Are you Stan enough? Adidas Stan Smith re-launch party, Tokyo.◎オリジナルのオリジナル、スタンスミスの復刻ローンチパーティ
There is absolutely no doubt about it, the world is a sneakerhead. From the streets, to couture, and back to the streets, I think the fashion pack is going to be split into two gangs this year: are you stan or not? Perhaps that’s why the re-release of the Adidas original signature tennis shoe, the

This Marc Jacobs store doesn’t accept cash, only hashtags ◎お金の代わり、ハッシュタグで買うマークジェイコブスの限定ストアが登場
Well, all that SNS-ing may *actually* pay! Marc Jacobs is opening a pop-up shop during NY fashion week called the “Daisy Marc Jacobs Tweet Shop” . But there are NO cash registers here… the only currency good here are Twiter “retweets” and Instagram “likes”. SNSに没頭するやりがいが出たかも!Marc JacobsがNYファッションウィーク中に”Daisy Marc Jacobs Tweet Shop”というポップアップショップを期間限定でオープンすることになった。しかし、現金は一切受け付けない・・・受け入れてもらえる通貨は、なんと、現金ではなくツイッターでのリツイートとインスタグラムでのライクのみだ!…

Are we still in a mood for couture? SS 2014 ◎オートクチュール2014 SSの魔法にかけられて
Couture week 2014 spring/summer finished late last week, and the fashion pack has already totally moved on. Now the focus is on more pre-fall shows, preparations for the next fashion season, and in America, there are tons of award shows and red carpets to watch. But I was looking at the closeup shots of the

Setsubun Ehomaki sushi rolls: the stylish and the strange.◎ 一風変わった恵方巻き、おしゃれな恵方巻きをランキング!
February 3rd is a Japanese holiday called “Setsubun” which is a spiritual spring-cleaning of sorts. You clean up your house, then promptly make it dirty again by throwing beans around, chanting “good spirits in, bad spirits out!”. When that’s done, you sit down for a meal of the “ehomaki” sushi roll. The traditional ingredients call

These neat “fake” paper WASHI bags are totally real: Matohu meets Coshell ◎驚きのフェイクに見えるリアルな和紙張りバッグ。まとふ x コシェル作
When it comes to the “that’s cool” scale, I thought this rated extremely high. These “Bag-on-bags” are made out of Japanese washi paper, molded to resemble protruding 3D outlines of retro designs like doctor bags, weave baskets and more.. とってもハイレベルなクール作品に出逢った。それは、和紙で形作られた”バッグオンバッグ”。レトロなお医者さんバックとか、かごバスケットの型を取って、様々な”フェイク”型でリアルに作られてた。

Mona, not the painting, is Japan’s Next Big (Super)Model. Meet her now…◎人気はモナ・リザ級? 9人の松岡モナに会える写真展で日本発の次のスーパーモデルを知る
Mona Matsuoka might not ring a bell for you even if you’re the most hardened otaku of model industry fans, but she’s soon becoming the Biggest Thing Since Samurai on this side of the pond. The 15 year old was recently given a special “model of the week” feature on models.com, THE barometer of model

The world’s most expensive Kit Kat is in Tokyo. Of course.◎ 世界もっともグルメなキットカットが東京に登場
A high-end, fancy gourmet super rare chocolate Kit Kat? Priced at ¥315 ($3.00) per single one little BAR? And sold at a Kit Kat specialty shop? Only in Tokyo. キットカットから一本 315円のハイエンドで風変わりな、スーパーレアチョコレートが!東京でだけお目にかかれます! なぜそんなに高い訳?!

The Best of Japanese Fashion Magazines, Feb 2014. ◎ 日本ファッション誌 2月号のベスト・オブ・ファッションストーリー表彰!
What is the top fashion editorial, in terms of quality, photography, uniqueness, impact, and style for February? And which magazine is it from? 日本のベストを探る!質、写真、ユニークさ、インパクト、そしてスタイルの全てにおいて一位を飾る最高のファッションストーリーって何?そして、どの雑誌のもの?がーん!ときた作品を勝手ながらも決めさせてもらいます。
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