show his take on it. Ever since the oversized silhouettes of the 80s, has there been a trend to promulgate the collections for men and women such as this? Surely high fashion sportswear will top lists defining
The Shocker is Beauty is not Borderless 日本の境界線を超えられない美意識はあるの?
最近ネットで出回った”世界各国の美の定義”をPhotoshopで検証した記事がありました。ちょっとおかしいのもあるけど、インテンションに興味深くて取り上げます。 日本バージョンはまだ出てこないかなーと思いながら画面を下にスクロールしながら想像してみた。ラウンド型のフェイスラインに派手目のチーク、アイラインで目を強調、ちょっとだけアヒル口、つけまつげ、カラコン、髪はオレンジぽい茶色で少しウェーブの効いた肩くらいの長さかな。 “美の定義”はとても面白いトピックだと思う。上記でミーシャがイメージしたのは今日本でいちばんポピュラーな女性像 (たとえば、ローラさん)。でも外国で成功しているのはこういう女性ではない。だって、外国人が思う日本人女性の美(男性にも言えることだけど)というのは、この女性像とはかけ離れているから。ファッション界ではその傾向はいっそう強まります。さて、どんな人が”ビューティフル”で、人々の注目を集めるんだろう? Recently there is an article going viral on the net about a woman who paid photoshoppers from a handful of countries around the world to change her into their culture’s view of beauty (some horrible photoshopping aside, it was a good idea). I was waiting for the “Japan” version and I imagined
Tsumori Chisato Czech-ing in minimalist. Pre-fall 2014 ◎ キーワード:「チェコ絵本の旅」ツモリチサトのプレフォール2014
Tsumori Chisato’s world is one of endless travel, as seen through eyes of wonderment and adventure, like a child leafing through a picture book. Each page brings with it new characters (designs) and onto new territories drawn by her imagination. Where are we going to for pre-fall 2014? That would be the charming town of
Neb Aaran Do ‘s grown-up school uniforms AW2014◎大人になってもOKなセーラー服。ネバアランド2014一学期新入生
Never grow up! If there were a “Neverland” on Earth it would certainly be Japan. Here, you can be an adult, but that doesn’t mean you have to dress like one. Lolita was an answer to that, but another genre has taken off and it’s far less Marie Antoinette and more Popeye and Olive Oyl. This
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