The secret history of Serge Lutens ◎史上最高のクリエイター、セルジュ ルタンスの秘密背景
So I want to share a story, one that has been inspiring me since it was privately told to me a few years back. It involves one of the most celebrated visionaries in history, Serge Lutens, and how he got started. The story is sprinkled with a message about believing in yourself, and also holding
The next Jil Sander? The severe minimalism of HYKE 2014 AW ◎キーワード : 「ハイパーミニマリズム」が受ける理由はこれ。ハイク2014秋冬
If your idea of militaristic fashion is one of loops, epaulets, brass and camouflage, then think again. Sent through a regiment of Hyke’s strict minimalism, it has been stripped of adornment and left with the cleanest cuts since Jil Sander. Could this be a true-blue contender for the new ruler of hyper-minimalism? 以前「GREEN」というブランドのデザイナー二人ですが、Hykeを立ち上げて間もなく大ヒットしているよう(取り扱い店舗がずら〜り)。スーパーミニマリズムは装飾で仕上げのクォリティーをごまかせることができないので、ラインとカッティングで勝負しているHyke。次世代のジルサンダーといえるほど、注目すべき。
Keita Maruyama 2014-15 aw. I am Boy and Girl. ◎キーワード:「ボーイとガールの私」ケイタマルヤマ 2014-15秋冬
Keita Maruyama is getting a dose of the inbetween-sies. Is it gonna be cute or cool? Modern or antiquish? Boyish or girlie? How about a bit of both. With this “Boy meets Girl” collection, the designer drew out “both the girl and boy within myself”. Look closely at the lace and you’ll see sakura blossoms and
アヴリルラヴィーンの「ハローキティ」の本当のダメなとこ What Japanese girls REALLY think about Avril Lavigne’s Hello Kitty
Avril Lavigne released the song and music video for Hello Kitty and immediately drew the wrath of the Western internet for the supposedly “racist” music video, shot in Tokyo. What’s so wrong about it, and more importantly, what do actual Japanese think about it? I asked, and now we shall know… アブリル・ラヴィーンがハローキティのMVを東京で撮影したけど、欧米のネットでは”人種差別”っぽいと批判の声も…??そういうことじゃないんだよ!大事なのは日本人自身がこれをどう思って観てるのか…そこを知ろうじゃないの。
Tim Walker best work for 2014 so far ◎ティム・ウォーカーの2014最新作品でクリエイタースランプを倒す!
Just like writers get writer’s block, readers can suffer from apathy and lack of inspiration. You can pick up your favorite magazine, but sometimes the fashion pages just don’t speak to you. The weekend is upon us and perhaps it’s time to refresh and get inspired. If there’s anyone in our industry who can do
よくもわるくも日本独特の “こだわり”について外国人はどう思う Kodawari should be the next word to enter English
Expectations can make or break success. Tokyo relies on some of the most amazing stereotyped PR of high expectations called “Kodawari” to stay as one of the most beloved cities to visit, and one of the most amazing places to find fashion in the world. But what happens when the bar is set so high
Meg Miura’s spine-tingling 3D embossed collection is world first ◎ Meg Miuraによる世界初3Dウールエンボス加工でゾクゾく!
It’s not so often that we come across a designer that makes us go “woah”. And I mean that in the politest way possible, because Meg’s collection is so stunning I want to go crazy couch-jumping monkey Tom Cruise on her and cause a lot of embarrassed bows. Meg is a mad scientist, who not
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