You Can’t Eat This: The Amazing World of Japanese Wearable Desserts
食べちゃダメ!日本の身につけられるスイーツの世界一パティシエ、氣仙えりかをご紹介 Heads up: Kawaii International is on this weekend and it’s all about the amazing world of Japanese desserts– both edible and wearable. If those necklaces of the bleeding cakes I posted before didn’t totally turn you off to fake dessert, then tune in because these are far easier on the heart. During the show
Diane Pernet’s A Shaded View of Fashion Film Festival (ASVOFF) is Coming From Paris to Tokyo! Preview
プレビュー:ASVOFF=ファッション、アート、ビューティをフィーチャーするショートフィルムフェスティバルが東京で開催されることに! ASVOFF. Is. Coming. …to Tokyo! The only film festival that wholly celebrates short films in fashion, beauty and art is held in Paris in October but given a second life in Tokyo Nov 29,30, and Dec 1.–check out the very cool trailer above. The mistress of ceremonies is Diane Pernet, designer-turned-fashion blogger (arguably the
理解も支持もできないトレンドがたまにある。今回は「ブスカワイイ」 The Beauty I Cannot Get Behind: “Ugly-but-cute” Busu Kawaii Trend
I don’t have to be a cheerleader for Japan and “like” EVERYTHING that comes out of it. Without constructive criticism we wouldn’t have evolution and nothing would change (and without evolution we wouldn’t have cronuts, iPad DJs and all-in-one dryer/washing machines. Who wants to live in a world without those?!) . So I watch the
Registration Deadline For Tokyo Fashion Week SS 2014 Coming up Sooner Than You Think
東京ファッションウィークの登録締切が迫ってきてる!とみんなに声をかけると同時に今回のブランドラインアップをチェック! The email from Mercedes Benz Tokyo Fashion Week official account has been starred in my inbox for about a month, kinda staring me in the face. Deadline: September 13th… seriously. For the week of the 13th-19th October. New York Fashion Week hasn’t even kicked off and I gotta wrap my brain around this too.
Proef Tights Are the Perfect Intersection of Street and Chic With Graphical Tattoo Tights
Proef のストリートとモードの交差する位置にぴったり合うグラフィカルにミニマルなタトゥータイツ Being in the Tokyo heat meant being in a perpetual state of sauna, whether indoors or outdoors. Everything stuck to my body like wet toilet paper. Even just the *thought* of wearing tights or stockings made me want to break out in sweat…on top of the already sweaty mess. Welcome to hell,
Bjork Is Full of Air in Balloon Dress at Fujirock
Bjorkがフジロックで登場した衣装は日本のバルーンアーティストDaisy Balloon作! Bjork appeared on stage at Fujirock this year full of air— a dress full of it, that is. Dubbed the “DNA dress” on her Facebook, it is a full outfit made of balloons weaved and tied together, a technique that designer Rie Hosokai, one-half of Daisy Balloon has perfected. It’s colorful, just
Origami Paper Gets Super Stylish With Japanese Fashion Brand RBTXCO. Plus Some Wild Creations…
大阪発 RBTXCO による、見たことのない”おしゃれ”な折紙!そしてワイルドな遊び心の入った作品も紹介… It’s so much fun to see something old get a makeover and a chance at a fresh life. This time its origami paper by RBTXCO celebrating their 7th anniversary. It’s not impossible to find some quirky origami paper, but unless you’re making your own squares, you’re usually stuck with single pantone colors,
Like Basketball in Hell, A Futuristic Extreme Sport by Yuima Nakazato. Tokyo Menswear 2014
ユイマナカザト2014年メンズ。近未来バスケの試合で地獄の外から火を付けて飛ばして、こんな感じで着てみて。 A fashion designer needs to provide one thing to be a success on paper: clothes that some people will buy. But to be a true fashion designer in the eyes of the world, it takes a world view different from any other, and a REASON to design what they do. Some provide explanation through
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